saludos amigos pues aqui disfrutando de este juegazo, alguin que me eche la mano diciendome como sacar a los demas jugadores, los mivimientos y fatalities??
esto para sacarle provecho a este super juego, por su atencion graxias.
pues aqui contestandome yo mismo compadres,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Mortal Kombat: Deception
Cheat Codes & Secrets
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After you have beaten an opponent and the announcer yells "Finish Him!" it is time to input a Fatality. Fatlities require a set distance to perform. The distances are:
Close: 1 step away from your dazed opponent
Sweep: 2 steps away from your dazed opponent
Far: 5-6 steps away from your dazed opponent (end of arena)
After you are at the required distance press the L trigger to enter the Fatality stance. Then input the fatality code.Code Effect
Down, Down, Up, Up, Y (close) Ashrah's First Fatality
Forward, Down, Forward, Down, Y (sweep) Ashrah's Second Fatality
Forward, Up, Down, Y (close) Baraka's First Fatality
Forward, Down, Back, Forward, Y (sweep) Baraka's Second Fatality
Down, Up, Forward, Forward, Y (sweep) Bo Rai Cho's First Fatality
Up, Back, Forward, A (sweep) Bo Rai Cho's Second Fatality
Down, Up, Back, Back, X (sweep) Dairou's First Fatality
Down, Down, Back, A (close) Dairou's Second Fatality
Up, Down, Back, Forward, A (sweep) Darrius's First Fatality
Down, Forward, Forward, Up, X (close) Darrius's Second Fatality
Down, Back, Back, Down, A (sweep) Ermac's First Fatality
Back, Down, Back, Down, B (sweep) Ermac's Second Fatality
Down, Forward, Forward, Up, B (close) Havik's First Fatality
Forward, Forward, Forward, Back, Y (sweep) Havik's Second Fatality
Forward, Up, Back, Down, X (sweep) Hotaru's First Fatality
Down, Forward, Back, Forward, Y (close) Hotaru's Second Fatality
Back, Forward, Up, Forward, X (sweep) Jade's First Fatality
Back, Forward, Forward, Forward, Y (close) Jade's Second Fatality
Forward, Up, Up, Up, A (close) Kabal's First Fatality
Up, Up, Down, Down, Y (close) Kabal's Second Fatality
Forward, Forward, Back, Back, Y (sweep) Kenshi's First Fatality
Up, Forward, Back, Forward, Y (sweep) Kenshi's Second Fatality
Back, Forward, Forward, Back, B (far) Kira's First Fatality
Up, Forward, Down, Back, A (sweep) Kira's Second Fatality
Down, Back, Forward, Down, B (close) Kobra's First Fatality
Forward, Back, Forward, Forward, Y (close) Kobra's Second Fatality
Forward, Forward, Forward, Forward, X (sweep) Li Mei's First Ftality
Up, Back, Forward, Forward, B (sweep) Li Mei's Second Fatality
Back, Back, Back, Forward, Y (sweep) Liu Kang's First Fatality
Forward, Forward, Up, Up, A (sweep) Liu Kang's Second Fatality
Forward, Forward, Down, Down, X (sweep) Mileena's First Fatality
Up, Up, Forward, Forward, A (far) Mileena's Second Fatality
Back, Forward, Back, Forward, X (far) Nightwolf's First Fatality
Down, Forward, Down, Up, Y (sweep) Nightwolf's Second Fatality
Back, Forward, Back, Forward, B (must be noob) (sweep) Noob Saibot & Smoke's First Fatality
Up, Down, Down, Forward, Y (must be smoke) (sweep) Noob Saibot & Smoke's Second Fatality
Back, Down, Forward, Down, X (sweep) Raiden's First Fatality
Up, Down, Forward, Forward, X (far) Raiden's Second Fatality
