cogeros los machos! Chrono Trigger Remake!

Un grupo de desarrollo americano independiente conocido como Resurrection Games está en pleno proceso de programación del remake de Chono Trigger.

El grupo en concreto lleva un par de años trabajando en ello y para finales de este año lanzará una demo, la cual va por el 25 % de desarrollo. El proyecto comenzó con idea de ser lanzado para N64 y pero al final puede que vaya a parar estas tres plataformas: GameCube, Xbox, y PC.



The development of Chrono Trigger: Resurrection started in April 2003, but it was not the first time Resurrection Games developed a remake of Chrono Trigger...

Nathan recalls, "I started developing a version of Chrono Trigger for the Nintendo 64 during my senior year of High School. It was my first real game project, so it was quite a challenge. Art was mainly done by myself at the time and there was another 3D modeler who did a test Crono model. Mat Valente worked on the music and composed a full soundtrack of .XM's that sounded much, much better than the original SNES songs.

Due to my lack of experience at the time and the lack of quality on the art side, I quietly decided to postpone the project after the summer of 2000 until I felt more competent in my skills and until there were more reliable art resources available."


All of the technology was custom-written for Chrono Trigger: Resurrection. This includes: a cross-platform renderer, which runs on GameCube, Xbox, and PC; Converter and preview tools, such as the texture converter, 3ds max exporter, sound player, etc.; And, of course, the game core, which contains all of the logic to run the game.

Currently, the entirety of the game and engine is being programmed by Nathan.


An average scene in Chrono Trigger: Resurrection ranges anywhere from 5,000 to 10,000 triangles. Instead of opting for a low-polygon scene with lightmaps, we've decided to strategically tesselate the scene geometry so that static vertex ligthing could be used -- with similar quality results. This allows the lighting to have a more artistic feel than a normal light-mapped scene because all lighting is hand done and nothing is mathematically calculated. It is also less expensive, performance-wise, and more compatible with other platforms, due to its more simplistic technical roots.

A typical main character mesh is composed of 10,000 - 12,000 triangles and has an average of 150 bones for animation. Each mesh has went through a rigorous approval process. For our lead 3D artist, David Ying, it is a testament to his patience and ability as multiple fixes were requested and then fixed.

When Luis Martins joined the Chrono Trigger: Resurrection team in August 2003, the artistic direction of the project changed significantly. All of the previous character concepts and meshes were replaced in favor of a more consistent style and look -- more like Akira Toriyama's style that was used in the original Chrono Trigger. Luis made sure to overlook all the aspects of the quality in the graphics department so that everything could be as consistent as possible. It is a fair assumption to say that, without him, Chrono Trigger: Resurrection would not look as good as it does now.


The soundtrack for Chrono Trigger: Resurrection has been re-mastered with higher quality instruments and a higher sampling rate by our musician, Mat Valente. He has been very dedicated and worked hundreds of hours to retain the original feelings of the songs while adding more feeling to them, in the process. We think his hard work would even make Mitsuda-san proud.

Mat is also responsible for the sound effects in the game. In combination with the re-mastered music, we hope the audience will be pleasantly surprised with the level of audio quality in the demo.


Imagen Imagen

todas la imagenes --> aki y aki

demasiado currado para ser FAKE....

Right, it's a fan-game, it's a demo of the full game, and we are not making a profit from it's release..So it's perfectly legal.

We're doing it for every Chrono Trigger fans' enjoyment.. especially our own

Esto se puede leer en los foros de la page, asi ke es un fan game y encima no completo, simplemente dicen que se están currando algunas de las escenas del juego a modo de demo y sin ninguna intención de venderlo, parece ke será de libre distribución.
Pero..pero es muy cutre...además. son un grupo de programadores única versión que verá la luz al público, y gratis, es la de pc...
When the project is completed, only the PC version will be released to the public for free. The GameCube and Xbox ports are internal and only official developers (for those respective platforms) will be able to play them.

