Descarga de posible cfw 3.60 ....

Solo es una duda ..... algun entendido del tema o alguien que sepa como comprobarlo ... que me diga por favor si se trata del cfw 3.60 o es otro es fake favor de cerrar el hilo

Edit: Mayoria gan ...... "FAKE"
¡Aguas! No se instalen cosas sin saber de su veracidad!!! recuerden cuanto fake se ha publicado y brickeado consolas!!! Sean C-A-U-T-E-L-O-S-O-S y un pelín desconfiados... [pos eso]
por eso pongo que algun entendido del tema lo compruebe antes de k alguien se arriesgue a instalar algo ..... ;)
Instalalo y luego nos cuentas Imagen
miki19 está baneado por "crearse clones para trollear"
esto huele a un fake muy grande XD
Huele a fake, de todas maneras, el md5 que me devuelve el archivo es: 6f4ecb2f5c1df03a8dcce45b7e125cfc
que no lo tengo como nada conocido en principio, si a alguien le suena que lo confirme
mmmmm como esta desesperado el que abrio este hilo (yo lo estaria) pero no abriria nada viendo la situacion no creo que de golpe lo hayan soltado asi de rapido y facil pero bueno es mi opinion sin ofender un saludo, jajaajaja y viendo lo que pesa ni idea digo basandome en otros que han salido nada que ver con el peso igual estoy equivocado quien sabe
Ademas dice 5.1 MB la descarga.... difícil que sea un firmware.
miki19 está baneado por "crearse clones para trollear"
como no sea un virus... pa que pese asi
tengo 2 ps3 ... asi que no estoy desesperado ... una con kmeaw 3.55 y otra con 3.60 ofw .... el de geo hot pesaba mas o menos lo mismo ... lo pongo porque me parecio que puede ser, cuando algo me huele a fake desde el principio ni lo comento .... pero esto merece el benefiicio de la duda ... o no?
y como es posible que cuelgen un archivo sin ninguna explicacion y potencialmente peligroso y nadie haga nada???

[sati] (4 EVER )
miki19 está baneado por "crearse clones para trollear"
L-T escribió:y como es posible que cuelgen un archivo sin ninguna explicacion y potencialmente peligroso y nadie haga nada???

[sati] (4 EVER )

eso es verdad porque no se ha puesto info de quien lo ha creado y como se tiene que poner y que caracteristicas lleva
peligroso de k ..... virus no es, lo tengo en mi pc y analizado... nada de nada ....y como puse al principio si es fake que cierren el hilo y punto .
aun asi no pones la fuente de donde lo sacaste?
habriendo el pup con un editor hexadecimal tiene el "eula" de Geohot lastima que estoy en el movil sino intentaria desempaquetarlo con las herramientas que hay disponibles
Lo baje, probe, y da error, al querer instalarlo desde recovery mode, y desde el menu de actualizaciones ni reconoce que existe un firmware. Esto debe ser un fake como una casa. Amigo, trata de poner la fuente de donde lo sacaste.
Ademas si se fijan dice Byprotoo en megaupload, y este chico que lo posteo tiene de nick protoo.

No tiene virus ni nada por el estilo, es solo un archivo de 5 megas sin nada de nada.
O sea, un fake como una casa...espero equivocarme pero por mis pruebas...
posiblemente sea un diff, no creo que un cfw tenga solo 5 megas XD

nO ven que se esta quedando con los puntos de megaupload?
bro ... no tengo necesidad de los puntos en de hacerla de troll o nada parecido simplemente encontre algo que me parecio interesante y no quizer arriesgarme a probarlo en mi ps3 por posible brick asi que recurri aca para que alguien que sepa del tema me pueda decir si es o no y como quedo claro ..... la mayoria dice fake asi que quito el link y pido cierren el hilo .....
pon la fuente de donde lo sacastes...

jejej, pusiste que gano la mayoria(fake), si te hubieran dado bomba lo hieraras instalado?

edito, dejo el link para el que lo quiera abrir con editor hexadecimal, dice algo...

