Cuando los medios informativos.. desinforman.

Es lo que pasa cuando quieres gobernar con el miedo, todo se acepta.

ABC news escribió:The Nintendo DS System

Feb. 14, 2006 - We have an important warning for parents. Today marks the three-month anniversary of the launch of the Nintendo DS Wireless Connection. But Action News has learned this popular gaming system could put kids in harm's way.
Parents buy the system so their children can play video games. But we have made an alarming discovery. Strangers can use this toy to lure unsuspecting children to dangerous places.

Nintendo's hot new creation markets primarily to children. It even comes complete with playmates. The handheld gaming system is like a mini computer. It has built-in wireless capability. That allows kids to battle fellow Nintendo DS players across the room or across the world.

"They can play somebody they've never met."

All you need is a home wireless network or a Wi-Fi hot spot. And the game is catching on. Just this week, Nintendo announced more than 850-thousand users have logged on since the service's launch last November.

"It's a great thing for kids to have - they love it."

But as Theresa Keel learned, that revolutionary wireless capability also comes with a potentially dangerous problem..

"It could be putting your children at risk."

Theresa's 11-year-old daughter, Emily likes to doodle so she's using the Nintendo DS Pictochat feature. Pictochat puts you right into a chatroom and let you send messages wirelessly - and on this day we are in one of Philadelphia's many Wi-Fi hotspots.

Theresa Keel/Center City: "This screen name pops up and asks her what her name is and how old she is, and she answers."

Emily Keel/Center City: "And I just felt a little scared and confused."

This has happened to the Keel's once before. But this time the screen name is so offensive, we can't even show it to you.

"It frightened me. It really did."

(Nota de Bidule -> ahora viene lo mejor jeje)

The stranger asks Emily: "Hey what's up? Are you still here? My name's Jud. What's your name?" "But it was scary to me as a parent that someone I don't know is talking to my child over what I consider a toy." And Jud is persistent. When Emily won't tell him where she lives. He says, "Why won't you tell me? Don't want to chat? Why not? Are you afraid?"

(Nota de Bidule --> para troncharse xD )

Keith Dunn/Internet Safety Expert: "Predators are using Nintendo DS anywhere in the world. And it's going to be really hard to track down those individuals because of course, they're on a wireless network from a hotspot such as a coffee shop. Or if they're in a wireless environment, say a coffee shop or whatever, they jump on the wireless network so now you have predators who are trying to get at our kids."

Internet safety expert Keith Dunn says parents need to teach their children to apply stranger danger rules to every and any situation.

"Don't talk to strangers in game rooms if you don't know they're your friends. Don't talk to anyone. Just stop talking. Stop chatting in the game room."

Dunn also says parents should educate themselves.

"Parents really need to pay attention to what they're purchasing, ask a lot of questions, and really find out more about the game, what's involved - other than the video game aspect of it. Can you talk to other people? Can other people connect to my son's or daughter's mini game system?"

Now Theresa and Emily are on alert. They don't plan on taking any chances.

"And eventually I got really scared that I shut the thing off without responding back."

Nintendo confirms what happened to Emily is possible but the company claims that person must also be using another DS system and be within 65 feet. Like our expert, Nintendo also warns parents to educate their children not to talk to strangers even on their gaming system. Also, beware, there are other wireless gaming systems made by different manufacturers and they may have similar issues.

Nintendo DS, la consola del demonio.

¿Hasta dónde llegará EE.UU en su particular batalla contra el "terror"?

Dedicado a todos los padres acojonados de que sus hijos hablen con extraños y no saben lo que compran.
Si es q las consolas de Nintendo son para niños, hasta los pederastas lo saben xDD

(lo digo de coña eh?)
¡Oh Dios!

Voy a avisar a mi familia para que rompa mi DS y todos los puntos de acceso WiFi. Ya de paso les diré que me quiten el MSN, los servicios de chat, el correo electrónico... Bueno, que coño, que me quiten el PC, la TV, salir a la calle, ir al instituto...

La solución es encerrarme en un zulo.


Por dios, lo que hay que leer [agggtt]
Exactamente. Por eso mismo es indignante que un medio de información moldee el caso a su antojo para vender un poco mas de sensacionalismo barato.