Esta imagen es como la de snes casi XD
Quizá si square los hubiera licenciado, y prestado algo de apoyo, se podria hacer algo interesante...pero yo no me haría muchas ilusiones...
Además, si no he entendido mal, lo que están haciendo es una demo que incluirá 10 momentos clave del juego, y ya está, no el juego de fanboys del chrono para fans del chrono...
ya, pero siendo hecho por amateurs y encima de libre distribucion, creo ke tampoco se puede pedir demasiado.... como bien dices si square hubiera metido mano otro gallo cantaria....


PD: este proyecto me recuerda a ese ke iba a hacer el OOT en 2D.... se sabe algo de eso?
Pos si sale aki, aunke sea demo, bienvenido sea. Y si no es demo mejor ke mejor.

Benga un saludo y agur[bye]
Ackman escribió:
PD: este proyecto me recuerda a ese ke iba a hacer el OOT en 2D.... se sabe algo de eso?

Si,q todavia esta en progreso. Tiene q sacar la beta cuarta todavia. Paciennnnnnnncia.....

OoT 2D
DIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS [amor] [amor] [amor] [amor] [amor] [amor] [amor] [amor] , me da = si es una demo no oficial de 10 minutillos, me basta!! ver a chrono, magus, frog, etc en autenticas 3D no tiene precio para mi.

[risita] guuuuaaaaaaauuuuuu el "crono tripero"uno de mis juegos preferidos.
Ojala salga para el cubo [babas]
[buuuaaaa] [buuuaaaa] Vale, muy bien, pero ahora que lo haga Square de verdad [buuuaaaa] [buuuaaaa]
Me parece de putisima madre de k akellos k no pudimos disfrutar de este classicco en sus dias podamos ahora. Un saludo!!! [bye]
VenoMPS escribió:Me parece de putisima madre de k akellos k no pudimos disfrutar de este classicco en sus dias podamos ahora. Un saludo!!! [bye]

Pos me parece q vas a tener q jugar al clasico,pq este 3D no es el juego entero por lo q se dice,sino un proyecto con los mejores momentos del juego,asi q imagino q kitaran uxas cosas.
JO-TA-KE escribió:
Pos me parece q vas a tener q jugar al clasico,pq este 3D no es el juego entero por lo q se dice,sino un proyecto con los mejores momentos del juego,asi q imagino q kitaran uxas cosas.


Sacado de la page esa:

Chrono Trigger: Resurrection is a 3D remake of Square's SNES classic, Chrono Trigger. The demo, which will be released Christmas 2004, re-creates ten of the best scenes from the original game.

Currently, the demo is 25% complete. We expect to release a trailer when the demo is over 50% completed, which should be around the end of August. When the project is completed, only the PC version will be released to the public for free. The GameCube and Xbox ports are internal and only official developers (for those respective platforms) will be able to play them.

Vamos que será como un "recordatorio" de las 10 mejores partes del juego y estará sólo para PC a finales de este año.

Tiene buena pinta pero me esperaba algo mejor al ver el titulo del post: un remake de la mano de Square como dios manda o algo asi (soñar es gratis) :P


EDITO: Mirar lo que acabo de ver en esa web: otro proyecto sobre CT, parece que es una mierda pero weno xDD
sea lo que sea, solo por verlo en 3D
Si esta demo tiene exito a lo mejor los gandules de Square, se espabilan y hacen un remake oficial. Eso si ke estaria bien. Aunke kon graficos de esta kalidad, no kon los graficos de snes (esto lo dejamos pa GBA)

Aunke si no fuera del Chrono Trigger, (yo personalmente) kon uno del Terranigma tambien me komformaria(si mal no rekuerdo el Terranigma fue creado por Enix,corregidme si me eciboco ya ke por entonces solo jugaba a la GB [jaja] ).

Y ya ke estamos en la epoka de los remakes, pos puestos a pedir ke agan los remakes de juegos buenos, no?

Benga un saludo y agur[bye]
12 respuestas