Segun los foros de xboxhacker, ya parece que ha sido por fin relaseada una version del firmware de la xbox1.
Cracked Samsung SDG-605B/616T/616F Firmware for Xbox 1
22 April 2006
Whats New
Totaly re-done to read security sector from image, will now work with all games and xbox live.
Security sector moved to image
Security sector now read from PSN $fd021e (originals) AND PSN $f9fa00 (backups. This is the next sector after end of xbox game data.)
Patched read sector routine to work with originals and backups
Patched debug cdb command (FF 66 05 or FF 06 05) for bank 0 rom checksum check to return original bank 0 rom checksum. Possible xbox live checker
Extra debug cdb command found to unlock drive without any challenge response (FF 08 01)
Tested with unmodified xbox with copy of Halo 2 made using hot swap technique, clonecd, original dvd size was psn 30000-FCxxxxx. Added security secotr to image with hex editor at psn f9fa00
Also included security sectors from games
Dont forget to include per game security sector into image. If need be, will post firmware to easily return security sector data
This will be similar to our soon to be released xbox 360 firmware.
Steps to flash drive:
1. Plug Samsung DVD drive into PC IDE port with power still from XBOX.
2. Use included MTK Win flash program and firmware file "SDG605b.bin" and flash the drive (I used ATAPI mode).
3. Plug back into XBOX and enjoy:)
Esto imagino que habra que probarlo para verificarlo, yo he comprobado al menos los SS de los games que trae y puedo decir que son los correctos. esto da algo de credibilidad al asunto al menos.
Solo hay una cosa que me parece extraña, y es que no veo el CPR_mai por ningun sitio.
Y de todas maneras, este hack no estaria bien hecho, ya que ha colocado el SS al final de los datos, osea en la capa 1, por lo tanto siempre han de usarse dvd9. Pudiendose colocar en la capa 0 y asi usar mejor dvd5.