Credito para: Ribs (usuario de psubuntu)
Copio y pego en vista de que nadie le presto atención en aquel foro:
Look what I found: is obviously for the OpenSUSE PPC release, but I'm guessing it should be technically possible to get this working. I know the performance wouldn't be great, and not everything would work, but it still looks very interesting.
For a lot of people, this feature alone might be worth trying openSUSE. We've all seen the posts about getting flash and wine working on the PS3, right?
Just a thought. Anyone willing to try getting it working on Ubuntu?
Resumen para los no english-speaking
Al parecer en la distribución SUSE hay un integrado entre qemu y el sistema lo cual permite instalar y compilar aplicaciones x86 de manera nativa en PPC lo cual nos permitiria tener por ejemplo wine en el ps3; esto es una noticia que muchos esperabamos.
Algun entendido en la materia le podria hechar un ojo a ver si es posible hacer algo similar en ubuntu o ydl?