OK so there are 7 menu options.
The top two are mission select and join a mission (join a mission is just for hooking up with other people playing the game).
The middle one is the shop (more below)
The bottom four are: Save, Equip, Ability, and Other
The shop menu has 3 options:
Combine (manufacture equipment)
Lottery (pay for some random loot)
Hopefully the ability screen should be self explanatory, so I'll just go right to 'others'...
There are 5 options:
Inventory (see what items you have on hand)/ Titles (sort of like achievements)
Character Select
Seal Stones (touch the places on the stone in the correct order)/ Tips and battle info
Just some notes about this list:
These aren't all direct translations, some of the skill descriptions aren't very good. Characters with a * means I haven't really used them, so more help describing the moves is needed. 'Special' damage just refers to the effect of the elemental damage (high special damage is more useful against enemies weak to that particular element). When you use a counterattack, an aura will surround your character for a moment, enemies within that aura will be counterattacked. Many skills are expensive because the game is assuming you're playing multiplayer, so HP recovery skills aren't all that great if you're going solo.
Ibuki: main sword guy
-Slash all enemies in a circle around you
-One giant slice- hold to store energy for a stronger attack
-Draw attention towards you (can't use in single play?)
-Counter enemy attacks within range of the aura
-Ally's darkness defense up, recover some of your HP
-Dashing slice through a crowd of enemies
-Fire a ball of energy, hold to store energy
-All allies attack increase
-Unleash the dragon!? (attack that hits tons of enemies, but you do have to set a
target for it)
-Slash that absorbs HP
Ren- katana guy
-Dashing slice through a crowd of enemies
-Three slices with darkness affinity
-Attack with an energy wave from your sword
-Allies max HP up, recover some of your own HP.
-Move to an ally's location (multiplay only)
-Darkness attack, high damage
-Counter enemy attacks within your aura
-Allies' movement speed up
-Darkness attack in an area around you, high special damage
-Set a timebomb at your feet (I'm thinking you plant it on one of the beasts when you climb onto it)
Yui*- the girl who uses magic (how original)
-Restore Allies' HP
-Attack enemy with fire
-Attack enemies in an area with ice
-Pierce enemies with a series of lightning
-Allies' 'special' damage up
-attack with fire in an area, special damage high
-Attack target with 5 ice daggers
-Attack an area with a thunder ball
-Attack with an explosion of energy
-All allies' elemental defense up, restore some of your HP
Kamo*- big ifreet guy with the hammer
-Attack with fire, special damage high
-Attack an area with fire
-Defense up and reflects a giant beast's attacks?! (someone has to try this and tell me how effective it is)
-Counter enemies within your fire aura
-Allies' fire defense up, recover some of your HP
-Full power strike
-3 consecutive fire attacks with the hammer
-Allies' max HP up
-Attack with a fire bomb, damages you as well
-Large explosion of fire, high 'special' damage
Ryuma- guy with the cannon and purple hair
-Attack enemies with ice explosion in an area
-Fire a spread of shots at one area
-Fire a shot that follows the target
-Create a decoy of yourself to draw the enemy's attention
-Allies' ice defense up, restore some of your HP
-more powerful gun shot, hold to charge energy
-freezing shot, 'special' damage high
-Allies' defense up (very good although expensive when solo)
-Attack with a sniper scope, similar to the gun turrets
-counter enemies within your ice aura
Santiago*- Fenrir-clan old guy with the spear
-attack with electricity
-double slash
-three bolts of lightning that trail the enemy
-counter enemy attacks within your electric aura
-Allies' electricity defense up, restore some of your HP
-pearcing spear attack
-attack enemy with lightning, high 'special' damage
-allies' movement speed up
-fire lightning 5 times, high special damage
-intense lightning (for use on the beast, similar to time bomb)
1-1: Destroy the hand's core
1-2: Make your way to the portal
1-3: Destroy the face's core (same as the mouth core, I believe)
1-4: Fire at the kneecaps (ends when Gigant comes up close to you)
1-5: Defeat Gigant (sorry if Gigant isn't the proper spelling)
2-1: Survive for 5 minutes
2-2: Make your way to the portal
2-3: Destroy the armor of the hind legs
2-3: Destroy a hind leg armor
2-4: Destroy a hind leg core (the part that was exposed when you destroyed the armor)
2-5: Defeat Fenrir
3-1: Make it to the portal
3-2: Survive for 5 minutes
3-3: Destroy Ifreet's chest armor
3-4: Break the clasp on Ifreet's back (there are points between the giant bottle thing and his armpit, destroy one to finish this mission)
3-5: Defeat Ifreet
4-1: Destroy Gilgamesh's chest core
4-2: Survive for 5 minutes
4-3: Get on Gilgamesh's float (sometimes he rams the platform with his boat thing, get on that and walk up to the center area to finish)
4-4: Destroy Gilgamesh's float core (destroy the thing that you walked up to to finish the previous mission) Do NOT defeat Aslan.
