"Cutting Room Floor" Wiki con secretos de todos los videojuegos



No sé explicar cómo explicar en el enunciado lo que ofrece esta página, se trata de una gigantesca base de datos que recoge y analiza casi cualquier videojuego existente desde 1977 hasta la actualidad, el detalle es que nos muestra sprites (animaciones), sonidos, textos y frames no utilizados en la producción final, pero que estan contenidos en cada cartucho de consolas y placas arcade. Tambien se recoge todo lo relacionado con el modo debug de cada juego.




Madre mía la de horas y horas que me esperan curioseando esta página...

Muchas gracias por el aporte.

El contenido es sencillamente brutal [Alaa!]
Genial aporte, gracias [oki]
Vaya pasada de pagina, a favoritos !!! Gracias por la info :)
Para pasar las vacaciones [sonrisa]
Yo la suelo utilizar para ver diferencias regionales entre juegos (y saber si hubo censura o no antes de ir por una version). La verdad es que es una maravilla.
Yo lo describiria como una wiki que muestra todo el contenido sin utilizar o las diferencias regionales de muchos videojuegos

PD: Me suena que algunos usuarios de por aqui (entre los que me incluyo) habia hecho unos cuantos aportes fuertes a la TCRF
Como te interese el tema, es la típica página de "cuando haces pop ya no hay stop". [+risas]

No habré tirado yo horas de mi vida leyendo esa wiki... [carcajad]
Madre de dios!!

Gracias por el enlace!

Me encantan los comentarios de introducción de cada juego.

Metal Slug Advance

Metal Slug Advance, the greatest source of disappointment known to man.

[carcajad] [carcajad]
Excelente página, gracias por el aporte. Otro más que perderá una que otra hora perdido en el tiempo
No está mal, pero en juegos Arcade es bastante pobre
Muchas gracias por el aporte, una pasada, la he ojeado por encima y es brutal.
Ya la conocía. Maravillosa página para los amantes de los prototipos, las betas y los detallitos que no se incluyeron en las versiones finales (o que se incluyeron de distinta forma).

Además, son gente con un gran sentido del humor. A veces sueltan puyitas de las buenas, especialmente si el juego es malo. [plas]
Bimmy Lee escribió:Además, son gente con un gran sentido del humor. A veces sueltan puyitas de las buenas, especialmente si el juego es malo. [plas]

Esta me ha encantado:

"Demolition Man is a game based on the 115-minute-long Taco Bell/Pizza Hut commercial."
Mi descubrimiento favorito de esa página es la parrafada que un programador japonés metió en un juego de pachinko despotricando contra sus jefes y todo dios xD

Gracias a esa wiki me entere que el Nemo de Recreativa se dejo una fase sin meter.

Todas las noches le meto una ojeada a esa wiki.
I LIKE MONKEYS. I like monkeys. The pet store was selling them for five cents a piece. I thought that odd since they were normally a couple thousand each. I decided not to look a gift horse in the mouth. I bought 200. I like monkeys. I took my 200 monkeys home. I have a big car. I let one drive. His name was Sigmund. He was retarded. In fact, none of them were really bright. They kept punching themselves in their genitals. I laughed. Then they punched my genitals. I stopped laughing. I herded them into my room. They didn't adapt very well to their new environment. They would screech, hurl themselves off of the couch at high speeds and slam into the wall. Although humorous at first, the spectacle lost its novelty halfway into its third hour. Two hours later I found out why all the monkeys were so inexpensive: they all died. No apparent reason. They all just sorta' dropped dead. Kinda' like when you buy a goldfish and it dies five hours later. Damn cheap monkeys...I didn't know what to do. There were 200 dead monkeys lying all over my room, on the bed, in the dresser, hanging from my bookcase. It looked like I had 200 throw rugs. I tried to flush one down the toilet. It didn't work. It got stuck. Then I had one dead, wet monkey and 199 dead, dry monkeys. I tried pretending that they were just stuffed animals. That worked for a while, that is until they began to decompose. It started to smell real bad...I had to pee but there was a dead monkey in the toilet and I didn't want to call the plumber. I was embarrassed...I tried to slow down the decomposition by freezing them. Unfortunately there was only enough room for two monkeys at a time so I had to change them every 30 seconds. I also had to eat all the food in the freezer so it didn't all go bad...I tried burning them. Little did I know my bed was flammable. I had to extinguish the fire. Then I had one dead, wet monkey in my toilet, two dead, frozen monkeys in my freezer, and 197 dead, charred monkeys in a pile on my bed. The odor wasn't improving. I became agitated at my inability to dispose of my monkeys and to use the bathroom. I severely beat one of my monkeys. I felt better. I tried throwing them way but the garbage man said that the city wasn't allowed to dispose of charred primates. I told him that I had a wet one. He couldn't take that one either. I didn't bother asking about the frozen ones. I finally arrived at a solution. I gave them out as Christmas gifts. My friends didn't know quite what to say. They pretended that they like them but I could tell they were lying. Ingrates. So I punched them in the genitals. I like monkeys.
puch666 escribió:I LIKE MONKEYS.....

[+risas] [qmparto] [qmparto]
gynion escribió:
puch666 escribió:I LIKE MONKEYS.....

[+risas] [qmparto] [qmparto]

Adentro de un juego de GBA XD
puch666 escribió:
gynion escribió:
puch666 escribió:I LIKE MONKEYS.....

[+risas] [qmparto] [qmparto]

Adentro de un juego de GBA XD

Según he visto, está en el El Hobbit y en uno de Hot Wheels.

Me pregunto que pasaría por la mente del desarrollador para colar eso en el código. [+risas]
Seguramente es una expresión artística para decir "Estoy hasta los huevos de todo y de todos". [qmparto]
21 respuestas