Otra pequeña herramienta de PC para facilitar la vida a los que no se manejan editando manualmente el launch.ini
Funciona bajo el Símbolo del sistema (CMD) de windows...
This is a little script I built a while back that I had forgot about. It's comes in handy when you include DashLaunch at build time. It will create the launch.ini needed for Dashlaunch settings. Answer the series of questions and your output is a fully compatible launch.ini! Enjoy!
Thank you cOz for all your work but, most of all your patience! Greets Icekiller, Lemmon, Marco, and my brother shtweps!
* v1.0 -Set "launch" .xex paths -Set config values true/false -Set plugins path -There are several "advanced" launch.ini variables that are not included in this version. -Don't know if I plan on adding them either.
Yo cuando se la hice a un amigo le pase este, no controla mucho y con esto cuando le digo que haga algo no se hace un lío xD.
Es de otro foro el cual, no se puede poner aquí por temas de copias y demás, he hecho un quote del autor del post, no se si del programa y lo pongo.
El programa tiene un tiempo pero sigue funcionando no se si estará actualizado con las ultimas opciones, pero las principales las tiene.
R3verse escribió:
Launch.ini Creator
Simple program, nothing complex just made it to brush up on programming as i haven't done it in awhile.
It creates a clean and minimal Launch.ini file, only parameters that are input are written to the file. E.g. If there's nothing in Plugin 2, Plugin 2 = will not appear in the launch.ini file.
I've tested it and everything seems to be working perfectly fine, if you discover any bugs post about them here or message me please!
Currently FTP only really works 100% on XeXMenu v1.1 I'll tweak it for FreeStyle Dash Later!