4-5: Destroy Gilgamesh
5-1: Break all Shiva's stomach armor
5-2: Break Shiva's fan
5-3: Break the side of Shiva's skirt (exposing the core)
5-4: Defeat Shiva (it's OK to beat Aslan here)
5-5: Defeat the dragon
6-1: Destroy Giganto
6-2: Destroy Ifreet
6-3: Destroy Shiva
6-4: Destroy Gilgamesh
7-1: Destroy Bahamut's Horn (the thing it shoots lasers out of)
7-2: Reveal Bahamut's core (in its chest)
7-3: Defeat Bahamut
7-4: Defeat Shin Bahamut
Free Missions: Gigant (you unlock more as you complete them, but these are what I have)
Destroy the hand's core
Destroy both knee cores
Destroy the mouth core
Destroy both eye cores
Destroy the back core (not sure where this is)
Destroy the chest cores
Chop off the right arm
Free missions: Fenrir
Destroy both hind leg cores (similar to the story mission, but you have to destroy both)
Destroy the forehead core (between the eyes)
Destroy both eyes (annoying)
Destroy both FRONT leg cores
Destroy the tongue core
Defeat Fenrir
Cut off the tail
Cut off Fenrir's horns (one time he layed down so I could run down the horn and attack its weak spot, but I haven't had it happen since...)
Ifrit free missions:
-Destroy both eyes
-Destroy both kneecap cores
-Destroy the core at the back of the head (bust up one of the knees to make him fall head first towards you)
-Drop the volcano (the thing on his back) and destroy the core behind it
-Destroy the neck core (beneath his chin)
-Destroy the stomach core (NOT the chest)
-Cut off the horns
-Destroy Ifrit's bomb (this thing on his back beneath the volcano/cannon, technically it's the belt that holds his grenades)
-Defeat Ifrit
-Chop off both his arms (darkness is the key element, you have to physically walk past the barrier to activate the cutscene as usual)
Shiva free missions:
-Destroy the stomach core
-Destroy her shin core (twice, there is a smaller core underneath the first one)
-Destroy her side skirt core
-Destroy her forehead core (behind the tiara)
-Destroy the armlet core (it's underneath the armlet on her left arm, the one NOT holding the fan)
-Destroy the throne core (underneath her ice-throne is yet another core)
-Destroy the back core (you need to use a lightning ability for this, not just a lightning weapon, so use Santiago)
-Destroy her chest core (break off her top by using dark element on the clasp behind her neck... really Square?)
-Defeat Shiva (remembering the past 8 missions is helpful!)
Cut off the horns (climb up his arms to get a good angle)
Destroy the chest core
Destroy the float core (same as the story mission)
Destroy all 4 eyes
Destroy Gilgamesh's back core
Destroy the left and right hand cores (the back of the hands of the uppermost arms have armor and cores underneath)
Defeat Gilgamesh
Chop off all of Gilgamesh's arms (need water element for the uppermost arms). Don't worry if any of his arms regenerates, you just need to remember to cut off each one at least once.
