Es un zip corriente y moliente. Lo he puesto como adjunto para que se pueda leer mejor porque lo tenía guardado en html, pero lo pego aquí para los que tengan dificultades.
03/10/02 fire640cd - are our spanish brothers racists?
I'm a dutchmen, my french and german are better than my english. Nevertheless I conversate in english just out of respect for the other people who are posting here. What's the point in discussing when you only talk to one kind of people. Isn't it interesting to discuss in one mutual language a band that rises above cultural differences? So why just conversate with spanish and latin-american people? Out of disgust or disinterest for other cultures? I agree that spanish is a very important language and that it would be normal for many people to understand it. But clearly and unfortunately this isn't so... So adapt yourself to this situation... What's the problem? Show some respect...
03/10/02 Aborash21 - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
Some of us find more easy to express their oppions in our mother- lenguage and, I suppose, some of us cannot speak any English at all. This is not a reason to keep out from the forums Isn´t it? We are no racists, you know, you are really wellcome when you come here during the holidays (even if you cannot speak any Spanish). Your brothers (there in Holland and all over Europe) are more usually over Spanish ground than other English spoken country, so Why don´t show some respect for our country and learn some Spanish? And you can see I have no hate to Holland even when you were a traitor province during the kingdom of Charles the I (Charles the V in Germany) and you help Englishmen to sink our ships comming from the new world (what were you thinking about, what a kind of assassins you were...). So we turn the page, you are wellcome to Ibiza, Barcelona, Benidorm, Canary Islands or wherever you want. Live an let live man.
03/10/02 tanafor - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
I live in Spain, and what I have seen in my life is that English level in this country simply sucks. So I think it's pretty understandable situations like this. I'm afraid that education in general, and foreign languages education above all need a big improve. Until then, please understand that not all people speak English.
03/11/02 fire640cd - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
If people really don't speak any English they should still be able to come to forums that's right. But is the level at which you get English in Spain and latin-america really that bad, like tanafor suggests? If so, you can't be held responsible for it that's true, you can count on my understanding. As for the fact that we "were a traitor province"?? we were oppressed by Spain!!! What was spain doing here anyway? Like Europe fought its way out of nazi-domination we fought against the spaniards who were slaughtering us because of our religion. We were the richest nation on earth in the 17th century because we were able to beat the economic competition of Spain...among others. That this happened by sinking your ships is a shame. I always loved spain and it's people and culture of course! Too bad you got ruined by Franco... Don't get me wrong I can quite easily read spanish...I just can't write it...
03/11/02 Sir_Madmartigan - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
Excuse me, but the reason of "spanish spoken forums" (at least for me) is that if the topic title it's written in spanish, I reply it in spanish, I also speak english, french and german... and a bit of Quenya too

