Bueno esto es para saber si existe alguna base de datos de cheats apra el m3 ds simply, poruqe antes usaba la de huertas pero desde que dejo de actualizarla pues ya no se donde encontrar una actualizada , gracias a todos
Parece que ni te ha pasado pro la mente que la Simply ES LO MISMO que la R4 ORIGINAL (no la confundas con sus clones bastardos) http://cheats.gbatemp.net/ Como recomendacion lee esto:
There is a problem with some flashcards such as the R4DS and all of its clones (M3 Simply, N5DS, ect) which limits the number of cheats that are displayed for games. This means that cheats for games that appear at the end of the cheat file are not displayed, this includes games for The World Ends With You, Yu-Gi-Oh, Trauma Center and others.
You have four options, the first is to get a new flashcard, the second is to delete the games from the cheat file you don't plan to use, the third option is to move the games to the top of the list and the fourth option is to use the CHEAT(UE).DAT file which has all the Japanese cheats removed.
I have updated the first post of the The NEW massive CHEAT compilation thread with a link to a R4CCE tutorial by Curley to edit the cheat files.
Before posting about games not having cheats in the forums, please check the GameList.txt file to see if the game really does have cheats.