CELL vs GPUs y como hacer que se complementen

Hay muchas mas cosas ... pero esto da algo de luz. El tema es como hacer que esto funcione junto y las nuevas tecnicas de render para la siguiente generación.

A Geforce 7800 GTX with 8 vertex pipelines and a clock rate of 550Mhz should have roughly 35.2 GFLOPs (another 211GFLOPs in pixel shaders assuming no texture operations). A Cell processor with 8 SPEs and a clock rate of 3.2GHz should have 218GFLOPs (7 SPEs at 3.2GFLOPs whould make it more like 179GFLOPs). So yea... I can believe the claim the Cell CPU could theoretically be 5-6 times faster at geometry than a Geforce 7800GTX, only if we are counting geometry. Only problem is that is if you to do everything that is normally done in a modern graphics processor the Cell's performance would likely be far less. After all... one of the main reasons why Sony decided to use nVidia's technology is because the Cell processor itself was inferior to even nVidia's Geforce at the time... especially when shaders are concerned.

The general consensus is that we already knew the Cell CPU would be a very powerful processor for geometry so it is not surprising to hear this kind of a claim.

It does bring up an interesting thought of using the Cell to handle the geometry and the Geforce GPU for texturing and shaders (this would be similar to how the Emotion Engine in the PS2 interacted with the Graphics Synthesizer). The only problem is that would make the vertex pipelines kinda useless in the Geforce GPU... and this would increase the difficulty of game development also.

Like most things in life... there are things that we are not being told.

El link ... hilo muy interesante.
Bueno el problema de la cita que has puesto es que el autor se confundio y el ejemplo de codigo en el que el Cell era 5-6 veces más rapido se ejecutaba en los pixel shader (218 Gflops) no en los vertex shader (35 Gflops) de la 7800 GT.

La ventaja era probablemente por que usaba grupos de datos pequeños (algo que se le da mal a las targetas de nVidia) segun comentan en el hilo.
He puesto en negrita eso pero, lo mas interesante es el hilo en general, lo que se queda en el aira. ¿Como aprovechar esa potencia de vertex shaders para ayudar a la GPU con los pixel shaders?. Por ahí dicen que está crudo, ya que inutilizaría los de la GPU, mas lo problemas de cuellos de botella. otros comentan que es posible.
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