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EGM: OK, so now let's tackle the big topic: the ending.
TG: The ending was...I think if we have a regret about the game, and it's not a regret that came unexpectedly...[pause]...it's something where we said we know people aren't gonna like that. Nobody likes it when something doesn't end completely. But the ending is the sort of situation where we said, we have this giant story that we want to tell, but we have this amount of time, we have this to make a game with. Either we're going to have to cut back on the story, [or we'll have to] dramatically simplify some things and cut some things out wholesale. Lord knows we already did a lot of that-I think the original script was cut down by 100 pages over the course of the project. [Basically] we have a big story to tell, and the game isn't big enough for that story. So we're going to try to bring it to the climax of a certain arc of the story, which I think we do, but we're going to leave it at that, and wait for the next generation. Thinking forward, we haven't burned any bridges, if and when we come back to the story there's a bit more of that to tell.
As soon as we made the decision that this was the game we were making, we were conscious of the fact that the ending wasn't as strong as a game that had a complete story arc. We certainly don't try to defend it, we don't say "We don't think we made a bad decision at all!" That's a terrible thing. It drives me nuts when I see developers do that...a good developer is conscious of everything developed in the game, and one thing we're conscious of is that the ending isn't really the ending, it's a "Hold that thought, we'll come back to it. Hope you enjoyed the game, but that's the game."
Had we all to do it again, I don't think we'd do it any differently. Time is finite, resources are finite, and our story is a pretty grand one.
XVlad escribió:Pues por lo que yo he entendido lo hicieron (halo2) asi porque lo que queda da para mucho, un juego o mas y creo que dice que halo 3 para xbox 2. Es lo que he entendido con mi ingles neutro de spain
Enanon escribió:Esto me parece flipante, que diriais si jugando al super mario 64 cuando pillais 60 estrellas os saltase un cartelito: gracias por jugar, el resto en Super mario 64'2???
Wesker escribió:Y que sabian que a la gente no le iba a gustar que la historia no finalizara en Halo2 (que era lo que la gente esperaba), pero que esto fue a causa de que tienen demasiada cantidad de material que contar.
Molonator69 escribió:Lo unico que me jode es el puto doblaje lo demas me parece genial y rozando la perfección.