edito 2

es un archivo pequeño, si se comprime ocupa 68kb

- <xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8">
- <locale lang="zh-s" encoding="utf16">
  <str id="msg_update_eula_1">jailbreak license agreement</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_2">March2011</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_3">PLEASE CLICK OK AND DON'T READ THIS CAUSE IT'S BORING</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_4">BUT SERIOUSLY IF YOU BRICK YOUR SYSTEM, IT'S NOT MY FAULT.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_5">NO WARRANTY EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_6">This Agreement is a joke. This Agreement applies to leet jailbreaks.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_7">1. LICENSE GRANT</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_8">(Insert legal mumbo jumbo and lawyer joke here)</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_9">2. RESTRICTIONS</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_10">This removes them.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_11">3. PIRACY</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_12">Is boring. Basically it's doing what the system can already do. Fortunately this jailbreak doesn't allow piracy</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_13">3. PUPPIES</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_14">Not to be confused with PUPs</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_15">4. PATCHING LV2</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_16">omg omg omg omg no</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_17">5. CROSS GAME CHAT</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_18">You can write it now</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_19">c2011 geohot. All rights reserved</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
- <locale lang="zh-t" encoding="utf16">
  <str id="msg_update_eula_1">jailbreak license agreement</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_2">January 8, 2011</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_3">PLEASE CLICK OK AND DON'T READ THIS CAUSE IT'S BORING</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_4">BUT SERIOUSLY IF YOU BRICK YOUR SYSTEM, IT'S NOT MY FAULT.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_5">NO WARRANTY EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_6">This Agreement is a joke. This Agreement applies to leet jailbreaks.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_7">1. LICENSE GRANT</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_8">(Insert legal mumbo jumbo and lawyer joke here)</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_9">2. RESTRICTIONS</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_10">This removes them.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_11">3. PIRACY</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_12">Is boring. Basically it's doing what the system can already do. Fortunately this jailbreak doesn't allow piracy</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_13">3. PUPPIES</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_14">Not to be confused with PUPs</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_15">4. PATCHING LV2</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_16">omg omg omg omg no</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_17">5. CROSS GAME CHAT</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_18">You can write it now</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_19">c2011 THE ME MASTERreserved</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
- <locale lang="da" encoding="utf16">
  <str id="msg_update_eula_1">geohot jailbreak license agreement</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_2">January 8, 2011</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_3">PLEASE CLICK OK AND DON'T READ THIS CAUSE IT'S BORING</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_4">BUT SERIOUSLY IF YOU BRICK YOUR SYSTEM, IT'S NOT MY FAULT.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_5">NO WARRANTY EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_6">This Agreement is a joke. This Agreement applies to leet jailbreaks.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_7">1. LICENSE GRANT</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_8">(Insert legal mumbo jumbo and lawyer joke here)</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_9">2. RESTRICTIONS</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_10">This removes them.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_11">3. PIRACY</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_12">Is boring. Basically it's doing what the system can already do. Fortunately this jailbreak doesn't allow piracy</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_13">3. PUPPIES</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_14">Not to be confused with PUPs</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_15">4. PATCHING LV2</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_16">omg omg omg omg no</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_17">5. CROSS GAME CHAT</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_18">You can write it now</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_19">c2011 geohot. All rights reserved</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
- <locale lang="nl" encoding="utf16">
  <str id="msg_update_eula_1">geohot jailbreak license agreement</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_2">January 8, 2011</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_3">PLEASE CLICK OK AND DON'T READ THIS CAUSE IT'S BORING</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_4">BUT SERIOUSLY IF YOU BRICK YOUR SYSTEM, IT'S NOT MY FAULT.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_5">NO WARRANTY EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_6">This Agreement is a joke. This Agreement applies to leet jailbreaks.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_7">1. LICENSE GRANT</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_8">(Insert legal mumbo jumbo and lawyer joke here)</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_9">2. RESTRICTIONS</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_10">This removes them.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_11">3. PIRACY</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_12">Is boring. Basically it's doing what the system can already do. Fortunately this jailbreak doesn't allow piracy</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_13">3. PUPPIES</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_14">Not to be confused with PUPs</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_15">4. PATCHING LV2</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_16">omg omg omg omg no</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_17">5. CROSS GAME CHAT</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_18">You can write it now</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_19">c2011 geohot. All rights reserved</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
- <locale lang="en" encoding="utf16">
