El juego se va a desarrollar 7 años despues del original.
Osea la infeccion ( Avispas ) se va a extender muchisimo.
Dead Rising 2, eh? We’re pumped. You’re pumped. Everyone’s pumped. How long are we going to have to stay pumped for before we play it?
We just asked Capcom PR and were told that nothing’s known about the game other than the information in the press release. There’s no release date, no detail. No nothing.
When’s it out?
“We haven’t announced it yet.”
Do you know when you’re going to announce it?
“No, I don’t. Sorry.”
Will we see it at GDC?
“Unconfirmed,” said the rep, who stopped us and said that the only thing he’d seen on Dead Rising 2 so far is the press release Capcom put out yesterday, the accompanying screenshots and an internal design doc.
The announcement caused muchos excitement yesterday, and rightly so. The press release carried virtually no detail, though, aside from the fact the game’s being developed by Blue Castle, is set years after the original and includes… zombies.
There’s no date, kids. Stay pumped.
Al parecer si os habeis pasado el juego, frank desvela en exclusiva la infeccion pero en otras partes de america se descubren mas infectados y la cosa pasa a mayores.
Mas forma tiene el teaser que es un video de fusion: telenoticias y avisos.