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marvicdigital escribió:Segun parece se han tirado la conversión , creo que todo lo que va de PC a consolas es una autentica desepción ,yo no me esperaba nada de este juego ni espero nada de Doom 3 más bien digo que va a ser un fiasco para no llevarme desiluciones, creo que nos toco de este call of duty un port de PS2 por que tambien salió para esa consola...en fin que se va hacer habrá que dale la oportunidad a la Princo edition....
Chevi escribió:IGn dice 8 horas, Team Xbox dice 20 horas....algo no cuadra![]()
mondraker escribió:http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages2/917587.asp?q=call%20of%20duty
Por favor que alguien me cuente porque estos caraduras de IGN le ponen tan mala nota con respecto a los demas .
Como digan que es mas o menos que Call Of Duty de PC estamos apañados.
Me van a matar a disgustos.
IGN = 73%
Nex Level Gamming = 93%
7.0 Presentation
Some decent cut-scenes and a strong concept, but there's an overall failure of execution. There's no power or humanity here, just another war game.
7.5 Graphics
Some areas, particularly the brief look at Africa, are incredible, but most are very ordinary. Some really weak effects, particularly some of the explosions.
7.5 Sound
Nice use of directional sound, but there's not enough voicing from the supporting cast. The score, though original, seems out of place in certain scenes.
7.0 Gameplay
Pretty much your standard wartime FPS. A good shooter, but it seems stuck between realism and over-the-top antics. More like a Rambo movie than a World War II game in parts. Average level design.
7.0 Lasting Appeal
It's a short campaign, that good FPS players can beat in 7-8 hours. The multiplayer is decent, but nothing we haven't seen before.
7.3 de media.
Joder Spiderman 2 un 90 y este un 73 ??? que me daaaaa ,......... un medico en la sala ?
Solid gameplay that blends intuitive controls with tons of action taking place on the battlefield. A heavy reliance on location-sensitive triggers does mean there are a good deal of scripted events taking place, but for the most part they lend themselves well to the storyline.
Sporting 480p support, the Xbox version is more detailed and refined than the PS2 and GameCube version, and with more impressive lighting and ambient effects. Character’s facial animations are amazing and top notch thanks to the folks at Jim Henson’s studios.
It’s like playing an interactive Hollywood feature film that never let’s the viewer slide back in their seat. With the full support of 5.1 surround sound, all of the game’s sound effects come through in a perfect blend of clarity and special relation. The weapons sound as authentic as if you went out back and fired them off yourself.
A short learning curve allows players to jump right into the game, and while some levels provide quite a challenge, the game as a whole is relatively average in difficulty. Most players should be able to play through the story mode in less than 20 hours, which is still quite a good deal of time spent enjoying the game. However, the amount of scripted events to make the game somewhat repetitive a 2nd time through. Multiplayer modes help expand the gameplay.
NEXT-GEN = 8,4
Call of Duty: Finest Hour is a perfect example of how attention to detail can make an average game much more than the norm. First-person shooters are nothing new, and even though Finest Hour doesn’t really introduce any groundbreaking aspects into the gaming world it does show just how well crafted a video game can be, blurring the line between gaming and cinema.
MEDIA 8,8 .
No pongo la nota mas alta , vale , pero a que hablan de dos juegos distintos ???? estos de IGN son mas listos que los demas o han probado la beta del Medal Of Honor ?
maligno_17 escribió:
Pero seamos sensatos , como va a ser lo mismo un pentium 4 k un pentium 3 k lleva xbox , se tiene k notar la diferencia por narices es d logica .
mondraker escribió:
Ostras , es muy temprano y quizas por eso no te he entendido .
Que leches tiene que ver? no comparan el mismo juego todos en la XBOX????
Uff , me estoy haciendo mayor.