Hola, pues la pc si sigue reconociendo mi lector y a la hora de usar el restore me sale eso... intente restaurar un firmware ke obtuve de meter la key de mi lector en otro firmware original y esto es lo ke sucede cuando le doy restaurar....
y a la hora de probar los juegos originales me sale disco no reproducible cual es el errror????
Saludos y gracias
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.
C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator>cd..
C:\Documents and Settings>cd..
C:\>cd x-lg
C:\X-LG>restore.bat F 6060
* *
* garyOPA: Xtreme vALL -- Hitachi 7in1 *
* *
* Restores your x360 drive to ORIGINAL *
* *
Access is denied.
Access is denied.
Access is denied.
Detecting VERSION of drive...
---------- TEST.BIN
---------- TEST.BIN
---------- TEST.BIN
---------- TEST.BIN
---------- TEST.BIN
---------- TEST.BIN
---------- TEST.BIN
HL-DT-STDVD-ROM GDR3120L00590BMBB 06/01/24 ☺
HL-DT-STDVD-ROM GDR3120L00590BMBB 06/01/24
---------- TEST.BIN
Restoring V59 firmware...
Restoring 1/9 sector 90035000 (Media Detect / SS Read)...
DeviceIOControl() failed 0
failed to stop the disc (sense: 02/04/01)
Restoring 2/9 sector 90027000 (Challenge Response)...
DeviceIOControl() failed 0
failed to stop the disc (sense: 02/04/01)
Restoring 3/9 sector 90025000 (Mode B into A)...
DeviceIOControl() failed 0
failed to stop the disc (sense: 02/04/01)
Restoring 4/9 sector 9001d000 (Game Part Unlock)...
DeviceIOControl() failed 0
failed to stop the disc (sense: 02/04/01)
Restoring 5/9 sector 9001c000 (Drive Response Table Decrypt)...
DeviceIOControl() failed 0
failed to stop the disc (sense: 02/04/01)
Restoring 6/9 sector 9000a000 (TRAY Tweak)...
DeviceIOControl() failed 0
failed to stop the disc (sense: 02/04/01)
Restoring 7/9 sector 90006000 (MODE B Tweak)...
DeviceIOControl() failed 0
failed to stop the disc (sense: 02/04/01)
Restoring 8/9 sector 90003000 (Xtreme Custom Code)...
DeviceIOControl() failed 0
failed to stop the disc (sense: 02/04/01)
Restoring 9/9 sector 9003e000 (Master Checksum)...
DeviceIOControl() failed 0
failed to stop the disc (sense: 02/04/01)
Checking RESTOREd version...
FirmCrypt v0.1 - loser 2005
FAIL: Restoring is NOT completed...
System will now REDO the Restoring!
Process will CONTINUE until DONE!!!
Press any key to continue . . .