por cierto lo de las fotos recomidas no es una chapuza...es para que sea mas dificil reconocer y asi poder afinar mas en la puntuacion...a medida que avanzas mas distorsionan las fotos y solo los mas capacitados reconociendo acertaran.
Thank you for your participation.
You scored 12 out of 14.
If you scored above 10 you may be a super recogniser, but you would need to do more tests to find this out.
If you would like to do the further tests NOW please click the link HERE. These will take 45 minutes to complete. Please note you must be over 18 to take part in these tests. If you go on to complete these tests now please could you leave your email address below so we can match up your records.
Alternatively, if you do not have time now you may do the tests later - please type in your e-mail address in the box and we will send you the link to the new tests