Pues aquí está el catálogo de lo que se mostrará para las consolas de Nintendo en el E3, pero claro, sorpresas de última hora y por lo tanto juegos de REVOLUTION pues como que no.
Esto es lo oficial, lo extraoficial.....
* Activision *
Call of Duty 2: Big Red One (GC)
Ultimate SpiderMan (GC,GBA)
X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse (GC)
Les Quatre Fantastiques (NGC)
The Movies (GC)
Shrek Superslam (GC, NDS, GBA)
Tony Hawk's American Wasteland (GC)
Ty le tigre de Tasmanie 3 (NGC, GBA)
* Bandai *
One Piece: Grand Battle (GC)
One Piece (GBA)
ZatchBell (GC)
Digimon World IV (GC)
* BuenaVista *
Chicken Little (GC)
The Chronicles of Narnia (GC)
* Camelot *
Projet Golden Sun (support inconnu)
Mario Tennis Advance (GBA)
* Capcom *
Rockman Zero 4 (GBA)
Mega Man Battle Network 5: Team Colonel (GBA)
Mega Man Battle Network 5: Team Protoman (GBA)
Killer 7 (GC)
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (NDS)
Scratch! Viewtiful Joe (NDS)
Viewtifiul Joe VFX Battle (GC)
* Electronic Arts *
Madden NFL 2006 (NGC, NDS)
Batman Begins (NGC, GBA)
Harry Potter et la Coupe de Feu (NGC, GBA, NDS)
James Bond 007: Bons baisers de Russie (NGC, NDS)
Marvel Nemesis: L'Avènement des Imparfaits (NGC, NDS)
Medal of Honor: Les Faucons de Guerre (NGC)
Need for Speed Most Wanted (NGC, NDS, GBA)
Les Sims 2 (NGC, NDS, GBA)
GoldenEye: Au service du Mal (NDS)
Superman (support inconnu)
* Koei *
Dynasty Warriors (DS)
* Majesco *
A Boy and His Blob (DS)
ATV: Quad Frenzy (DS)
Black & White Creatures (DS)
Bust-A-Move DS (DS)
Golden Nugget Casino DS (DS)
Guilty Gear Dust Strikers (DS)
Nanostray (DS)
Texas Hold 'Em Poker DS (DS)
* Midway *
Arcade Classic 3 (GC)
* Namco *
Atomic Betty (GBA)
Gumby vs The Astrobots (GBA)
The Berenstain Bears and the Spooky Old Tree (GBA)
Rebelstar Tactical Command (GBA)
Sigma Star Saga (GBA)
Hello Kitty Roller Rescue (GC)
Namco Museum 50th Anniversary (GC)
Pac-Man World 3 (GC)
Pac N' Roll (NDS)
Real Time Conflict: Shogun Empires (NDS)
* Natsume *
Harvest Moon Another Life (GC)
Harvest Moon DS (DS)
* Nintendo *
Advance Wars (DS)
Animal Crossing (DS)
Another Code (DS)
Battalion Wars (GC)
Dance Dance Revolution with Mario (GC)
Donkey Kong Country 3 (GBA)
Donkey Konga 2 et 3 (GC)
Fire Emblem The Sacred Stone (GBA)
Fire Emblem Souen no Kiseki (GC)
Geist (GC)
Kirby Aventure (GC)
Mario 128 (GC)
Mario Baseball (GC)
Mario & Luigi 2 (DS)
Mario Kart (DS)
Mario Kart Arcade GP (Arcade)
Mario Party 7 (GC)
Metroid Dread (DS)
Metroid Prime Hunter (DS)
Metroid Pinball (DS)
Nintendo Pennant Chase Baseball (GC)
Odama (GC)

Super Mario Strickers (GC)
Jump Super Star (DS)
Tetris (DS)
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (GC)
Touch! Golf (DS)
* Sega *
Gunstar Super Heroes (GBA)
Shadow The Hedgehog (GC)
Spartan: Total Warrior (GC)
Sonic Rush (DS)
* Square Enix *
Final Fantasy III (DS)
The World Of Mana (support inconnu)
* SNK Playmore *
Metal Slug 1 (GBA)
* Take 2 Interactive *
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (GC)
* Telegames *
Ultimate Card Games (DS)
Ultimate Brain Games (DS)
Ultimate Pocket Games (GBA)
Ultimate Puzzle Games (GBA)
Ultimate Arcade Games (GBA)
* THQ *
Tak: The Great Juju Challenge (NGC, GBA, DS)
SpongeBob SquarePants: Lights, Camera, PANTS! (NGC)
The Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer (NGC, DS, GBA)
* Ubi Soft *
King Kong (GC)
187 Ride or Die (GC)
Prince Of Persia 3 (GC)
Splinter Cell 4 (GC)
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Lockdown (GC)
* Vivendi *
Crash Tag Team Racing (NGC, DS)
The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction (NGC)
StarCraft: Ghost (NGC)
* jeux-france *
BUFFFF!!!! Golden Sun, World Of Mana y muchos más tiene buena pinta, pero espero que me sorprendan con un Super Monkey Ball para REvolution, si finalmente tiene sensores de movimiento el mando podrán hacer un juego fantástico.