Como puedo autoarrancar moonshell??
(Tengo el YSMenu.nds, MoonShell 2.04 y el plugin Unneon's Alternate YSloader)

(no quiero alterar ysmenu)
si alguien tiene el moonshell 2.04 en autoboot que me lo pase,por favor.
Tengo una M3 Simply DS con 2gb
Creo que tanto la M3 como la R4 tienen una estructura de archivos similes. Lee esto:

1) Extract the files of the r4denc package on your desktop.

2) Copy your R4-DLDI'd moonshl2.nds from the root of your card to the r4denc directory.

3) Drag moonshl2.nds over r4enc.exe. This will produce a file called "moonshl2.nds.DAT".

4) Rename moonshl2.nds.DAT into "_DS_MENU.DAT".

For users of Windows XP/etc., the .DAT extension might automatically be hidden. In this case, open any explorer window, go to "Tools", "Folder Options...", "View", check the Advanced Settings panel and remove the check from "Hide extensions for known file types." Keep it this way for now.

5) Copy _DS_MENU.DAT to the root of your card. From here, you can choose to overwrite R4's original _DS_MENU.DAT firmware file or just rename it to something else and keep it as backup. What matters is you get the renamed _DS_MENU.DAT at the root of your card.

Okay, now you can change it back. Follow the extra steps in the previous step and put the check back. It might get annoying when you're renaming files, so it's recommended you just keep the extensions hidden unless you discover you have an everyday use for them.

6) Create a new directory on your desktop called "r4ysauto".

7) Extract the contents of the r4ysauto package you downloaded into this directory.

8) Copy the YSMenu package you downloaded from Yasu's site into the r4ysauto directory.

9) Run r4config.bat and answer the questions accordingly. Anyhow, these are my answers:

Language: EN
Flashcart: R4
Overwrite: Yes
Skin: No
YSMenu Language: EN
Ways To Install YSMenu: 4
Automatic Updates: Off

10) Rename the YSMenu package you copied to the directory as "".

11) Run r4.bat. This will produce "".

12) Extract the files of this archive into the root of your card.

13) Create a new directory called "ysmenu" at the root of your card.

14) Move the YSMenu.nds you extracted from the R4_custom_English archive into the ysmenu directory.

15) DLDI-patch YSMenu.nds.

Special Note:
For R4 Clones in general, I am not sure if this method will work. Therefore, I also kept sprogurt's, HoTsHoT89's & Montevieau's original posts intact.
Si no mal recuerdo habia que renombrar el moonshel a "_DS_MENU.DAT" y con eso arrancaba directamente..
Gracias Dr Katts y alexpowerup
¿Pero al final lo lograste o no? xD
alexpowerup escribió:¿Pero al final lo lograste o no? xD

alexpowerup escribió:Creo que tanto la M3 como la R4 tienen una estructura de archivos similes. Lee esto: ....

No funciona en mi m3 ... el metodo de alexpowerup...
5 respuestas