Dark AleX releases CFW 3.80 1.50 Kernel add-on for PSP Phat

Homebrew developer Dark AleX has released a CFW 3.80 M33 add-on which allows users to launch homebrew which have not been updated and require the kernel 1.50 to work.

Unfortunately, PSP owners will be unable to install this update on their PSPs via WiFi using the Network Update feature in CFW 3.80 M33 because it is an optional add-on.

If you plan on installing this add-on, be advised that it is only for the PSP Phat. There weren't any instructions included in the compressed file but MrTuto_Alek, one of the ExoPhase members, was nice enough to provide the method for installing the program:


* Copy the files in the release to a directory called UPDATE
* Move the UPDATE directory to /PSP/GAME/UPDATE.
* Get sony 1.50 update and copy it to the root with name "150.PBP"
* Run the program and done.

Download: CFW 3.80 1.50 Kernel add-on

Thanks to tipster valyr, Chivasoj, and Buttonsoft for the hot tip!

Fuente: http://pspupdates.qj.net/Dark-AleX-releases-CFW-3-80-1-50-Kernel-add-on-for-PSP-Phat/pg/49/aid/111658

Descarga: http://dl.qj.net/dl.php?fid=15686
que rapidez, ya solo queda el popsloader
En ese post pregunta por el si a salido el addon 1.50, los veo completamente distintos y en su post inicial no dan la información de la salida del addon.

hola a todos yo ya lo he instaldo y va de maravilla muxas gracias alex y felicidades x tu trabajo eres el mejor [jaja]
NOTA del MODERADOR: Hilo repetido.
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