Buscando patentes de SEGA...

Title:Video game cartridge recognition and security system

Document Type and Number: United States Patent 4462076

Link to this page: http://www.freepatentsonline.com/4462076.html
Abstract: A security system for ascertaining the authenticity of removable video game cartridges adapted to interface with a video game system having a CPU. The system includes the comparison of the contents of predetermined addresses in the memory unit of the game cartridges with a security message stored in the CPU, and the rejection of the cartridge unless the contents of these predetermined memory locations are the same as the security message. The system further includes means for displaying a proprietary notice message to the operator of the video game system before substantive interfacing between the CPU and remote software unit occurs. Control over game operation will occur only if the CPU recognizes the cartridge as an authorized unit.

Esta es la tercera patente que sale en la Mega Drive XD

Que resulta ser esto:

move.b $A10001, d0
andi.b #$0F, d0
beq WrongVersion
move.l #'SEGA', $A14000

Lo que hace el aburrimiento.


Ahora la patente de la Saturn XD:

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