Two of Capcom's projects for the PlayStation 2 and GameCube have been canceled.
GameSpot has contacted Capcom Japan and confirmed that Red Dead Revolver for the PlayStation 2 and Dead Phoenix for the GameCube have been canceled. The sites for the two titles were deleted from Capcom's official Web site yesterday, and the games were taken off the release schedule list, raising doubts about their development status. Neither game was on display at E3. The news comes despite a recent report from a Capcom staff member stating that Red Dead Revolver was still being developed under an alternative cash source.
Fuente: Gamespot
Pues bueno, nos quedamos sin Dead Phoenix, y los usuarios de PS2 sin Red Dead Revolver.
De esta forma los medios occidentales no podran decir muy livianamente que lo cancelaron porque Gamecube vende poco como acostumbran hacer. (de paso tambien nos evitamos la reaccion de la gente que no tiene mucha idea y dice "a nintendo le pasara como a sega porque bla bla bla bla")
ke te pires
5.671 mensajes y 10 fotos desde nov 2001 en Destiny Island
estos dos juegos los ha cancelado capcom pero he leido por ahi que el red dead revolver quizas lo terminaria otra compañia, haran lo mismo con el dead phonenix?
un saludo