DEMO DE his is the DEMO of the upcomming Return to Castle Wolfenstein Tides of War


For those that can't wait to play:

This is the DEMO of the upcomming Return to Castle Wolfenstein Tides of War
game for the XBOX. It's supposed to be released on May 6th 2003.

It has 2 levels

It is not in ISO format. If you need it in ISO format then do it yourself.
I don't know if it needs a patch or not since I'm running Xecuter2 4976 BIOS.

Cheers to all!


esto es lo que man mandao....pero desde el hd ni con la 4976 puedo jugar!!!!

voy a ver si haciendouna iso

alguien la tiene y la rulao???
ya ta solucionao!!!!

he pasado la consola a ntcs y ha funcionao

es igualito al de pc......y eso que yo tenia una ati 8500 cuando lo jugue!!

solo que a menos resolucion ovbiamente....lo bueno sera jugar al live hablando por el micro!!!!
pacotaco yo lo he probado en un dvdr con varios juegos mas y tampoco me rula, pero buscando he encontrado esto:

It worked for me but only after I reset my XBOX. The first time I ran it from boxplorer it froze on me but I
then hit the eject button to reset my xbox. Once it came back up I went back to boxplorer and started the
game again and it worked!!! I tried it again about an hour later and I had to do the same thing again. I
don't know why but its freaky.

Also, I tried shutting off the xbox instead of resetting it and it didn't work. It only works by resetting
using the eject button.

btw, i have v1.0 xbox running xecuter 4976.02 bios and matrix. I'm also using the regular default.xbe and not any patched version.

Voy a probar de grabarlo solo y en un rato te digo si me rula asi.

donde se puede conseguir esa demo?

keops!! pasa la consola a ntcs!!! ya veras como funciona!!!

siempre lo digo..el mejor sitio son las news!!!!

por fin ya consegui la demo,lo malo es que no me funciona [enfa]
alguien sabe como hacerla funcionar?

5 respuestas