Cambia la apariencia del The Bat! ;)

Bién, rebuscando por ahi encontré una que proporciona versiones remozadas de todos los iconitos del programa. Su uso es tan sencillo como descomprimir el archivo y meter el bmp en la carpeta donde teneis el ejecutable del The Bat! ;)

La web esta en ruso, pero al final de todo teneis 14 links (uno debajo del otro) que linkan a 14 estilos distintos para que elijais el que mas os guste.

Por ejemplo, si os gusta el estilo mozillamail, pero quereis las funcionalidades del The Bat!, solo teneis que usar este bmp:


la verdad es que un pequeño cambio de aspecto al The Bat! le viene muy bién ^_^

Gracias por el link :D acabo de poner el del mozilla y queda de PM, voy a probar alguno mas

Estupendo link, figura. [oki] Ya estaba un poco harto de la sobriedad del Bat. :-)

Un saludo
Important Note: Ritlabs informs all the customers that the planned release date for The Bat! V.2.** is September 1, 2003.

aprovecho para avisar que en teoria mañana sale la nueva versión 2.00 del programa... lleva ya un tiempo en beta (en el ftp de ritlabs las teneis).
¿Sabeis que mejoras trae?

Un saludo
PUes, no hay changelog completo pero te pongo los de las betas que hay entre la version actual y la nueva (de mas nueva a mas vieja):

