Brian May dice que habrá QUEEN: Rock Band ... rong_login
The Beatles: Rock Band (PS3, Xbox 360, and Wii) has been a resounding success, so which band will Harmonix and MTV Games be shining the spotlight on in the next Rock Band game? It's all fog and haze at this point, but according to guitarist Brian May we can now add Queen to the pool of candidates.

May recently told BBC News that there are negotiations "going on behind the scenes" for a dedicated Queen release in the Rock Band franchise. "Yes we're into it, I think it may happen," he said.

For the moment there's nothing definite yet, but Queen diehards can catch the legendary band in Lego Rock Band (PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, DS). "It's the ultimate accolade, to be portayed in Lego," said May. "My dreams are all fulfilled now."

Esto va en consolas, eh?
[babas] [babas] [babas]
Oh sí!! Cuando vi el sing star de Queen empecé a soñar que esto podría pasar... que se haga realidad, por favor... [tadoramo]
Esto ya es demasiado...
Pues nada tropecientos juegos exactamnte iguales solo que con diferentes canciones estos si que saben.
bueno, de momento, esto es lo que hay.
Pack de 10 Canciones;
jose91 escribió:Pues nada tropecientos juegos exactamnte iguales solo que con diferentes canciones estos si que saben.

Confundes Rock Band con Guitar Hero amigo... ;)
death77 está baneado por "se acabaron las segundas oportunidades"
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