¿Habeís leído el pasaje de la "Experta en seguridad de Internet"? [jaja]
Pero bueno, lo que hay que leer... Por Internet es mucho más facil que ocurran ese tipo de cosas y no se preocupan tanto... además yo creo que la DS está bastante mejor protegida que Internet.
Esto es lo que pasa cuando se es un paranoico...

Curioso, pq parece que en el mundo de los videojuegos basta con tener éxito para que empiecen a criticar y a decir que es peligroso, etc.

Hostia, esto como leyenda urbana no tiene precio, en nada la tenemos en cadenas de e-mails traducida hasta en catalán.

Por la noticia, a estas alturas la verdad es ke me hacen gracia ya
Pero nos lleva a que una madre me mire de reojo si en Burger King manipulo mi DS y su hijita también.

¡Que los han encerrado por menos! :P
Y con la Lite se avecinan actos impuros a través del Wi-fi [toctoc] [toctoc] [mamaaaaa] [mamaaaaa]

DIOS MIO, ¡SOMOS UNOS ENFERMOS! [agggtt] [oki] [oki]
joder, si es q donde no hay no se puede sacar, como son una mierda de investigadores, ya no les basta con poner los videos de sus soldados torturando presos y divirtiendose como niños(vaya educacion)y claro pues se tienen q inventar historias de las q no tienen ni idea de q van siquiera, y se creen el pais mas libre y perfecto [lapota]

pd:cuidado, q antena3 y telecinco van por el mismo camino [noop]
Estan locos estos americanos, si esque... ahora a ver cuanto tardan en hacerse eco de la noticia alguna cadena de aqui y nos terminamos de reir.
y no uso el wi-fi para nada pero lo del pictochat es a corta distancia no? a no ser que algun juego incluya chat claro está.

el texto maligno ese escribió:Predators are using Nintendo DS anywhere in the world
aquí se me ha ido la pelota y me imaginao a un Predator ( de la peli del chuache) usando la DS pa manejar el cañon laser y cargarse al personal XD
Fijate que me lo voy a poner hasta de firma XD

¡Garçon, una de demagogia barata para Bidule por favor!
cita de el texto maligno ese:
Predators are using Nintendo DS anywhere in the world
aquí se me ha ido la pelota y me imaginao a un Predator ( de la peli del chuache) usando la DS pa manejar el cañon laser y cargarse al personal smile_XD

A mi tambien [alien] Predator is watching you
(que cabezón [+risas] )
Obviamente estos yankees son de grupos ultra-conservadores, están locos y exageran todo hasta el paroxismo.

Peeero, algo de verdad hay en todo esto. Las portátiles de Nintendo las usan niños muy pequeños, se conectan a internet y tal... mentes perversas pueden aprovecharse de estas "facilidades" para hacer el mal.

Yo creo que es bueno que los padres estén al tanto de estos nuevos "peligros".
xente escribió: aquí se me ha ido la pelota y me imaginao a un Predator ( de la peli del chuache) usando la DS pa manejar el cañon laser y cargarse al personal

La verdad es q se parecen
Es una doble pantalla, la de abajo es tactil, se pliega...seguro q hasta tiene Wi-Fi para activar la bomba xD
Lamentable articulo, sensacionalismo puro y duro.

Lo peor es que este tipo de 'periodosmo' cada dia esta mas arraigado fuera de los USA......
Yo no me sorprendo en absoluto, más aún viniendo de un país en el que todavía se hacen quemas públicas de libros por ser "heréticos". Pero de todas formas, los que piensan así son sólo un grupo de retrógrados conservadores, que por suerte son minoría. EEUU es el país que vio nacer los videojuegos, y hoy por hoy, la opinión de un articulo sensacionalista (uno de los inumerables que se escriben día a día) no va a cambiar la opinión de miles de jugadores que disfrutan de su portatil o tienen pensado comprarla.
Bien, parece ser que Nintendo ha tomado cartas en el asunto y respondido a la insensatez de escribió:It’s been a week when the games industry has been forced to stand up for itself. Firstly it was Atari hitting back at the Australian government’s decision to ban Marc Ecko's Getting Up, after claims that the game incited anti-social behaviour. And now it's Nintendo, coming under fire from none other than America’s ABC news, who made some rather outrageous (not to mention totally false) claims about how the DS is a potential threat to children and a grooming tool for kiddy fiddlers.

