(REUTERS) Microsoft to halt XBox development at earnings conference tommarow
Tue January 28, 2003 10:06 PM ET
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Multibillion dollar company Microsoft is reportedly halting all production of their XBox video games console tommarow at an annual earnings report of multimedia sectors.
The announcement stems from excessive losses and less than predicted sales of the XBox home videogame console and XBox Live, Microsoft's online gaming service launched in November of last year.
Microsoft sources report Microsoft to have lost at least $750 million dollars in the last fiscal year on the new videogame console that Microsoft expected to compete with Sony's Playstation 2 console. Several major Microsoft stockholders are said to have great reservations with losses in the multimedia sector, even withstanding high Windows XP sales over the last fiscal year.
Microsoft plans to release all games currently in development scheduled for this year, and support XBox and all XBox related products including XBox Live throughout the end of the year.
Microsoft does not, however, plan to leave the videogame market for good, but a reorganization of their PC sector to intergrate Windows XP with several Microsoft published games in the future.
Y la noticia viene de REUTERS! asi que no será por falta de creduibilidad!
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