como puedo usar el disco duro de la X en mi PC?

pues nada solo queria preguntaros eso ^^ a ser posible decidme la forma mas sencilla posible [looco] gracias:D
Explicate mejor por que no te entiendo y antes de nada te recomendaria que leyeras los documentos existentes de la xbox, segurmante alli encuentres lo que necesitas. Un saludo
Te lo explicaria guay....pero tengo un sueño de la ostia y un txt a mano, esta en inlges pero supongo que no sera un problema:

First of all dl the hdd unlocker here.

Then connect your original hdd to your xbox, using Evox, get your hdd password. (in the evolutionx dash go 'system utils' then 'backup' , this will make a directory called "backup" on the C drive of your xbox. "hddinfo.txt" will contain the HD key)
Once you have it, It looks like this:


rewrite it as followed:


Yeah delete the last zeroes, and print it out, ull need it.

Now you have to boot DOS (Bootdisk).

Donwload this for a bootdisk that works with Win98-WinXp:

Once downloaded execute it, enter a Floppy disk in ur computer.
it will make that disk a boot disk.

Then add the files: hdunlock.exe, hdunlock.pas, hddisabl.exe, and hdddisabl.pas to the bootdisk just created.

Now, turn off your computer, set your xbox hdd to SLAVE, install your xbox hdd in your computer.

Turn on your computer with bootdisk inserted, and it will ask you to press a key, then press a key, and you are in A:\>

Type in hdunlock and press enter
Select your xbox hdd, and enter your hdd password

it should say DONE

Type in hddisabl
Select oyur xbox hdd, and enter your xbox hdd password

it should say DONE.

Congratulations you have unlocked your xbox hdd for formatting.

Simple way to format it in WinXP:

Now boot to windows
enter "MMC" in RUN
File-->Add/Remove Snap-in
Click on ADD
New window appears double click on Disk Management
New window, click finish
Click on OK
Click on Disk Management(LOCAL)
then right click on disk 1 and select the first option
now right click on the right box next to the Disk 1 Box
Then click on format, and format it the way you want it, select your partition letter and your ready to go.
ok gracias :D a grandes rasgos que conecte el disco duro a mi PC,que los desbloque y que lo formate no?:D
hay un tutorial que hice yo sobre desbloquear y usar el hdd en el PC... usad la b. avanzada
cierto muy buen tutorial :) gracias ahora ya lo tengo 100% claro
5 respuestas