Una captura tomada desde Linux/SDL Bunjalloo es un navegador web para Nintendo DS. Se encuentra bajo desarrollo, pero ya puede mostrar paginas, acceder a links, bajar archivos y ver imagenes.
Novedades de la versión:(cambios en ingles para entender mejor el lenguaje tecnico)
Versión 0.8: - Updated to the latest devkitARM, libnds, libfat and libpng
- Fix the updater that was broken in 0.7.7
- Fix some layout randomness (on e.g config screen)
- Change the progress bar to be textless
- Fix for occasional giant whitespaces
- Use last-modified in cache calculations
- Fix flashing when swapping from browser to keyboard
- Show on-screen password fields with circles
- Change the password field to use circles
- Speed up scrolling
- Performance improvements
- Change to Okiwi font generation and rendering
- Fix some major memory leaks
Versión 0.7.7: - Spaces at the start of elements change (issue 112)
- Fix relative query links (issue 110)
- Tabs were shown as an invalid character, instead of a space
- Warranty shown as html
Versión 0.7.6:- Added saving, loading and expiring of cookies
- Fix several cookie-related bugs
- Fix redirects to absolute locations. This fixes mobile Google Reader, amongst other things
- Fix crash bug while editing bookmarks when you deleted the newline
- Show the could-not-load error page again
- Show the mime-type on pages that are not supported
- New spinner icon (Thanks to an anonymous reader for that)
- Fake WAP support for google.com/xhtml
- Fix the preferences options for cookie permissions per domain
- Fix appending text to HTML node attribute value (isue 10??)
- Fix crash when trying to connect to an incorrect address (issue 103)
- Escape + on input fields (issue 81)
- Try and improve HTTP connection responsiveness
- Allow user agent switching via "expert" configuration - set useragent=blah in config.ini
- Update to the latest versions of 3rd party libraries (matrix SSL 1.8.7, libpng 1.2.38, latest libraries from devkitPro)
- Moved the code to Google Code's Mercurial hosting
Versión 0.7.5:* Improvements to caching - logging in to GMail works again
* Clicking preference icon goes straight to preferences
* Fix encoding problems that caused crashes
* Fixed lots of non-ascii character keyboard bugs
* Fix configuration changes that use escape characters%
Nota: You may have to manually fix the download path in your configuration settings. This is because the download path could have become messed up and show all path separators as% 2F instead of /.
Versión 0.7.4: * Fixed freezing after only a few page loads ( Issue 97 )
Versión 0.7.3: * A new NDS banner bitmap by Sam Goldfield
* Add new scrolling method - just hold and drag, sort of
* Page up and down now scroll just 1 screen
* Fix for linked image following a text link, which caused an unclickable text link
* Fix crash caused by bad HTML entities
* Fix memory leak when unzipping files
* Fix for some rarer types of PNG image
* Disable button shortcuts when keyboard is visible
* Remove automatic DLDI patching of unzipped NDS files
* Update to devkitPro r26 and libpng 1.2.37
Si usas EZ Flash Vi y tienes probelmas con la pantalla tactil, lee el
blog.Versión 0.7.2: - Update code for devkitARM r24
- Italian localisation courtesy of Paolo Ferraresi
Automatic DLDI patching of downloaded NDS files from within zips no longer works. I'll remove the option in the next release. I can no longer test patching, as my card's firmware auto patches anyway. If this is a feature you really need... er.. sorry!
Versión 0.7.1: - Fix url parsing stuff so Google Images searches show
- Added \ to the keyboard
- Add ABXY functions (A=URL, B=Stop, X=edit config, Y=Bookmark)
- Add left-right handedness switch for d-pad and ABXY
- Fix for issue 74, bookmarks have incorrect title
Versión 0.7: - User visible changes
- Added inline images
- Add "images" option to config to turn on/off inline images
- Show images as they download
- Image: Fix some JPEG and GIF crashes
- Recognise image/jpg alternate MIME type
- Fix flickering when scrolling to top or bottom (issue 70)
- Some small performance improvements (issue 55)
- Show GPL Licence on splash screen correctly
- Fix HTTPS pages
- Development stuff:
- Doxygen cleanups
- Add debugging options (google-perftools and gcov)
- Changed the installation from source
- Update build system to waf-1.5 (use waf trunk)
- Known issues:
- GIFs are not fully supported - no anims, not all types
- No way to save images unless they are linked to
- Show/hide bookmarks still flickers
- Progress bar doesn't refresh correctly on unzip and save-as
Versión 0.6.3:- Issue 60: Fix the flashing when downloading files
Versión 0.6.2:- Fix SSL connections (https)
- Add sleep mode when closing the lid
Versión 0.6.1:- French translation updated by Kikdifferent
- German translation updated by Pascal Braig
- Dutch translation updated by Maikel Steneker
- Fixes to the updater - upgrading automatically from 0.6 doesn't work, it just hangs
- When typing in fields, show web page on top screen
- Checks for fatal conditions at boot up (no DLDI, no data dir)
- Fix black lines at the end of some images.
- Compiled with devkitArm r23
- Fix interlaced png images
- Can turn off the wifi connection by clicking the connection icon
- Fix scrolling way off the bottom of the page that sometimes happened
Versión 0.6:- Auto-updater; semi-automatic as the user has to push a button.
- Bookmark editing/deleting.
- Now possible to change sites allowed to set cookies - delete/modify the cookie list on the fly.
- Default download directory is configurable (set to root by default).
- Run time configuration for language, etc.
- Send the Accept-Language header with the current language setting.
- Dutch translation added. Note: Only English and Spanish are fully up to date, the rest require some community help plz!

- Zip file viewer/extractor.
- Unzip archives and optionally patch any *.nds files with DLDI.
Errores solucionados:
- Fix keyboard modifier states - caps lock and shift should appear pressed more often.
- Show — – entities, some iso-8859-1 fixes.
- Content-Type application/xhtml accepted, makes more sites readable.
- Use Content-Disposition header as a good guess for downloaded file names.
Versión 0.5.4:- Improved save-as to check mime type.
- Add Referer header.
- Add ~ to the keyboard.
- Add a progress bar.Add configurable language support.
- Translations for German and French. Thanks to Pascal Braig and dr.
- Friendlier configuration with no overwriting of files.
- Update giflib, compile jpeg library with better options for a size decrease.
- Add internal page links (e.g. /somepage#internal )
- Add a title to the initial screen.
- Fix crash bug when title is empty.
- Fix combo box slowness.
Download:Bunjalloo 0.8Bunjalloo 0.7.7Bunjalloo 0.7.6Bunjalloo 0.7.5Bunjalloo 0.7.4Bunjalloo 0.7.2Bunjalloo 0.7.1Bunjalloo 0.7Bunjalloo 0.6.3Bunjalloo 0.6Bunjalloo 0.5.4Bunjalloo Faq de instalación, controles, etc:Wiki BunjalloNotas:El mejor navegador para DS!