  <str id="msg_update_eula_1">geohot jailbreak license agreement</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_2">January 8, 2011</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_3">PLEASE CLICK OK AND DON'T READ THIS CAUSE IT'S BORING</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_4">BUT SERIOUSLY IF YOU BRICK YOUR SYSTEM, IT'S NOT MY FAULT.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_5">NO WARRANTY EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_6">This Agreement is a joke. This Agreement applies to leet jailbreaks.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_7">1. LICENSE GRANT</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_8">(Insert legal mumbo jumbo and lawyer joke here)</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_9">2. RESTRICTIONS</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_10">This removes them.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_11">3. PIRACY</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_12">Is boring. Basically it's doing what the system can already do. Fortunately this jailbreak doesn't allow piracy</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_13">3. PUPPIES</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_14">Not to be confused with PUPs</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_15">4. PATCHING LV2</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_16">omg omg omg omg no</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_17">5. CROSS GAME CHAT</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_18">You can write it now</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_19">c2011 geohot. All rights reserved</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
- <locale lang="fi" encoding="utf16">
  <str id="msg_update_eula_1">geohot jailbreak license agreement</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_2">January 8, 2011</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_3">PLEASE CLICK OK AND DON'T READ THIS CAUSE IT'S BORING</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_4">BUT SERIOUSLY IF YOU BRICK YOUR SYSTEM, IT'S NOT MY FAULT.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_5">NO WARRANTY EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_6">This Agreement is a joke. This Agreement applies to leet jailbreaks.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_7">1. LICENSE GRANT</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_8">(Insert legal mumbo jumbo and lawyer joke here)</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_9">2. RESTRICTIONS</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_10">This removes them.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_11">3. PIRACY</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_12">Is boring. Basically it's doing what the system can already do. Fortunately this jailbreak doesn't allow piracy</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_13">3. PUPPIES</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_14">Not to be confused with PUPs</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_15">4. PATCHING LV2</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_16">omg omg omg omg no</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_17">5. CROSS GAME CHAT</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_18">You can write it now</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_19">c2011 geohot. All rights reserved</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
- <locale lang="fr" encoding="utf16">
  <str id="msg_update_eula_1">geohot jailbreak license agreement</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_2">January 8, 2011</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_3">PLEASE CLICK OK AND DON'T READ THIS CAUSE IT'S BORING</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_4">BUT SERIOUSLY IF YOU BRICK YOUR SYSTEM, IT'S NOT MY FAULT.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_5">NO WARRANTY EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_6">This Agreement is a joke. This Agreement applies to leet jailbreaks.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_7">1. LICENSE GRANT</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_8">(Insert legal mumbo jumbo and lawyer joke here)</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_9">2. RESTRICTIONS</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_10">This removes them.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_11">3. PIRACY</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_12">Is boring. Basically it's doing what the system can already do. Fortunately this jailbreak doesn't allow piracy</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_13">3. PUPPIES</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_14">Not to be confused with PUPs</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_15">4. PATCHING LV2</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_16">omg omg omg omg no</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_17">5. CROSS GAME CHAT</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_18">You can write it now</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_19">c2011 geohot. All rights reserved</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
- <locale lang="de" encoding="utf16">
  <str id="msg_update_eula_1">geohot jailbreak license agreement</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_2">January 8, 2011</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_3">PLEASE CLICK OK AND DON'T READ THIS CAUSE IT'S BORING</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_4">BUT SERIOUSLY IF YOU BRICK YOUR SYSTEM, IT'S NOT MY FAULT.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_5">NO WARRANTY EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_6">This Agreement is a joke. This Agreement applies to leet jailbreaks.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_7">1. LICENSE GRANT</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_8">(Insert legal mumbo jumbo and lawyer joke here)</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_9">2. RESTRICTIONS</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_10">This removes them.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_11">3. PIRACY</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_12">Is boring. Basically it's doing what the system can already do. Fortunately this jailbreak doesn't allow piracy</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_13">3. PUPPIES</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_14">Not to be confused with PUPs</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_15">4. PATCHING LV2</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_16">omg omg omg omg no</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_17">5. CROSS GAME CHAT</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_18">You can write it now</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_19">c2011 geohot. All rights reserved</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
- <locale lang="it" encoding="utf16">