------ ^ 2.0 FINAL ^ ------
[*] More sensible default for display name for newly created address entries
[*] Pop-up menu in the Message Finder's folder selector
[-] (IMAP) Cache could grow enormously due to synchronisation error (headers and bodies of deleted messages were retrieved each time)
[-] (IMAP) Filters started by an assigned hotkey were not functioning properly for IMAP accounts
[-] (IMAP) Replied messages were marked as replied only locally
[-] (IMAP) "Heavy NOOPing" was possible when connection was lost
[-] A warning about used filter Hot Key was not displayed
[-] Bugs with displaying HTML messages from multipart/alternative messages
[-] It was not possible to reopen an HTML message for editing
[*] Message/disposition notification parts are now viewed in the message preview pane
[-] Trash Folders were emptied after compression
[-] "Compress All folders" option was not working
[-] The Delete key was not function from the preview pane
[-] Multipart messages with ill-formed headers were not displayed correctly
[-] ISO-2022 and its descendants is now supported with ICONV.DLL
[-] "Nothing to send" problem should be minimised :-)
[-] IMAP folder message counters were not refreshed after "Mark all messages as read" command
[-] It was not possible to manually set message priority
[-] Folder emptying could stuck (introduced in v2 Beta/3)
[*] A confirmation is displayed when replying on a message being already replied
[+] The SIZE SMTP Extension is now supported
[-] All queued mail was sent when Re-Send of a single message was requested
[-] Oddities when manually adding senders/recipients to the address book
[-] When a block was deleted in MicroEd, the editor window could be emptied despite there was some more text
[-] Search/Replace in MicroEd/PTV was not looking for whole words
[-] IMAP: there were difficulties working with sub-folders of the INBOX folder
[-] A bug with address completion when the name in an adsress contained comma character
[-] MailTicker was not working with IMAP folders (Beta)
[-] The "Automatic refresh of IMAP folders" option was not used
[+] %CURSOR="Field ID" macro for setting focus in a particular editing field, where the "Field ID" is BODY or TEXT for the message text or RFC name of the header
[-] The "Empty Trash folder on Exit" was ignored
[-] SmartBat was not refreshing while when pads were switched
[-] UUEncode was broken in 1.63 Betas
[-] "User" account with disabled Sorting Office could create filters
[-] When messages were moved between accounts, separated attachments were not removed from the attachment directory
[-] Search was producing false positives
[-] The "Print card" button was not functioning in the Address Auto-view
[-] Extra spaces were added into the names with special RFC 822 characters
[*] Option to delete large messages from server for POP3 accounts
[-] Error when IMAP messages were copied/moved/deleted to a local folder
[+] "Advanced" button at the "Mail management" page of the account properties dialogue for fine-tuning message deletion and IMAP handling
[+] Deletion property page in the folder properties dialogue to override account-wide deletion settings
[+] It is now possible to import server's certificate from TLS connection data (actually was added in v2 Beta/1)
[*] MailTicker view gets automatically refreshed when new messages are detected
[*] It was possible to add internally processed headers to the list of headers
[*] It is now possible to cancel folder compression/purging
[-] Bug with opening wrong URL from a message preview (introduced in 1.63 Beta)
[-] When a new header was added/deleted, option menus were not updated
[-] Custom header descriptors were not actually deleted
[-] The "IMAP|Synchronise folder now" menu function was not working (Beta)
[-] Configure/Delete buttons were not functional in the plug-in menu of the Preferences dialogue (Beta)
[-] Some fixes to updating folder message counters
[-] Errors when deleting an IMAP account (Beta)
[!] Fully reworked true IMAP support
[-] Bugs with common folders (introduced in 1.63 Beta)
[-] Some cosmetic bugs in HTML editor
------- ^ 2.0 Beta 1 a 7 ^ -----
[*] Passphrase caching is now active for PGP 6-8 support if PGP version is 7 or 8
[-] %ONELINE / %SINGLELINE macros could cause lockup since Beta/8
[+] %WRAPPED(Limit, Text) macro for more precise text wrapping
[+] %ONELINE="Some Text" / %SINGLELINE="Some Text" macros produce "Some Text" as a sinle line
[-] URLs in attached messages weren't usable from the preview pane's "inner viewer"
[-] Text/RichText messages were not shown on the new preview pane
[*] Quoted printable and base64 encoding algorithms slightly changed to prevent "blending" on Yahoo mail servers so the signed messages are not damaged
[+] %OTEXT macro - the original messages's full text without headers (may be useful in replies quoting selected text only)
[-] In some cases the message base repair utility could hang
[*] "Good old" reply/forward behaviour when RFC 822 headers were shown in the preview
[-] msgid: URLs were working only if the folder parameter was present
[-] %QUOTESTYLE="None" was not working as it should
[-] Message Editor was not using correct quotation prefix for "Paste as quotation" commands
[-] AV when trying to print a message
[*] application/pgp-keys MIME type is now properly handled
[-] Copy was not working in the preview header
[-] %SUBJECT="..." bug
[-] Focusing and splittin quirks in the separate window viewer
[-] "Export message to a text file" filter action was not working properly
[-] %NO... macros were not working
[*] Built-in PGP 5-8 support did now invokes search on primary key server (some more work required to get it look for keys on additional servers)_
[+] PGP/MIME options in the Privacy menu of the message editor
[-] %SingleRe macro was not working