The furore kicked off on Tuesday night when ABC news claimed that they had made an "alarming discovery" and that they had " important warning for parents…. Action News has learned this popular gaming system [the DS] could put kids in harm's way."

The news was in response to Nintendo’s announcement earlier in the week that it now has had more than 850,000 users logging onto their WiFi Internet service since its launch last November.

According to ABC news, a concerned parent was horrified when she found that her 11 year-old daughter was receiving offensive messages over Pictochat from a stranger.

ABC also quoted Keith Dunn, an Internet Safety Expert, who said: "Predators are using Nintendo DS anywhere in the world. And it's going to be really hard to track down those individuals because of course, they're on a wireless network from a hotspot such as a coffee shop. Or if they're in a wireless environment, say a coffee shop or whatever, they jump on the wireless network so now you have predators who are trying to get at our kids."

Mr. Dunn went on to say that parents need to teach their children to apply 'stranger danger' rules to every and any situation. "Don't talk to strangers in game rooms if you don't know they're your friends. Don't talk to anyone. Just stop talking. Stop chatting in the game room." Now this all smells to SPOnG like - well, how should we put it - like a massive pile of cooked-up horseshit.

ABC news is simply trying to cook up a bit of a moral panic storm, but has unfortunately not fully checked the facts. If the 11-year-old girl in question was being pursued over pictochat, then it was not over a WiFi Internet connection, but it was from another DS user within 65 feet. Which is of course still worrying if it happened, but is not the same as being anonymously stalked over the Internet as the story suggests.

In response to the story, a Nintendo UK spokesperson told SPOnG yesterday that the company’s line was: "Nintendo's Wi-Fi Connection service is a safe environment for players. The service will allow Nintendo DS gamers in the UK to link up with users across the country, and even the world, to compete against each other. Players have the option to select to play with just friends, or people of a similar skill level around the world without fear of harassment. Players do not have direct communication with each other when playing and therefore personal details or inappropriate comments cannot be exchanged."

The spokesperson went on to tell us the company's line on Pictochat and children's safety, which is this: "Nintendo takes the issue of children receiving messages from strangers very seriously. Children should be warned about receiving messages from, or communicating with, strangers through any medium. For this reason a warning and detailed privacy information are clearly highlighted in the Nintendo DS instruction booklet.

Nintendo also recommends that an adult should assist children with the system set up and instruct them not to use personal information and not to meet strangers or give personal information to anyone as it could be read by a stranger.

It should be noted that PictoChat does not connect to the internet. PictoChat can only be used to communicate with another Nintendo DS within the range of the Nintendo DS's wireless signal, which is approximately 65ft."

These are the facts. Make of them what you will.

If SPOnG's kids were getting funny messages over Pictochat, here's what we would do. We would look around us to try to see who else had a DS within a 65 feet radius. If we saw them, and successfully identified that they had been sending offensive messages to our child, we would batter them with a hammer. Or any heavy object we had to hand. If we couldn't see them we would remove the DS from our child's hands until we had left said area, and report the matter to the authorities. Seems fairly straightforward to us.

No se puede decir mas claro [ok]
Miedo da pensar lo que diran algunos articulos cuando aparezca la Revo y su mando, a saber que leches se inventan para satanizarla.......
FanDeNintendo escribió:Y con la Lite se avecinan actos impuros a través del Wi-fi [toctoc] [toctoc] [mamaaaaa] [mamaaaaa]

DIOS MIO, ¡SOMOS UNOS ENFERMOS! [agggtt] [oki] [oki]

me recordastes a un tio que estaba en el foro llamado hmmm.... creo que es adokin..... si , ese mismo. el puso algo sobre la psp que la usaban para actos impuros en el closet [jaja]
de los yankis nada de esto me sorprende XD

una minoria dices? hay muchos mas borregismo del q puedas pensar... si un diario importante dice q algo es malo es q es malo....y si dice q matar iraquies es para salvar el mundo...vayamos a salvar el mundo!!

es mejor ignorarles...a ver si un dia se ahogan con su propia "libertad" y asi el resto del mundo podremos por fin vivir tranquilos de verdad
20 respuestas