PUes, no hay changelog completo pero te pongo los de las betas que hay entre la version actual y la nueva (de mas nueva a mas vieja):
------ ^ 2.0 FINAL ^ ------
[*] More sensible default for display name for newly created address entries
[*] Pop-up menu in the Message Finder's folder selector
[-] (IMAP) Cache could grow enormously due to synchronisation error (headers and bodies of deleted messages were retrieved each time)
[-] (IMAP) Filters started by an assigned hotkey were not functioning properly for IMAP accounts
[-] (IMAP) Replied messages were marked as replied only locally
[-] (IMAP) "Heavy NOOPing" was possible when connection was lost
[-] A warning about used filter Hot Key was not displayed
[-] Bugs with displaying HTML messages from multipart/alternative messages
[-] It was not possible to reopen an HTML message for editing
[*] Message/disposition notification parts are now viewed in the message preview pane
[-] Trash Folders were emptied after compression
[-] "Compress All folders" option was not working
[-] The Delete key was not function from the preview pane
[-] Multipart messages with ill-formed headers were not displayed correctly
[-] ISO-2022 and its descendants is now supported with ICONV.DLL
[-] "Nothing to send" problem should be minimised
[-] IMAP folder message counters were not refreshed after "Mark all messages as read" command
[-] It was not possible to manually set message priority
[-] Folder emptying could stuck (introduced in v2 Beta/3)
[*] A confirmation is displayed when replying on a message being already replied
[+] The SIZE SMTP Extension is now supported
[-] All queued mail was sent when Re-Send of a single message was requested
[-] Oddities when manually adding senders/recipients to the address book
[-] When a block was deleted in MicroEd, the editor window could be emptied despite there was some more text
[-] Search/Replace in MicroEd/PTV was not looking for whole words
[-] IMAP: there were difficulties working with sub-folders of the INBOX folder
[-] A bug with address completion when the name in an adsress contained comma character
[-] MailTicker was not working with IMAP folders (Beta)
[-] The "Automatic refresh of IMAP folders" option was not used
[+] %CURSOR="Field ID" macro for setting focus in a particular editing field, where the "Field ID" is BODY or TEXT for the message text or RFC name of the header
[-] The "Empty Trash folder on Exit" was ignored
[-] SmartBat was not refreshing while when pads were switched
[-] UUEncode was broken in 1.63 Betas
[-] "User" account with disabled Sorting Office could create filters
[-] When messages were moved between accounts, separated attachments were not removed from the attachment directory
[-] Search was producing false positives
[-] The "Print card" button was not functioning in the Address Auto-view
[-] Extra spaces were added into the names with special RFC 822 characters
[*] Option to delete large messages from server for POP3 accounts
[-] Error when IMAP messages were copied/moved/deleted to a local folder
[+] "Advanced" button at the "Mail management" page of the account properties dialogue for fine-tuning message deletion and IMAP handling
[+] Deletion property page in the folder properties dialogue to override account-wide deletion settings
[+] It is now possible to import server's certificate from TLS connection data (actually was added in v2 Beta/1)
[*] MailTicker view gets automatically refreshed when new messages are detected
[*] It was possible to add internally processed headers to the list of headers
[*] It is now possible to cancel folder compression/purging
[-] Bug with opening wrong URL from a message preview (introduced in 1.63 Beta)
[-] When a new header was added/deleted, option menus were not updated
[-] Custom header descriptors were not actually deleted
[-] The "IMAP|Synchronise folder now" menu function was not working (Beta)
[-] Configure/Delete buttons were not functional in the plug-in menu of the Preferences dialogue (Beta)
[-] Some fixes to updating folder message counters
[-] Errors when deleting an IMAP account (Beta)
[!] Fully reworked true IMAP support
[-] Bugs with common folders (introduced in 1.63 Beta)
[-] Some cosmetic bugs in HTML editor
------- ^ 2.0 Beta 1 a 7 ^ -----
[*] Passphrase caching is now active for PGP 6-8 support if PGP version is 7 or 8
[-] %ONELINE / %SINGLELINE macros could cause lockup since Beta/8
[+] %WRAPPED(Limit, Text) macro for more precise text wrapping
[+] %ONELINE="Some Text" / %SINGLELINE="Some Text" macros produce "Some Text" as a sinle line
[-] URLs in attached messages weren't usable from the preview pane's "inner viewer"
[-] Text/RichText messages were not shown on the new preview pane
[*] Quoted printable and base64 encoding algorithms slightly changed to prevent "blending" on Yahoo mail servers so the signed messages are not damaged
[+] %OTEXT macro - the original messages's full text without headers (may be useful in replies quoting selected text only)
[-] In some cases the message base repair utility could hang
[*] "Good old" reply/forward behaviour when RFC 822 headers were shown in the preview
[-] msgid: URLs were working only if the folder parameter was present
[-] %QUOTESTYLE="None" was not working as it should
[-] Message Editor was not using correct quotation prefix for "Paste as quotation" commands
[-] AV when trying to print a message
[*] application/pgp-keys MIME type is now properly handled
[-] Copy was not working in the preview header
[-] %SUBJECT="..." bug
[-] Focusing and splittin quirks in the separate window viewer
[-] "Export message to a text file" filter action was not working properly
[-] %NO... macros were not working
[*] Built-in PGP 5-8 support did now invokes search on primary key server (some more work required to get it look for keys on additional servers)_
[+] PGP/MIME options in the Privacy menu of the message editor
[-] %SingleRe macro was not working
[-] Various bugs with GnuPG
[-] PGP/MIME was not used for 8-bit text messages and for other cases
[-] %QOUTES="..." did not work as before
[-] %QINCLUDE added extra empty lines
[-] The Sender field could not be edited/added
[-] Some "List Index out of bounds" errors
[-] %HDRxxx / %OHDRxxx macros were not working
[-] Some other bugs
[!] Completely rewritten preview pane with more sensible options
[!] PGP/MIME support added, so it is now possible to send PGP signed/encrypted files without hassle
[!] Built-in support for PGP v6-8 (please check it for version 5)
[!] Universal interface for handling signed/encrypted messages - no matter which system is used
[+] Possibility to add user-defined headers to the preview pane header or messages
[+] The "Print selection" option for message preview
[+] Mark as Junk/not Junk commands in the Specials menu to call Anti-SPAM plug-in learning engine...