  <str id="msg_update_eula_1">geohot jailbreak license agreement</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_2">January 8, 2011</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_3">PLEASE CLICK OK AND DON'T READ THIS CAUSE IT'S BORING</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_4">BUT SERIOUSLY IF YOU BRICK YOUR SYSTEM, IT'S NOT MY FAULT.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_5">NO WARRANTY EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_6">This Agreement is a joke. This Agreement applies to leet jailbreaks.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_7">1. LICENSE GRANT</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_8">(Insert legal mumbo jumbo and lawyer joke here)</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_9">2. RESTRICTIONS</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_10">This removes them.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_11">3. PIRACY</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_12">Is boring. Basically it's doing what the system can already do. Fortunately this jailbreak doesn't allow piracy</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_13">3. PUPPIES</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_14">Not to be confused with PUPs</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_15">4. PATCHING LV2</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_16">omg omg omg omg no</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_17">5. CROSS GAME CHAT</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_18">You can write it now</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_19">c2011 geohot. All rights reserved</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
- <locale lang="ja" encoding="utf16">
  <str id="msg_update_eula_1">geohot jailbreak license agreement</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_2">January 8, 2011</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_3">PLEASE CLICK OK AND DON'T READ THIS CAUSE IT'S BORING</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_4">BUT SERIOUSLY IF YOU BRICK YOUR SYSTEM, IT'S NOT MY FAULT.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_5">NO WARRANTY EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_6">This Agreement is a joke. This Agreement applies to leet jailbreaks.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_7">1. LICENSE GRANT</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_8">(Insert legal mumbo jumbo and lawyer joke here)</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_9">2. RESTRICTIONS</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_10">This removes them.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_11">3. PIRACY</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_12">Is boring. Basically it's doing what the system can already do. Fortunately this jailbreak doesn't allow piracy</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_13">3. PUPPIES</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_14">Not to be confused with PUPs</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_15">4. PATCHING LV2</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_16">omg omg omg omg no</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_17">5. CROSS GAME CHAT</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_18">You can write it now</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_19">c2011 geohot. All rights reserved</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
- <locale lang="ko" encoding="utf16">
  <str id="msg_update_eula_1">geohot jailbreak license agreement</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_2">January 8, 2011</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_3">PLEASE CLICK OK AND DON'T READ THIS CAUSE IT'S BORING</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_4">BUT SERIOUSLY IF YOU BRICK YOUR SYSTEM, IT'S NOT MY FAULT.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_5">NO WARRANTY EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_6">This Agreement is a joke. This Agreement applies to leet jailbreaks.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_7">1. LICENSE GRANT</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_8">(Insert legal mumbo jumbo and lawyer joke here)</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_9">2. RESTRICTIONS</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_10">This removes them.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_11">3. PIRACY</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_12">Is boring. Basically it's doing what the system can already do. Fortunately this jailbreak doesn't allow piracy</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_13">3. PUPPIES</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_14">Not to be confused with PUPs</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_15">4. PATCHING LV2</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_16">omg omg omg omg no</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_17">5. CROSS GAME CHAT</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_18">You can write it now</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_19">c2011 geohot. All rights reserved</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
- <locale lang="no" encoding="utf16">
  <str id="msg_update_eula_1">geohot jailbreak license agreement</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_2">January 8, 2011</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_3">PLEASE CLICK OK AND DON'T READ THIS CAUSE IT'S BORING</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_4">BUT SERIOUSLY IF YOU BRICK YOUR SYSTEM, IT'S NOT MY FAULT.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_5">NO WARRANTY EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_6">This Agreement is a joke. This Agreement applies to leet jailbreaks.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_7">1. LICENSE GRANT</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_8">(Insert legal mumbo jumbo and lawyer joke here)</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_9">2. RESTRICTIONS</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_10">This removes them.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_11">3. PIRACY</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_12">Is boring. Basically it's doing what the system can already do. Fortunately this jailbreak doesn't allow piracy</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_13">3. PUPPIES</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_14">Not to be confused with PUPs</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_15">4. PATCHING LV2</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_16">omg omg omg omg no</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_17">5. CROSS GAME CHAT</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_18">You can write it now</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_19">c2011 geohot. All rights reserved</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
- <locale lang="pt" encoding="utf16">
