Coming Soon - ConfigMagic FINAL Release !!
Soon to be released - ConfigMagic FINAL !!
New Features (Not final and could change):
1. Brand NEW Graphics and awsome new "look" with cool intro and credits movie !!
2. Load ANY Version EEPROM Images; Automatically converts between V1.0 and V1.1
3. More Safety features to ONLY allow valid XBE Regions.
4. Backup feature will create .CFG file as well as the .txt file with XBOX Info.
5. Now Using SHA1 Middle Message to detect XBOX Version; Better compatibility with XEcuter2 Bios.
6. Huge changes in XKUtils libary that is shared between LiveInfo and ConfigMagic.
7. NEW Feature: Blind Restore EEPROM; If you screwed the Video or XBE region and screen stays blank you can boot ConfigMagic from DVD and hold in a button sequence to "blind" restore your EEPROM. (flashes green eject light when successfull)
8. Valid Blank V1.0 and V1.1 EEPROM images supplied (USA Region, NTSC)
![maloso [666]](/images/smilies/nuevos2/masmalo.gif)
Tomaaaa cut and pasteeeeeee!!!