Team-Xcuter PostThe data reads larger than a DVD+R DL – but that may be faked / new protection so we will see.
The disc updates dash to 2.0.13140.0
Testing begins…….

Also….There are some Russian guys who released fake Ap2.5 patches. These are not real patches but data from the full range of the DAE table and NOT the disc which is where they should come from. The disc will boot yes but they are EASILY detectable. If you use live DO NOT USE these fake patches. If you do not care about live in anyway and will never connect to live then go for it.
C4E has already confirmed that he is going to release a live safe Ap2.5 ripper very soon – it’s in development amongst a TON of other things.
En Resumen:Los testeos comienzan...
con relacion a los patches AP2.5 de los Rusos.
los TX, quieren mostrar mas calidad en sus releases a la Scene y le recomiendan a los usuarios que no utilizen los patches AP que los rusos an Liberado, esta claro que no son seguros ante el LIVE, por no poseer datas, pero muchos lo que les importa es cargar sus Backups, en fin TX y C4eva los consideran Fake por su gran posibilidad de ser detectados ante
Xbox LIVE y dice que va liberar un metodo seguro para Rippear los AP2.5 proximamente...