Forward, Down, Forward, Forward, X (sweep) Scorpion's First Fatality
Forward, Back, Forward, Back, X (close) Scorpion's Second Fatality
Up, Down, Down, Forward, A (close) Shujinko's First Fatality
Back, Up, Forward, Forward, X (close) Shujinko's Second Fatality
Back, Forward, Forward, Back, X (sweep) Sindel's First Fatality
Up, Up, Back, Forward, A (sweep) Sindel's Second Fatality
Forward, Back,. Down, Forward, Y (close) Sub-Zero's First Fatality
Back, Down, Forward, Down, X (sweep) Sub-Zero's Second Fatality
Forward, Down, Down, Down, X (close) Tanya's First Fatality
Up, Back, Forward, Up, A (close) Tanya's Second Fatality
Contributed By: flump
Hari Kiris
After an opponent has beaten you and the anouncer yells "Finish Him!" it is time to input a Hari Kiri. Hari Kiris require no set distance unlike fatalities. To perform one simply put in the code while your character is dazed after losing a battle.Code Effect
Up, Down, Up, Up, Y Ashrah's Hari Kiri
Down, Back, Up, Back, B Baraka's Hari Kiri
Back, Back, Forward, Forward, Y Bo Rai Cho's Hari Kiri
Back, Back, Back, Down, X Dairou's Hari Kiri
Back, Forward, Forward, Y Darrius's Hari Kiri
Down, Up, Up, Down, A Ermac's Hari Kiri
Forward, Up, Up, Up, Y Havik's Hari Kiri
Up, Back, Back, Back, Y Hotaru's Hari Kiri
Forward, Forward, Forward, Back, Y Jade's Hari Kiri
Forward, Up, Up, Down, Y Kabal's Hari Kiri
Down, Back, Back, Forward, B Kenshi's Hari Kiri
Forward, Back, Up, Back, A Kira's Hari Kiri
Up, Up, Back, Back, Y Kobra's Hari Kiri
Up, Down, Up, Down, A Li Mei's Hari Kiri
Down, Down, Down, Up, A Liu Kang's Hari Kiri
Back, Down, Forward, Back, X Mileena's Hari Kiri
Up, Up, Up, Up, A Nightwolf's Hari Kiri
Down, Up, Up, Down, B Noob Saibot & Smoke's Hari Kiri
Forward, Up, Up, Back, X Raiden's Hari Kiri
Down, Down, Up, Back, X Scorpion's Hari Kiri
Down, Back, Down, Back, A Shujinko's Hari Kiri
Forward, Up, Up, Down, B Sindel's Hari Kiri
Down, Up, Down, Up, Y Sub-Zero's Hari Kiri
Down, Down, Forward, Up, A Tanya's Hari Kiri
Contributed By: flump
Extra Costumes
Unlockable How to Unlock
Ashrah Found in a chest H-4 Netherrealm
Baraka Open Koffin SR with 2252 Gold Koins
Bo Rai Cho Open Koffin IB with 2086 Onyx Koins
Dairou D-8 Chaosrealm. 8 pm Beat Konquest first.
Darrius Found in a treasure chest in a house in F8 in Outworld.
Ermac Found in a treasure chest in A-8 in Netherrealm
Ermac Found in a chest A-8 Netherrealm
Havik Open Koffin CN with 1114 Onyx Koins
Hotaru Open Koffin QT with 1064 Ruby Koins
Jade Found in a chest G-4 Outworld
Kabal Found in a chest B-1 Chaosrealm (Fight Kabal)
Kenshi Found in a chest A-6 Earthrealm
Kira Open Koffin SG with 990 Sapphire Koins
Kobra Defeat Kobra on the beach in Earthrealm
Li Mei Defeat Li Mei around 11am at Blue town in Orderrealm
Liu Kang Found in area H-5 of Edenia at 12 PM the first day of every month.
Mileena Found in a treasure chest at point F-7 in earthrealm after 7pm behind a tent
Nightwolf Defeat Nightwolf near the castle walls in Netherrealm.
Noob - Smoke Open Koffin EJ with 1494 Platinum Koins
Raiden Found in a chest F-3 Edenia (Fight Raiden)
Scorpion Found in a treasure chest in the first city in Konquest
Shujinko Found in area F-1 in Edenia. Inside the double doors on the side of the palace, on a Tuesday at 3AM.
