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Team Xecuter Confirms PSP Videos Fake
Team Xecuter Confirms PSP Videos Fake
As assumed correctly by everyone, Team Xecuter has made it official - the videos are fake. They are not responsible for them.
From Some not so funny guys have been posting fake videos of “hacked” psp games with a Team Xecuter intro.
First of all to the sites posting these as “news” - use common sense - ask the actual teams involved or even look at the actual news page (i.e. this page) for release news - don’t go posting videos that are unverified simply to gain extra hits and publicity without verifying its validity - saying that you would post ALL news no matter what isn’t a very clever policy for a reputable news site. Plus we certainley don’t need to be bombarded with a thousand emails from a bunch of headless chickens gagging to be able to play hacked games.”
This was also mentioned:
“Our current work involves busting the firmware - the firmware dumper is already working and there has good progress been made in booting games and also homebrew on different firmware versions (v1.5 etc). We are giving support and advice to other underground teams as well as receiving help ourelves - its an excellent “group” effort without anyone actually knowing about who or what is involved. Apologies if the odd spoiler we throw your way freaks one or two minds

Team Xecuter Confirms PSP Videos Fake