Pues bueno chicos... acabo de solicitar a los creadores del SCUMMVM, que hagan el favor de funcionar el juego "Los Archivos Secretos de Sherlock Holmes: El caso del Escalpelo Mellado".
No sé si me harán caso o no, la verdad es q la última vez q les escribí, me atendieron inmdiata y muy interesadamente.
Aquí os dejo el mensaje (traducido en un pésimo inglés)) que les he enviado:
Hello again,
I speak about SCUMMVM (versions of PSP and PC). And it is that we cannot let think about the SCUMMVM and the game Sherlock Holmes. We do not understand why the SCUMMVM executes so modern and distant games of the original SCUMM engine, like: BROKEN SWORD, Curse of Monkey Island... And later the SCUMMVM does not execute a great game like: "The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes - CASE of the Serrated Scalpel" (that is a copy of original system SCUMM engine). Here I leave a direction you of the game:
We requested you, (that us you make all the community so happy of players), who you try to match this one great with the SCUMMVM compatible.
We took trying to make echo on this game, but nobody does case to us. For that reason we asked you you, that you are the geniuses of the SCUMMVM, that at least, you pay attention to this game and you are decided to make it work in the next version of the SCUMMVM.
Ya sé que quizás sea una tontería el mensaje, pero al menos intento que los gurús del Hombrew, sepan qué juegos son los que realmente merecen ser rescatados del olvido.