Cargar los DashBoard con Action Replay

He leido por ahi chafardeando que se puede cargar los nuevos Dashboard (Evox,Raincoat,Etc) desde un Action Replay o incluso fabricandose un cable de USB a mando de Xbox para poder conectar el mando de la Xbox en el puerto USB del ordenador y utilizar la propia memoria de la Xbox para pasar los famosos ficheros de Ernie y los Dashboars . Me explico muy mal , pero copio lo leido. ¿ Alguien sabe algo ???
Podria alguien explicar paso a paso como hacerlo y hacer un cursillo para novatos ???

Please sticky this

This method will allow you to use a regular memory unit as an action replay
(get and put saves from the internet to the xbox) without buying a mega-x
key or action replay but rather, a standard xbox memory unit and a standard
xbox controller. Also, it will let you use your controller on your computer
like a usable gamepad..on most emulators and games with controller support,
and also, just by making a few modifications, you can use a keyboard and
mouse on your xbox.

You'll need, memory unit(ideas are shaky about needing and not needing to add
lines of code for other brands of memory interact..this tutorial
explains how with a regular MS brand memory card.)

2.Access from your xbox controller to your PC (xbox controller to usb cable,
or homebrew cutting the cord and connecting the wires technique, EXPLAINED

Here are the steps.

1. Go to the official action replay website, and download their software

2. Download the XCtrl drivers (search it in yahoo or download off of this

3. Plug the controller into the PC (IF CONNECTING TO A HUB DOESN'T WORK,
then plug it into the PC -thanks go out too WOOGER). It will say found new
hardware. and direct it to where you installed the XCtrl drivers on your
computer. Reboot

4.Plug the memory unit into the controller. It will say found new hardware.
Direct it to where you installed the action replay software in the Driver
folder. (or if you didnt change it, C: Program Files Datel ActionReplay Xbox
Drivers.Reboot (sorry can't put slashes to show folders?)

5. activate ActionReplayXbox.exe in the action replay folder, and voila, you
now own an action replay, cool eh, but you didnt waste like 40 bucks.

--homebrew xbox controller to pc method--

You'll need
1.a usb cord(or cut an old mouse or something and salvage the cord from it,
BUT MAKE SURE ITS USB!!) xbox controller, duh

Here's the steps

1.find a good place at the end of the xbox cord(i did it by where it plugs
into the second part of the controller cord) carefully, strip all the wires
(about a dimes length)

2.cut the usb cord and strip all the wires(about a dimes length)

3.match up wires and twist them together or solder them. except the yellow wire
on the xbox controller cord. which you don't need, just snip it off

4.either tape them together which electrical tape them, or you can tidy it up a
little bit and solder them. it still works out fine either way.
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