Caracteristicas de PS3 que opinais?

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Yes, after all the PS3 will have only one CELL, due to cost issues, and the decision of making a GPU on PS3 by NVIDIA, is due largely to this fact : Only ONE CELL on PS3, so there is no way that this CELL could be used as a multi-purpose processor and as a GPU in the same time ! 256 GFLOPS is not sufficient to do this?gone are the days of DREAMING of ((( a PS3 with 4 CELLS ( 4*256 GFLOPS = 1024 GFLOPS or 1 teraflops) with 1024 GFLOPS power, allowing the system to do all the graphics stuff plus AI, PHYSICS?on those CELLS without any need of a GPU, and making the dream of real time ray-tracing finally possible?)))
Unfortunately, its not the case, and without wasting time, those are near-final PS3 specifications :

1/ 1 CELL running at 4 GHZ, providing 256 GFLOPS power ( 1 PPE ( L1 cache 32 KB, L2 cache 512 KB, and 8 SPE each one having 256 KB )

2/ there is 2 I/O ( input/output ) on CELL, to communicate with other parts of the console, the first I/O of the CELL has the main purpose to communicate with the unified shared (between the CELL and the GPU) R Ram memory ( from RAMBUS) at a 50 GB/s bandwidth ( 4 * 64 MB = 256 MB of memory )

3/ The second I/O is called FlexIO ( flexible input/output ) and this allow the CELL to communicate with the next generation NVIDIA GPU at a 76.8 GB/s bandwidth ( this GPU with 190 million transistors will run at a 600 MHZ, with a 32 rendering pipelines, associated with 16 MB of Toshiba Embedded DRAM of 256 GB/s bandwidth)
The CELL will help the GPU in creating advanced physics for particle effects.

4/ retro compatibility with PS1 ( emulated by the CELL ) and PS2 ( emulated by the CELL )

5/ a Hard Disk of 160 GO, Ethernet port ( no modem this time ), wireless, USB2 port, and a flash stick memory duo-pro support.

6/ the controllers will not so much differ from those of PS2, with the main difference that they will be WIRELESS, and with better analog buttons and more varied vibration effects.

7/ If the first CELL IBM produced prototypes are using 90 nanometer technology, the first SDKs containing the CELL that developers will receive after 2 months will be produced with this technology, but the CELLs that will be used on PS3 ( and later SDKs ) will be produced with the 65 nanometer technology, allowing sony to decrease the costs of PS3, and to tackle the problems of HEAT.

8/ The PS3 will ship on MARS 2006 in JAPAN ( earlier than what a lot of people thought before ) there will be 2 versions of PS3, but only the first version will be shipped on mars 2006, ( at a price range of 299-399 $ ) with a read only blue-ray, and as mentioned a 120 GO hard disk capacity. The second version of PS3 will ship some months later, ( 399-599$ ) with a writer blue/ray, a 400 GO hard disk, for the main purpose of recording TV digital programs.

Date of releasing the PS3 on USA and Europe hasn?t been determined yet by sont but its believed that the PS3 will ship between July and October 2006 in USA and in late 2006 in Europe.

venga..., para hacer cábalas y poneros nerviosos.
Al menos lo tendrias que haber puesto en otras consolas/general...
De los datos...hasta esta noche no me creo naa
Yo no entiendo algunos, que les da por abrir hilos para empezar con las discuciones ...este hilo debe ir en general de PS2 o en otras se ....que le den algun premio a este chico por este post...Por favor borrar hilo o moverlo...
Yo no pretendo que me den ningun premio, ni airear discusiones, tan solo informar.
Y de paso comparar las especificaciones de una maquina con otra y eso no conlleva entrar en discusiones.
Lo he puesto aqui, por que a mi al menos me hubiera gustado verlo en este foro y no haberme ido al PS2, creo que es inevitable que surgan las comparaciones y no las discusiones.
Los "Fanaticos de Sony" sois la leche.
Estais ya intentado comparar las caracteristicas de vuestra consola, sin que haya salido y lo unico en lo que os podeis basar son en especificaciones tecnicas que tan solo son rumores.
Con una consola que ya se ha presentado y ya se dispone de informacion sobre los juegos que van a respaldar el lanzamiento de la consola.
El Blu-Ray si el cambio de Standar, va a echar a mas de uno atras a la hora de adquirir esta consola.Terreno que favorecera las ventas de Microsoft.Ya vimos lo que paso con el primer modelo de Sony de garavadoras DL para PC.Problemas varios clientes no quedaron nada satisfechos, parece ser que en segun que cosas SONY no aprende.......................
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