Has leido el readme.md? Ahi te dice como se compila i lo compila desde linux:
Modifying the firmware
Compile guiTool by running make,
Extract gui data from your firmware with guiTool firmware.bin -e gui.bin,
Make any changes you want to the gui.bin file (note: text is Unicode), the "Touch the Touch Screen to continue." text starts at 0x2c20 in the file.
Make a copy of your firmware (here it is called cfw.bin),
Inject gui data into your custom firmware with guiTool cfw.bin -i gui.bin,
(Optional but recommended) run DeSmuME, go to Config->Emulation Settings and configure it to boot from your custom firmware; this is just to test that it works,
Flashing to hardware (fwManager - recommended method)
Compile fwManager by running make, or download a prebuilt binary, copy it to your flashcard,
Make a new directory called firmwares on your flashcard,
Place your modified firmware (cfw.bin) here,
Run fwManager and select your custom firmware; when the installer is running, short the SL1 terminal as if you were installing FlashMe.
Flashing to hardware (FlashMeInjector - old method for homebrew loaders that don't support libfat)
Compile FlashMeInjector by running make,
Inject your firmware into the FlashMe installer with FlashMeInjector flashme.nds -lite cfw.bin if you are using a DS Lite, or FlashMeInjector flashme.nds -phat cfw.bin if you are using an original DS,
Run your modified FlashMe installer on your DS,
FlashMe firmwares have an additional checksum, which will be incorrect, FlashMe will tell you the correct one and won't flash anything,
Correct the FlashMe checksum with the one your DS told you, and inject the new firmware back into flashme.nds,
Run flashme.nds again, from here the installation process will be the same as if you were installing FlashMe normally (SL1 must be shorted),
If you follow the optional steps, then the risk of a brick will be relatively low; however, I take no responsibility if a brick does happen as a result of using these tools.
Un saludo