aver aver que todo mundo se pone al brinco muy rapido por aki ><,
1) las que han sido reportadas son las de 512
2) pues claro que no son todas!! yo solo se que hay muchisima gente quejandose de ellas aqui les pongo unos links a las quejas
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
1 out of 5 stars Worked great...for about a week, April 27, 2005
Reviewer: Christopher Edgington "Edge" (Cypress, TX United States) - See all my reviews
Like many others, I purchased this for use in my Sony PSP. I loaded it up with some MP3's before getting on an 8 hour flight and it worked great. About a week later it suddenly stopped working. The PSP no longer recognizes it and when I plug it into my laptop I get a message saying the card needs to be formatted. No problem, just format it, right? Well, when I try to format it I get a message saying that the card can not be found.
I really liked this product at this price...it's a shame it didn't work.
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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
2 out of 5 stars Great for everything but the PSP, April 22, 2005
Reviewer: K. Nabbe "Nabbe" (Orlando, FL) - See all my reviews
Yeah, this worked great for about 12 hours. Then I was getting the re-insert card error. My PSP reads the card about 40% of the time, and even then I get serious lag when trying to play MP3's and Video. If you have a Sony Camera, probably a great card, but its awful when dealing with the Sony PSP.
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8 of 8 people found the following review helpful:
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Worked great...for about a week, April 27, 2005
Reviewer: Christopher Edgington "Edge" (Cypress, TX United States) - See all my reviews
Like many others, I purchased this for use in my Sony PSP. I loaded it up with some MP3's before getting on an 8 hour flight and it worked great. About a week later it suddenly stopped working. The PSP no longer recognizes it and when I plug it into my laptop I get a message saying the card needs to be formatted. No problem, just format it, right? Well, when I try to format it I get a message saying that the card can not be found.
I really liked this product at this price...it's a shame it didn't work.
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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Great for everything but the PSP, April 22, 2005
Reviewer: K. Nabbe "Nabbe" (Orlando, FL) - See all my reviews
Yeah, this worked great for about 12 hours. Then I was getting the re-insert card error. My PSP reads the card about 40% of the time, and even then I get serious lag when trying to play MP3's and Video. If you have a Sony Camera, probably a great card, but its awful when dealing with the Sony PSP.
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13 of 21 people found the following review helpful:
Known error with this memory stick, December 9, 2004
Reviewer: Digital Camcorder Fan (CT, USA) - See all my reviews
I just got off the phone with the technical support for sandisk, and they informed me that my 'reinstert memory stick' error message is a known problem. What's more, they have no solution, and offer nothing in exchange at the moment. They said to 'watch my email for news' about some sort of solution. Unacceptable.
I will be returning this product, and buying a certified sony memory stick. At least, with their product support, the chances are more likely that they'll honor their warrantee and replace the card.
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Yo llame a sandisk y pregunte sobre esto y me respondieron que no me repondrian la tarjeta por su incopatibilidad que algo estaba mal con mi psp ( esto despues de que mi psp me dejo de reconecer la tarjeta ) bueno tios yo solo les aviso mejor comprar la de un giga que va segura o la gaming!
para los incredulos: tio yo que gano con asustarte? yo no mas queria ayudar a la comunidad!! bueno ya saven mejor ir con las de 1gb que hay mucha gente quejandose de la 512 ( yo siendo uno de ellos ) a porsierto si te cambain la tarjeta es question de meterles un buen rollo que no incluya la psp
![fumando [fumando]](/images/smilies/nuevos/fumando.gif)
me dieron 2 252 o algo asi no me acuerdo el caso esque van de perlas son de las azules y no tengo de que kejarme,
dile no a las 512!!