. Cheers from Chile!!!:D
03/11/02 ZAKILUN - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
Hello i am spanish and i am not racist , i just dont have the correct level to answer in english , but i m tryng , UP THE IRONS , england , holland , germnany and spain !!
03/11/02 Ithronsul - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
Hi, I'm Spanish too. First of all, we speak Spanish because is easier for us, of course, but not only for that reason, there are many people who speaks Spanish and we feel good speaking with a lot of people from different countries with the same mother tongue. By the way, many people don't want to understand us and begin to insult our countries or our language, then, most of us (I'm not included) get furious and only write offensive messages to that guy, not to the whole English (or German, French, etc.) speakers. Almost all of us try to write in English the better we can, for me is very difficult, although I understand English very well. We will be polite with people like you, fire640cd. And please, forget the past, look to the future.
03/12/02 faramir676 - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
Wow, everything has been said, but fire640cd please understand that not everybody speaks english or even can read it, here in Chile i found that there is few who can and a lot not, so is not disrespect (is that word right?), is just a need to us. Greetings from the edge of the world!!!
03/12/02 BleedLikeMe - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
I have a great solution. If you don't speak spanish, don't click on the threads in spanish.=)
03/12/02 Aragorn260676 - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
Everything has been said, that´s ok...But I want to add something else to this discussion...I´m not racist but I hate Frank de Boer!!!!hahaha...Why is he playing in F.C. Barcelona?? That was a joke!Don´t get angry Fire064cd! We, the spanish people, are not racists (at least most of us), but in a general way, most of the poeple in Spain can hardly speak another language but spanish.So, I think that´s the main reason why we use spanish in these forums. Bye! Tschuss! Ciao! Au Revoire! Adios!
03/12/02 fire640cd - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
It's normal for people to react on a topic in the language that is used on the topic. Nobody complains about that... I'm not saying in what language you should post(hell I'm not a fool)but I try to give some arguments that would you choose for a language that is quite mutual. If you guys can't understand English than I agree that you should continue posting in Spanish. But believe me your levels are quite good... I know that's true Ithronsul, you guys are from many different countries but you have the spanish language as a connection. I'd be the last to insult your countries and language. And I'm not looking to the past, hell why should I? I just gave an answer to aborash21. Maybe I went a bit too far on that one...Frank De Boer isn't a great player but Kluivert is! Did you know what "De Boer" means? The joke. Greetings to my spanish-speaking brothers all over the world and on any edge of the world. Tot ziens...(adios in Dutch).
03/12/02 Aragorn260676 - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
I can´t believe it!!! His surname is the perfect adjective for him!!hahahaha. Of course Kluivert is a great player (I´like FC Barcelona). Grettings to you and all the brothers of metal round the world!!
03/13/02 Morrallaman - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
Para tocar los cojones al desgraciado ese voy a escribir en castellano. Si alguien se lo puede traducir que se lo traduzca, es que mi ingles es un poco flojo. Por cierto Aragorn260676, Frank de Boer es un gran jugador, ganador de una Copa de Europa y elegido entre los tres mejores jugadores del mundial de Francia. Así que Visca el Barça y a follarse al Liverpool hoy!!! Por cierto, que alguien le diga al Holandés este que coja un libro de historia y que busque donde se cuenta que en la Península Ibérica convivieron pacificamente durante 8 siglos cristianos, judíos y musulmanes sin ningún problema; y que me de otro ejemplo de convivencia como este.
03/13/02 Aborash21 - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
Nada, no te molestes; es de una sucia provincia traidora
03/13/02 Ithronsul - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
Please, forgive them because they don't know what are they writing. Pero tíos, estais locos? Para uno que no nos insulta por nuestra lengua... Mostrad un poco de respeto para el que os respeta.
03/13/02 Garald666 - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
yo ya paso, yo voy a hacer lo q me salga de la puntal rabo
03/14/02 fire640cd - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
My spanish isn't that bad after all, I can quite easily read what morallaman has written. He can't read or write english and wants you guys to translate it for me. He says De Boer is a great player because he won a european cup and was among the three best players in france '98. Unfortunately for him Barcelona didn't beat Liverpool though. He wants me to buy a history book so that I can read how the people on the Iberian peninsula lived together peacefully, both muslem and Jewish people. I don't know why he writes that, because this hasn't got anything to do with what I said. But most of all let us quit looking to the past...And if someone still wants to, start reading a few things on the inquisition first. But that is all in the past. Why waste your time on it? I don't know if aborash is joking or not but to me he seems quite funny with his "he comes from a traitor province"... So I can easily forgive them like Ithronsul suggests. First of all I learned that most spanish speaking people are respectfull and are able to have a conversation in normal way.Thanks guys.
03/14/02 faramir676 - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
Thats the spirit fire640cd!!!!!!!! Let this problem of babel behind
03/14/02 Ithronsul - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
You're welcome. This is the correct way.
03/14/02 Garald666 - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
ya q va de futbol.... hala madrid!!!!! mejor equipo del siglo XX, alguien lo puede igualar?
03/15/02 yurupuqui - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
Great, fir640cd. You're right, we are always looking to the past. I think it is a symptomatic behaviour of a fallen empire. It's sad, but true, you can see it in many countries with a similar situation to Spain.
03/15/02 Aborash21 - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
Anda! por lo menos teníamos un Imperio, no eramos ninguna nación pirata. Y mira que teníamos enemigos, pero joder! enemigos declarados que presentaban una guerra abierta. En lo que hacían no había ningún honor; eran como los tipos del 11-S. Pero que si no os gusta la historia pues nada, no hablamos. Eso si, el Madrid ganará la Champions League otra vez porque ha sido, es y será el mejor equipo de todos los tiempos. Yeah!!!
03/16/02 osmaverick - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