[-] Various bugs with GnuPG
[-] PGP/MIME was not used for 8-bit text messages and for other cases
[-] %QOUTES="..." did not work as before
[-] %QINCLUDE added extra empty lines
[-] The Sender field could not be edited/added
[-] Some "List Index out of bounds" errors
[-] %HDRxxx / %OHDRxxx macros were not working
[-] Some other bugs :-)
[!] Completely rewritten preview pane with more sensible options
[!] PGP/MIME support added, so it is now possible to send PGP signed/encrypted files without hassle
[!] Built-in support for PGP v6-8 (please check it for version 5)
[!] Universal interface for handling signed/encrypted messages - no matter which system is used
[+] Possibility to add user-defined headers to the preview pane header or messages
[+] The "Print selection" option for message preview
[+] Mark as Junk/not Junk commands in the Specials menu to call Anti-SPAM plug-in learning engine...
[*] Completely rewritten template subsystem with possibility to add macros from plug-ins.
[*] New syntax for macros: it is now possible to use brackets instead of ="..." (in some cases it is now required - see below). Plus, quotation marks are not required for one-word or one-macro parameters.
Like %IF:%CCLIST=="":"CC is empty":%CCLIST
[-] %ACCOUNT="..." followed by %FROM="..." macro combination ignored the latter
[-] %TO*NAME and %ABTO* macros were using information gathered at the start of template processing. ATTENTION: please correct your templates if you were relying on this "feature"!
[+] %VARnnn="..." (equal to %_nnn="...") macros to set variables, use %VARnnn (or %_nnn) to insert variable value. Variable name can contain alphabet characters, digits and "_"
[+] %SETHEADER("RFC Name","Value") macro to set a message header to the Value, use %ADDHEADER("RFC Name","Value") to add value to a header, use %HEADER("RFC Name") to retrieve value of a header (%OHEADER("..") retrieves header from the original message)
[*] New options for missed scheduled events (useful for message reminders)
[*] A slightly changed look of the Connection Centre
[-] Cancel of a sending messages was not working correctly
[-] Windows editor text size was limited to 2K bytes (introduced in Beta)
[-] Various bugs related to the new folder storage mechanism
[-] Delete attachment was not always working correctly
[-] A lot of small bugs.
[+] Folder Maintenance Centre replaces "... All Folders" Folder menu commands
[-] Shortcuts were not loaded correctly for second+ instance of windows of a particular type
[-] Folder-specific print settings were not saved in the new format folder database (introduced in 1.63 Beta/1)
[-] When printing multiple messages, if the print dialogue was cancelled, only the selected messages got cancelled, the rest was printed
[-] Division by zero error when viewing images on a zero-size preview pane
[-] Last message in a folder was not opened when msgid: URL was used
[+] Scheduler is now available in the SmartBat window or by pressing Alt+F6
[+] "Specials|Remind later" menu for setting message reminders
[+] More access options for accounts with user rights.
[+] Ctrl+Ins in a message list copies URLs (in msgid: form) of selected messages into clipboard
[+] A very basic HTML editor
[*] New Preferences dialogue is now adjusted accordingly to user access rights
[-] Input Focus was lost after print dialogue
[-] Fixed a bug which didn't allow to search in base64-encoded string longer than 255 characters.
[-] Print character set bug
[-] Copy to Clipboard character Set bug
[-] New Accounts did not keep properties (bug introduced in 1.63 Beta)
[-] "Reply to Sender" was erroneously using the Sender message field instead of From
[*] Display name for address book editing is now done is another way
[-] Search for whole words was not working correctly is text was starting with a searched word(s)
[-] Wrong account could be used for reading confirmation message if a message from a different account was selected prior to RC creation
[-] Access Violation when the common Trash folder was deleted
[-] Email addresses with a ' were not highlighted correctly
[-] Menu Navigator did not change language before its reset or program restart
[-] URLs were not functioning in SmartBat
[-] Various cosmetic fixes
[*] A possible work-around for some CSAPI spell checking dictionaries
[-] Folders were not correctly created automatically when a message-based filter was created (Specials|Create filter) (introduced in 1.63 Beta/1)
[-] Even Quoted text color/style was not remembered (introduced in 1.63 Beta/3)
[-] Some cosmetic fixes to the new preferences dialogue
[*] Windows plain text editor now wraps text in a more comfortable way :-)
[*] SmartQuoting algorithm is improved a bit.
[+] Check Spelling before Send/Queue option in the message editor
[*] Some CSAPI engines (like Czech, Slovak, maybe Polish and others) are handled more precisely
<*> Windows editor: sticky setting, spell checking, search/replace
[*] Folders are now stored in new format (ACCOUNT.FLD), which should be more safe for networking and system crashes
[+] Possibility to use an alternative editor using the Message Editor "Options|Message format" menu options
----- ^ 1.63 Beta 1 a 11 ^ -----

Pues parece que el autor no ha cumplido...

en vez de la final acaba de sacar la RC1...

  • [-] Memory leaks on IMAP connections (Beta)
  • [-] "Empty draft" bug (Beta)
  • [-] Default folder character set was not used and it was not possible to set it
  • [-] A lot of cosmetic fixes
He estado probandola y creo que tiene algun fallo que no logro entender...

si la ejecuto me desaparecen carpetas de correo y me aparecen otras que hace tiempo borré y ya no figuran en mi disco duro... aparte algunas normas de filtrado desaparecen tambien...

habrá que esperar a la revisión final... :/
7 respuestas