* romcnv.exe was renewed to ver.5. Referring to details converter/readme.txt.
* The mask processing of sfa2 and progear re-correction.
* Correcting the mask processing of the opening demonstration of sfa3.
* Correcting the trouble which the character name of msh is indicated to the rear of the character.
* Because with mmatrix it has frozen after the name entry, correction.
* Decreasing the size of cash file of mmatrix.
* Correcting the mask processing of the ending of dimahoo.
* The prayer number of people which are set with [sabisumeniyu], value of the coin input port just in the input button
* Way it reflects, correction.
* The specification of zipname.dat a little modification.
* Empty memory approximately 1MB increase. (As for Kernel Mode edition approximately 1.5MB increase)
* Initial value of AUTO Flameskip modification to OFF.
Sobre el hilo oficial: Vale, lo mismo que en Daedalus, se que existe un post oficial que ya por 250 y pico post, osea unas 40 paginas con configuración por defecto ¿Os enterariais? Yo creo que no. De todas formas la idea es publicar la novedad para que la gente se empane, y luego que lo metan al hilo oficial si cuadra.