I'm spanish and i must say that I'm with you fire640cd. Those hisstoric comments of my fellow spaniards don't lead us in anyway to anywhere. The main reason for people to post comments in Spanish is because they can't speak english,and as I've read you understand their situation. As for what Aborash21 is saying don't give any importance to it. Its stupid to discuss about things thas hppened centuries ago. As for football GORA ATHLETIC, ATHLETIC TXAPELDUN (that's Basque language. I bet none you t knew it's the only fotball team that plays only with players of their region, no foreigners. It's a pity but the English level here in Sapin is very low.
03/16/02 Garald666 - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
el bilbao es el unico equipo con el q merece la pena identificarse, eso es la puta verdad (aunque yo soy del madrid ;'-( ). pero. pero. la real sociedad es el equipo mas racista y xenofobo del planeta. un equipo en el q puede jugar CUALQUIERA menos los nacidos en españa exceptuando los de euskal herria (hoy por hoy españoles tb jejeje). dios mio como se puede ser asi en pleno siglo XXI en un pais civilizado como este. muerte a la real, q baje a octava division
03/16/02 fire640cd - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
Aborash is really sounding very funny...The Dutch nation is a nation of pirates? I don't think so..a nation of traders perhaps? The whole pirate-thing in the 17th century, was a common thing in every state. So who cares anyway? You're a funny guy aborash...quit annoying us with figures from the past. I sincerely hope that Madrid loses the CL, you can't just win because you buy all the great players from all over the can you? Osmaverick is a basque? Great, there has always been something I don't understand about the basque people. Who made you split up? Why and since when is there a part in France and a part in Spain? It's clear that you guys can't help it that the level of english is quite low. It's a pity indeed...
03/16/02 Aborash21 - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
Oh what a sad man you are fire640cd... Traders? maybe, of stolen items and Spanish gold. Anyway we have a great past and you have... uhm... a team wich will not play the World Cup WAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! You can be sure that Real Madrid will win the Champion League as Spain will win the World Cup (we got options, not like you... ¿looser?) Hi from an Spanish-Vizcaian Knight ;P
03/16/02 Harlock1979 - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
I thinck that if anyone writes in spanish its because he wants to talk with another spanish. It happens the same when we are in a chat or playing with a lot of people.... (no sé, yo opino eso)
03/16/02 Harlock1979 - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
ups *thing* ¿en que estaria pensando?
03/16/02 aPoK_bAsTaRd - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
If somebody posts in spanish its his problem, and if his english level is slow...what can he do? dont post? i prefer english but if i answer a spanish post sure ill dont do it in english...
03/16/02 tinchoprimero - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
Harlock te equivocas también lo hacemos para romper las bolas
03/16/02 007PI602 - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
el despute que se armó por una simple pregunta, hello to everybody, especially to the dutchmen friend and long life for blind guardian, iron maiden, stratovarius and all the great bands!!! metal rules
03/17/02 Garald666 - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
harlock macho es 'think' q luego nos llaman tontos q no sabemos hablar ingles, parece q nuestro coeficiente intelectual es inferior al de los maravillosos europeos del norte
03/17/02 Violeta_Priego - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
I'm a bit late in this topic, I think. I'm a spanish girl and I'm 16. As you can check, my english level is not so bad after all... so not almost everybody in Spain has a low level of English (at least, one student breaks the general rule). And I have learnt English only at school, I haven't never travelled to the UK or to the USA and I don't have any English kith. With respect to the Spanish posts, I think Spaniards, despite they can speak (or not) English, like to write in their mother tongue. Coz it's easy for us, and with our language we can express things that we couldn't express with English. If we want to write some Spanish slang in English, that'd be impossible to understand. The Spanish is a connection for us, as it is the French for the French people, the Polish for the Polish people, etc. And we aren't the only who post in their language. fire640cd, you can see a lot of posts in Portuguese, German... and they haven't to annoy us. This is pluricultural world, so let's leave each one express as he/she wants, even if what he/she is writing is annoying or boorish. In that case, just don't pay attention to it. Don't let the world speaks only one language, it's much more beatiful our diversity of languages
03/17/02 Aborash21 - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
Un post precioso Violeta, la pena es que te falta un poquitín de modestia ¿no crees? ¡anda que! De todos modos, ciertamente tienes un buen nivel de inglés Congratulations ;P!
03/17/02 peyote - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
No necesita abuela jajajaja
03/17/02 Garald666 - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
jajajaaaaj sois unos machistas!!! como es piva le decis q es un post precioso. pq nunca decis eso de los mios? :'-( jajajajaja
03/17/02 peyote - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
ai estuied inglis in london aig eskul an ai hab a grit inglis lebel
03/17/02 Ithronsul - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
Muy buena Garald, tienes razón, tú también pones posts preciosos, guapetón. Jajajajajajajajaja. Es broma. Por cierto, peyote, es cierto, tienes un nivel de inglés impresionante. xD
03/17/02 peyote - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
esquiusmy for my gramatical error ai guonted tu sai jab no hab
03/17/02 Ithronsul - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
Yo también tengo buen nivel, mira: Huevos con jamón, yu can it güen yu guont
03/17/02 yurupuqui - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
llu ar esquiusid, bat be querful güiz yor errors
03/17/02 Ithronsul - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
Hay que ver lo que se aburre uno, jajajajaja.
03/17/02 peyote - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
zanquiu yurupuki in de fiucher guil bi mor querful
03/17/02 yurupuqui - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
03/17/02 peyote - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
ai zink dat ai jab a grit frends posting jiar
03/17/02 Aborash21 - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
Pues mira esta peyote: You got me with the fly behind the ear (me tienes con la mosca detrás de la oreja). Esto es de "Front lost to the river" (de perdidos al río). To the bread bread and to the wine as crazies (Al pan pan y al vino como locos) Hahahahahaha (jajajaja)
03/17/02 Ithronsul - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
lles, llu jab grit frends in dis pleis. Joder, que idioma más chulo nos hemos inventado.
03/17/02 Aborash21 - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
-Perdone ¿es aquí donde dan clases de inglés por un €? ... -If, if between, by favour.

