Bueno, pues ya tenemos aquí una nueva release del que viene siendo el mejor emulador de nintendo64 para PSP.
Os dejo la noticia:
I've got to keep this short as blogger.com is going down in 5 minutes
Change log:
[+] Added over 50 new combiner modes
[+] Added support for c-buttons
[+] Load roms from ms0:\N64 in addition to local roms directory
[!] Fixed backface culling issues
[!] Correctly implemented flipping to avoid flickering with certain roms
[!] Plugged memory leak in texture handling code, fixing various crashes
[!] Fixed issue which caused screenshot function to hang the emulator
For R6 I've mostly been focusing on fixing a number of graphical issues (namely adding combiner modes to popular roms). I've also managed to add a couple of nice usability improvements (in particular mapping the c buttons to the dpad, using the circle button to toggle back to the n64 dpad). I've also been able to track down a couple of bugs that affected stability.
I've still not decided what to concentrate my attention on for R7. The main areas are:
* Speed
* Compatibility
* Graphics
* Usability
These are all quite broad areas, but it would be good to get a feeling for what people are most interested in seeing improved. Any comments would be most appreciated.
Por lo visto la velocidad se ha mejorado minimamente. Los comentarios de la noticia dicen que se nota un mejor suavizado y una pequeña mejoria en cuanto a velocidad, yo aun no lo he probado. Comenta que en las principales areas que se va a centrar en la proxima release van a ser la velocidad, compatibilidad, graficos y el uso del emulador.
Si alguien quiere hacer una traducción completa se lo agradeceria, porque me iba a sobar ya y me he visto la noticia.