[*] Completely rewritten template subsystem with possibility to add macros from plug-ins.
[*] New syntax for macros: it is now possible to use brackets instead of ="..." (in some cases it is now required - see below). Plus, quotation marks are not required for one-word or one-macro parameters.
Like %IF:%CCLIST=="":"CC is empty":%CCLIST
[-] %ACCOUNT="..." followed by %FROM="..." macro combination ignored the latter
[-] %TO*NAME and %ABTO* macros were using information gathered at the start of template processing. ATTENTION: please correct your templates if you were relying on this "feature"!
[+] %VARnnn="..." (equal to %_nnn="...") macros to set variables, use %VARnnn (or %_nnn) to insert variable value. Variable name can contain alphabet characters, digits and "_"
[+] %SETHEADER("RFC Name","Value") macro to set a message header to the Value, use %ADDHEADER("RFC Name","Value") to add value to a header, use %HEADER("RFC Name") to retrieve value of a header (%OHEADER("..") retrieves header from the original message)
[*] New options for missed scheduled events (useful for message reminders)
[*] A slightly changed look of the Connection Centre
[-] Cancel of a sending messages was not working correctly
[-] Windows editor text size was limited to 2K bytes (introduced in Beta)
[-] Various bugs related to the new folder storage mechanism
[-] Delete attachment was not always working correctly
[-] A lot of small bugs.
[+] Folder Maintenance Centre replaces "... All Folders" Folder menu commands
[-] Shortcuts were not loaded correctly for second+ instance of windows of a particular type
[-] Folder-specific print settings were not saved in the new format folder database (introduced in 1.63 Beta/1)
[-] When printing multiple messages, if the print dialogue was cancelled, only the selected messages got cancelled, the rest was printed
[-] Division by zero error when viewing images on a zero-size preview pane
[-] Last message in a folder was not opened when msgid: URL was used
[+] Scheduler is now available in the SmartBat window or by pressing Alt+F6
[+] "Specials|Remind later" menu for setting message reminders
[+] More access options for accounts with user rights.
[+] Ctrl+Ins in a message list copies URLs (in msgid: form) of selected messages into clipboard
[+] A very basic HTML editor
[*] New Preferences dialogue is now adjusted accordingly to user access rights
[-] Input Focus was lost after print dialogue
[-] Fixed a bug which didn't allow to search in base64-encoded string longer than 255 characters.
[-] Print character set bug
[-] Copy to Clipboard character Set bug
[-] New Accounts did not keep properties (bug introduced in 1.63 Beta)
[-] "Reply to Sender" was erroneously using the Sender message field instead of From
[*] Display name for address book editing is now done is another way
[-] Search for whole words was not working correctly is text was starting with a searched word(s)
[-] Wrong account could be used for reading confirmation message if a message from a different account was selected prior to RC creation
[-] Access Violation when the common Trash folder was deleted
[-] Email addresses with a ' were not highlighted correctly
[-] Menu Navigator did not change language before its reset or program restart
[-] URLs were not functioning in SmartBat
[-] Various cosmetic fixes
[*] A possible work-around for some CSAPI spell checking dictionaries
[-] Folders were not correctly created automatically when a message-based filter was created (Specials|Create filter) (introduced in 1.63 Beta/1)
[-] Even Quoted text color/style was not remembered (introduced in 1.63 Beta/3)
[-] Some cosmetic fixes to the new preferences dialogue
[*] Windows plain text editor now wraps text in a more comfortable way
[*] SmartQuoting algorithm is improved a bit.
[+] Check Spelling before Send/Queue option in the message editor
[*] Some CSAPI engines (like Czech, Slovak, maybe Polish and others) are handled more precisely
<*> Windows editor: sticky setting, spell checking, search/replace
[*] Folders are now stored in new format (ACCOUNT.FLD), which should be more safe for networking and system crashes
[+] Possibility to use an alternative editor using the Message Editor "Options|Message format" menu options
----- ^ 1.63 Beta 1 a 11 ^ -----