03/17/02 yurupuqui - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
"It is not turkey mucus"(No es moco de pavo), but "it sweats her to me" (me la suda).Oh, "shit little parrot" (cagate lorito),"that if you want rice Catherine" (que si quieres aroz Catalina),"you have have more tale than little street!" (tienes más cuento que calleja), xDDDDDDD.
03/17/02 peyote - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
if llu guont tu be a grit inglis lebel llu only nid tu luk in dis plais.Is bery isi
03/17/02 yurupuqui - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
and tumorro güi can espik in llerman (doiche for de frens).
03/17/02 yurupuqui - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
ou, guat a cul queibord llu jaf, Aborash! it jas yuro ki
03/17/02 peyote - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
mai llerman level is guorst bat ai guil try to lerrr bery cuicli
03/17/02 Garald666 - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
aprenda ingles en el post de 'son nuestros hermanos españoles racistas?' totalmente gratuito y con profesores de muy alto nivel. si considera q su nivel es bueno, apuntese igualmente, se sorprendera de lo q puede aprender, e incluso si su lengua materna es el ingles vera una nueva perspectiva de esta bella forma de comunicacion entre las personas
03/17/02 Aborash21 - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
Ig come aús espánien. Ig bin 22 yare alt und ig kan espraje doiche gut aug. Guten nagt fiur meine fruendén. Lets espik yérma tu, its funi!!!
03/17/02 yurupuqui - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
ish chpreche nur ain venitch doich
03/17/02 Aborash21 - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
bojín comst dú yurupuqui?
03/17/02 yurupuqui - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
ish bin algecirander, bo misses zint.
03/17/02 yurupuqui - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
nau, ai mast gou tu eslip, bicos de cuélebre is guatchin mi. Ail gou tu drim güiz litel einyels. Gud nait, guten najt, ar peo.
03/17/02 Aborash21 - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
ig bin aus Bilbao (Ig sprage mit "g" ende nein "sh" pk ig hase `acenten´aus Miunig)

