Marcelo has released the PSP32s for 2.0 PSP. PSP32s is a scientific calculator program written in Javascript language which runs in the 2.0 web browser. Here is the information about this release:
Just 2 or 3 "unusefull" keys, are not working. They are not working on the orginal code too... They are: cOPY/PASTE/UNIT and OPT. These keys are not available on the FREE code...
The author wanted to say about this release:
I made all the changes on the original code (It's a free code), and did the new skin, to be suited to the PSP screen resolution. I did not tested this calculator on any browsers of the versions older than PSP 2.0. I am sure it runs nice on the PSP 2.0 Browser.
Pues a ver si sale algo en homebrew. Lo unic que he podido encontrar es una aplicacion que dibuja polinomios (algo por mejorar). Estaría bien un Maple para PSP...