Sindel Found in a chest H-6 Outworld
Sub-Zero Found in a treasure chest in F-8 in Earthrealm at 7PM-9PM
Sub-Zero Found in a chest F-8 Earthrealm
Tanya Defeat Tanya near the Ice Cave in Outworld.
Contributed By: dasviolator, Menji76, ErraticSE, Rare Trick, McHazard24, MysticFog, Sony Entertainment
Unlockable Arenas
Unlockable How to Unlock
Beetle Lair Found in a treasure chest at point A-6 in Earthrealm after finishing Konquest
Courtyard Treasure chest in netherrealm (Area A-1)
Dead Pool Open Koffin JI with 2191 Ruby Koins
Dragon King In chaos realm at 4am on a Sunday check one of the huts at D-7.
Dragon Mountain Found in a treasure chest at point H-8 in Outworld
Golden Desert Treasure chest in neatherrealm (area E-2)
Kuatan Palace Found in a treasure chest at point A-4 in Orderrealm
Liu Kang's Tomb At the end of the bridge in earthrealm after fighting Jax (Area H-6)
Living Forest Open Koffin DS with 1694 Sapphire Koins
Nexus Treasure chest in choasrealm (Area A-4, 3am)
Portal Treasure chest in earthrealm (area G-5)
Quan Chi's Fortress Found in a treasure chest at point H-5 in Orderrealm
Shang Tsung's Courtyard Found in a treasure chest at point A-1 in Neatherrealm
Contributed By: dasviolator, NBA 500K1
Unlockable Characters
Unlockable How to Unlock
Havik Found in a treasure chest on map H-4 In Choasrealm in Konquest (check the houses)
Hotaru Found in a treasure chest at point H-1 in Orderealm after 4AM
Jade Open Koffin OI using 2,417 Jade Koins in Krypt
Kenshi Found in a treasure chest on map C-3 In Earthrealm in Konquest
Kira Found in a treasure chest at point H-2 in Earthrealm between 7-9pm
Li Mei Find her in a house in outworld (Area F-7)
Lui Kang Found in a treasure chest at point G-8 in Edenia at 12AM Friday Morning behind the tent
Noob - Smoke Open Koffin DM using 3,642 Onyx Koins in Krypt
Raiden Defeat Him at Point E-3 in Orderrealm After Finishing Konquest Mode
Shujinko Finish Konquest Mode
Sindel Found in a treasure chest at point D-1 in Netherrealm (Monday at 1 AM)
Tanya Find Treasure Chest on map A-3 In Outworld
Contributed By: dasviolator, McHazard24
Unlockable Puzzle Fighters
Unlockable How to Unlock
Bo' Rai Cho Open Koffin ND - Key from Chest in Earthrealm at C6
Jade Open Koffin GO - 2,911 Ruby Coins
Kabal Open Koffin MI - 2,425 Platinum Coins
Kenshi Open Koffin TR - Key from Chest in Earthrealm at G4
Mileena Open Koffin GM - Key from Chest in Netherrealm at C6
Raiden Open Koffin PP - 3,604 Gold Coins
Contributed By: aux
Unlockable Shujinko Moves
You must first collect all of the Kamidogu and complete Konquest Mode in order to unlock his additional moves.Unlockable How to Unlock
Bike Kicks ChaosRealm G-4 ( Sunday at 12 AM )
Fatality 1 Outworld C-8 ( Area behind Rain )
Fatality 2 OrderRealm D-4
Flip Scissor Kick OrderRealm D-1
Flying Jinko Edenia E-5
Hara Kiri EarthRealm ( A-8, the 16th of the month at midnight, inside the little cave )
Icy Breeze OrderRealm F-5 ( Inside Building )
Opponent Slam Wednesday in Edenia C-8 ( 5 PM )
Power Fist Edenia G-6 (Behind Building, 11AM)
Slide Edenia D-8 ( Behind house 3 AM Monday )
Throw Spear Edenia A-1 ( Defeat Scorpion )
Contributed By: SamanosukeAkechi