03/17/02 Garald666 - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
pos fale, ez zaituztet ulertu baina seguru naiz interesgarria ez dela. aupa ZAINDARI ITSUA!!!! lo egitera noa, oso tarde delako, bihar arteeeeeeeeee, dejad el alcohol chavales!!
03/17/02 Aborash21 - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
No te jode el gato madriles este que habla euskera mejor que yo!!! Esto ya es la juega padre señora! (This is now the father party lady)
03/17/02 peyote - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
nau aiam lost laik an octopus in a garach
03/17/02 Aborash21 - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
Ma per que no parlare italiano per tenere cossas qui fai a Fabio Lione e Lucca Pelucca... ejem Turili

03/17/02 Garald666 - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
jajajaja le voy a decir a mi madre q no me dejais dormir!!!! dejad de contestar!!! por cierto aborash, el gato madriles no se si habla mejor q tu, pero lo ha aprendido solito!!! pa q digan q es tan chungo el idioma jejejeej si es q soy la polla en verso!!! vendo narices, narices frescas señora!! jajajaja
03/17/02 Aborash21 - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
Coño llevan intentándo metérmelo por la chola durante toda mi vida escolar si éxito, todo lo que se decir es: Lau teilatu gainean Ilargia erdian Eta zu.. nosequemás. Pero para canción una que deberías haber puesto aquí: GüEN DE MUN IS IN DE SEBEN JAUS AND TU VE DER I LAIK SKISE MAS, AND PIS GÜIL GAY DE PLANETS AND ESTARS SAIN IN DE SKIE... GÜELCOME TO DE EICH OF ACUERIÓ, DI EICH OF ACUERIÓ, ACUERIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ACUERIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

03/17/02 Aborash21 - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
Coño llevan intentándo metérmelo por la chola durante toda mi vida escolar si éxito, todo lo que se decir es: Lau teilatu gainean Ilargia erdian Eta zu.. nosequemás. Pero para canción una que deberías haber puesto aquí: GüEN DE MUN IS IN DE SEBEN JAUS AND TU VE DER I LAIK SKISE MAS, AND PIS GÜIL GAY DE PLANETS AND ESTARS SAIN IN DE SKIE... GÜELCOME TO DE EICH OF ACUERIÓ, DI EICH OF ACUERIÓ, ACUERIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ACUERIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

03/17/02 Aborash21 - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
Coño llevan intentándo metérmelo por la chola durante toda mi vida escolar si éxito, todo lo que se decir es: Lau teilatu gainean Ilargia erdian Eta zu.. nosequemás. Pero para canción una que deberías haber puesto aquí: GüEN DE MUN IS IN DE SEBEN JAUS AND TU VE DER I LAIK SKISE MAS, AND PIS GÜIL GAY DE PLANETS AND ESTARS SAIN IN DE SKIE... GÜELCOME TO DE EICH OF ACUERIÓ, DI EICH OF ACUERIÓ, ACUERIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ACUERIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

03/17/02 Garald666 - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
jajajaja eso si q es bueno si, no me jodas!!!!! la de lau teilatu yo me la se, es la preferida de una 'amiga' de bilbao. q viva el faryyyyyy y los chichossssssss
03/17/02 Aborash21 - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
Que me decís si traducimos al "inglís is isi" las canciones de Blind Guardian? Eso si que sería un puntazo!!!
03/17/02 peyote - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
jajajaja apoyo la mocion, pero yo hago otra sugerencia ya puestos traducims la de hay que toriiiiiiiiiiiiiito hay torito guapo lleva botines y no va descaaaaaaaaaaaaaalzo.
03/17/02 Garald666 - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
jajajaja yo ejjque el inglis isi no lo yevo muy bien, a ver un intento: ritornin of de miraquels is mai oun reqüiem de llesters tirs dei ar insai mi agonis des crit for mai reqüiem. argo asi? q mal!!!
03/17/02 Aborash21 - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
Aut in de distans der is so mach gol, de tresur dat ay faun is mor dan enou... far tu de jils we tu gó OVER DE MOUNTAINS AN SIS, TU DE OL LAÍ WER DE OL DRAGON LAY!!!!!
03/17/02 peyote - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
riturnig of de miricols is mai oun reecuien de llesters tirs deiar insaidmi agonisssssssss de........ que mas da es nuestro idioma nadie va ha saber si hemos cometido errores gramaticales no?jajajajaja
03/17/02 Garald666 - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
joer la gente lo va a flipar cuando lo vea mañana esto jajaajja van a pensar q nos hemos metido de todo!!!! ouai javen bin jiar fooor a uail, in vlaindnes an diquei de sarquels bin clost mai sonof di en aiv sinirol
03/17/02 Aborash21 - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
Ai están alón no güan is bai mai sai, Ai der yu cam aut, yu cobar... nau is mi or yú!!! (a mi me parece que un poco de épica si que pierde

03/17/02 Garald666 - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
a mi me parece el idioma este q usan los morbid angel del necronomicon y esas cosas. le da un toque mas malote. pq tu te ves bonita tu teeeee sientes orgullosa ni mas ni menos ni mas nimenos mas bonitas son las rosasssssssssss!!! jajajaja joer y sin alcohol de por medio esto es nuevo!!!!
03/17/02 Aborash21 - re: are our spanish brothers racists?

