Codigo Sniffeado de PSJ

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Bueno pues, parece q se ha logrado ver lo q envia el psj a la ps3 cuando es conectado, ademas parece haber un tipo el cual ha logrado compilar un pequeño prog en linux, para su celular, con el q emula dicho jig usb:

I've spent the last few hours writing a kernel driver for linux that would replicate the descriptors and data reported here.
It compiles, but I can't load it on my PC since the PC has no USB slave controller, so it can't work... I'm trying however to get it into my N900 and test with it.

My issue now is that my scratchbox installation is screwed up, so I need to reinstall it in order to get the proper build environment setup so I can build the kernel module.

In th meantime, I wrote a small script that disables the N900 USB gadget modules, so it doesn't even register when it gets plugged in. This will allow me to then just load my kernel module and have it work without any kind of interference from other usb modules of the N900.

However, we definitely need some real/proper usb dumps! If someone has the dongle, could you please try to dump it on linux with wireshark (load usbmon module first) and upload the wireshark file somewhere ? I'm sure I can get this work as soon as I get that dump!

Read more: ... z0y1CDB4N7

y ademas esto:
Ok guys, some more news here! I finally got the kernel module to work! It loads up and everything, so that's cool. It also properly answers the device/configuration requests. But I have one issue :

The host asks for a buffer of size 18, and I send it a size 3840 bytes.. and with the usb sniffer I have here under linux (for tests), all I see is a 'corrupted packet error', so I'm not sure if the data is sent correctly, or if it doesn't even get sent because the underlying framework refuses it.

anyways, so far all good, assuming the data is sent correctly, then I've written a driver that reproduces the usb dumps received! Now we just need a proper dump to see exactly what's going on, when to send that data, etc...

Now it's 10:20 AM, and I really need to go to sleep, so good night all! I hope we'll have some more stuff tomorrow so I can continue working on this!

Read more: ... z0y1CKTHSB

espero q sepan entender el ingles este, luego lo traducire.
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