Vanalgand free missions:
Destroy both back leg cores
Destroy the head core (break the horn first)
Destroy both eyes
Destroy both front leg cores
Destroy the tongue core
Defeat Vanalgand
Cut off the tail (strong fire weapon is fine)
Cut off both horns
Anyway I feel bad so here is a list of the first couple spears in order, costs and the materials needed:
200 Myuska's spear (default)- giant beast's kintama
350 Trident- Myuska's spear (first spear), Gigant's mouth
800 Ice Lance- Ice Essence (from little ice enemies), Gigant's back
1400 Thunder Lance- Trident, Fenrir's back leg, Fenrir's right front leg
1400 Harpoon- Gigant's right hand, Fenrir's forehead, Fenrir's tongue
1400 Fire Lance- Trident, Ifrit's volcano, Gigant's right LUNG (from the chest core)
2400 Tepes* Lance- Trident, Ifrit's Neck, Fenrir's Eye, Gigant's armor
2400 Shadow Lance- Gilgamesh's outer skin, Ifrit's Stomach, Fenrir's left front leg
2400 Framea- Harpoon, Ifrit's neck, Ifrit's outer skin, Ifrit's shell
2400 Ahlspiess- Harpoon, Gilgamesh's chest, Gigant's spirit (from defeating Gigant), Ice Essence
2400 Tarantula- Fire Lance, Ifrit's Eye, Ifrit's Volcano, Ifrit's Neck
3800 Fuscina- Thunder lance, Ifrit's Knee, Fenrir's right front leg, Fenrir's tail
3800 Executor- Harpoon, Fenrir's right and left horns, Ifrit's horn
3800 Partisan- Tepes lance, Gilgamesh's.. compound eyes (from the 'back' head), Gration's mouth, Gration's back
*Tepes is Vlad the Impaler's last name
In order as in the shop, with prices:
1.HP Up Lv.1 20
2.HP Up Lv.2 60
3.HP Up Lv.MAX 140
4.Attack Strength up Lv.1 20
5.Attack Strength up Lv.2 60
6.Attack Strength up Lv.3 120
7.Attack Strength up Lv.4 (Defense DOWN) 200
8.Attack Strength up Lv.MAX (Defense DOWN) 320
9.Defense Up Lv.1 20
10.Defense Up Lv.2 60
11.Defense Up Lv.3 120
12.Defense Up Lv.4 200
13.Defense Up Lv.MAX 320
14.Action Speed Up Lv.1 80
15.Action Speed Up Lv.MAX (Defense DOWN) 160
16.Movement Speed Up Lv.1 60
17.Movement Speed Up Lv.MAX (Defense DOWN) 140
18.Fire Defense Up Lv.1 40
19.Fire Defense Up Lv.2 80
20.Fire Defense Up Lv.MAX 160
21.Ice Defense Up Lv.1 40
22.Ice Defense Up Lv.2 80
23.Ice Defense Up Lv.MAX 160
24.Lightning Defense Up Lv.1 40
25.Lightning Defense Up Lv.2 80
26.Lightning Defense Up Lv.MAX 160
27.Darkness Defense Up Lv.1 40
28.Darkness Defense Up Lv.2 80
29.Darkness Defense Up Lv.MAX 160
30.All Elemental Defense Up Lv.1 120
31.All Elemental Defense Up Lv.MAX 320
32.Beast's Hate% Up (Defense DOWN) 60
33.Special Magic Damage Up Lv.1 60
34.Special Magic Damage Up Lv.MAX (Defense down)200
35.Gun Platform Damage Up (Defense DOWN) 100
36.Resist Sleep 60
37.Resist Stop 60
38.Resist Slow 60
39.Resist All 200
40.Extra Rewards when mission cleared 180
41.Rare Material chances up Lv.1 60
42.Rare Material chances up Lv.MAX (DefenseDOWN)260
pakoito escribió:Al que me mande un PM preguntando chorradas, como siempre que abro un hilo, le abro la cabeza.
Pero admitirás que mi hilo es más útilarambute escribió:pakoito escribió:Al que me mande un PM preguntando chorradas, como siempre que abro un hilo, le abro la cabeza.
¿Qué carácter, no?![]()
Ya hay otro hilo sobre el juego: http://www.elotrolado.net/hilo_anuncio-blood-of-bahamut_1129382
Eventualmente, pero nadie ha dicho nada aun.haggenUchiha escribió:saldra en español y/o ingles?