03/17/02 peyote - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
y usted que opina del aborto de la gallina?
03/17/02 Garald666 - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
no empeceis q yo me se alguna del chivi asi q no me piqueis eh? y respecto al aborto de la gallina opino q como ser humano la gallina tiene unos derechos inalienables q debemos respetar, si quiere abortar q lo haga libremente, para q traer un nuevo huevo al mundo si este no va a ser feliz
03/17/02 peyote - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
Si te mola el kabezabolo escucha al juampa, es de un pueblo de valladolid con ese si que te mueres.
03/17/02 Aborash21 - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
jajajaja Cuando los punkies nos vamos de marcha, no te enamores tonta del haba, cada imperdible que llevo en la chupa, es el recuerdo de algún follón... si ves a los punkies pasar, con su vómito social AAAAAARGH!!! (este tío si que sabía terminar bien las canciones, ni chimpón ni mariconadas, un AAAAAAAAAARGH con dos cojones)

03/17/02 Aborash21 - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
Juampa y la Raja jajajajaja e plan Chivi
03/17/02 elputisimoamo - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
Esto parece una concentracion de retrasados mentales haciendo el subnormal. Lo peor de todo no es que lo sean, que si se empeñan en serlo vamos a darle ese gusto, si no que lo gritan y vociferan para que nos enteremos todos. Y peor aun es que se sienten felices por eso. A la mitad de vosotros no tenian que dejaros ni arrimaros a un ordenador. Y abstenerse de contestar, no creo q en mi vida vuelva a caer aqui para ver las mongolidades que cacareais.
03/17/02 Garald666 - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
q gran puta la q me hizo/joder en el cobertizo/q feo el detalle suyo/el morderme en el capullo/pero mi picha es tan dura/q casco la dentadura/y ahora la pobre elementa/de yogures se alimenta
03/17/02 Aborash21 - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
En la fiesta de Blás HEY en la fiesta de Blás!!! todo el mundo salía con unas cuantas copas de más HEEEEEEEEEY!!!! Que pasha no??? unete a la conga colega

03/17/02 Garald666 - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
jajaajaj este tio es subnormal, y de fijo q vuelve a entrar a ver q ponemos: q te den por culo gilipoyas de mierda!!! jajajaj
03/17/02 Aborash21 - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
Y hasta aquí van 51 estupideces (cuento a elputoamo porque en el fondo es un cachondo) Ya verás que bronca mañana

DD Y tu peyote!!! recoge los catxis que la señora de la limpieza se pondrá furiosa

03/17/02 Garald666 - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
soleis hacer esto muy a menudo? lo digo pq yo los jueves llego con un trozo del quince y soy mas gracioso jejejeje
03/18/02 yurupuqui - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
ahora os voy a recitar un bello poema llanito, oriundo de Gibraltar: one dia, iba by the garden one mariposita, and the repente, ¡plaf! ostiazo with the flowers, coño!, said the mariposita, i forgot tu open my alitas.
03/18/02 ospinavasquez - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
que maricas tan desocupados, trabajen........
03/18/02 yurupuqui - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
oye, sin insultar, que un mal día lo tiene cualquiera, y eso seguro que ha sido la peaso de borrasca que tenemos en lo alto, que afesta a la perola, y vamos, no me digas que trabaje que ya me estoy partiendo los cuernos bastante, pero tres días seguidos haciendo triggers de Oracle no es bueno, creeme.
03/18/02 caill7 - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
hepinizin aðzýný yüzünü sikiim ibneler sizi. Bu THREAD i de boka çevirdiniz topaç kýlýklý götverenler. Ananýzý tavana asýp mýna smaç basacam itler sizi.. Iyiki bi ispanyolca öðrenmiþsiniz. götünüzde patlasýn o da. Ama olmasa aðzýnýza yüzünüze attýracam götoþlar!!!
03/18/02 Violeta_Priego - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
Dios macho jamás había visto tantas tonterías juntas!!! Tíos que hicisteis el sábado? 20 botellones???

Y todo a raíz de mi frasecita sobre mi nivel de Inglishhh Pitinglishhh (Y no me falta modestia, Aborash... yo es q soy asi de... realista?!)
Violeta_Priego - re: are our spanish brothers racists?
Pero bueno!! Jamás había visto tantas tonterías juntas... que hicisteis el sábado? 20 botellones? Porque ojo!!! Y todo a raíz de mi frasecita! Si lo llego a saber... (por cierto, Aborash, no es q me falte modestia, es q soy... realista!?)