  <str id="msg_update_eula_1">geohot jailbreak license agreement</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_2">January 8, 2011</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_3">PLEASE CLICK OK AND DON'T READ THIS CAUSE IT'S BORING</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_4">BUT SERIOUSLY IF YOU BRICK YOUR SYSTEM, IT'S NOT MY FAULT.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_5">NO WARRANTY EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_6">This Agreement is a joke. This Agreement applies to leet jailbreaks.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_7">1. LICENSE GRANT</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_8">(Insert legal mumbo jumbo and lawyer joke here)</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_9">2. RESTRICTIONS</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_10">This removes them.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_11">3. PIRACY</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_12">Is boring. Basically it's doing what the system can already do. Fortunately this jailbreak doesn't allow piracy</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_13">3. PUPPIES</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_14">Not to be confused with PUPs</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_15">4. PATCHING LV2</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_16">omg omg omg omg no</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_17">5. CROSS GAME CHAT</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_18">You can write it now</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_19">c2011 geohot. All rights reserved</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
- <locale lang="ru" encoding="utf16">
  <str id="msg_update_eula_1">geohot jailbreak license agreement</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_2">January 8, 2011</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_3">PLEASE CLICK OK AND DON'T READ THIS CAUSE IT'S BORING</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_4">BUT SERIOUSLY IF YOU BRICK YOUR SYSTEM, IT'S NOT MY FAULT.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_5">NO WARRANTY EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_6">This Agreement is a joke. This Agreement applies to leet jailbreaks.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_7">1. LICENSE GRANT</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_8">(Insert legal mumbo jumbo and lawyer joke here)</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_9">2. RESTRICTIONS</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_10">This removes them.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_11">3. PIRACY</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_12">Is boring. Basically it's doing what the system can already do. Fortunately this jailbreak doesn't allow piracy</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_13">3. PUPPIES</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_14">Not to be confused with PUPs</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_15">4. PATCHING LV2</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_16">omg omg omg omg no</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_17">5. CROSS GAME CHAT</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_18">You can write it now</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_19">c2011 geohot. All rights reserved</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
- <locale lang="es" encoding="utf16">
  <str id="msg_update_eula_1">geohot jailbreak license agreement</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_2">January 8, 2011</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_3">PLEASE CLICK OK AND DON'T READ THIS CAUSE IT'S BORING</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_4">BUT SERIOUSLY IF YOU BRICK YOUR SYSTEM, IT'S NOT MY FAULT.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_5">NO WARRANTY EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_6">This Agreement is a joke. This Agreement applies to leet jailbreaks.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_7">1. LICENSE GRANT</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_8">(Insert legal mumbo jumbo and lawyer joke here)</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_9">2. RESTRICTIONS</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_10">This removes them.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_11">3. PIRACY</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_12">Is boring. Basically it's doing what the system can already do. Fortunately this jailbreak doesn't allow piracy</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_13">3. PUPPIES</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_14">Not to be confused with PUPs</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_15">4. PATCHING LV2</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_16">omg omg omg omg no</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_17">5. CROSS GAME CHAT</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_18">You can write it now</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_19">c2011 geohot. All rights reserved</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
- <locale lang="sv" encoding="utf16">
  <str id="msg_update_eula_1">geohot jailbreak license agreement</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_2">January 8, 2011</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_3">PLEASE CLICK OK AND DON'T READ THIS CAUSE IT'S BORING</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_4">BUT SERIOUSLY IF YOU BRICK YOUR SYSTEM, IT'S NOT MY FAULT.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_5">NO WARRANTY EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_6">This Agreement is a joke. This Agreement applies to leet jailbreaks.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_7">1. LICENSE GRANT</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_8">(Insert legal mumbo jumbo and lawyer joke here)</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_9">2. RESTRICTIONS</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_10">This removes them.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_11">3. PIRACY</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_12">Is boring. Basically it's doing what the system can already do. Fortunately this jailbreak doesn't allow piracy</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_13">3. PUPPIES</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_14">Not to be confused with PUPs</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_15">4. PATCHING LV2</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_16">omg omg omg omg no</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_17">5. CROSS GAME CHAT</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_18">You can write it now</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_19">c2011 geohot. All rights reserved</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
- <locale lang="pl" encoding="utf16">
  <str id="msg_update_eula_1">geohot jailbreak license agreement</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_2">January 8, 2011</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_3">PLEASE CLICK OK AND DON'T READ THIS CAUSE IT'S BORING</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_4">BUT SERIOUSLY IF YOU BRICK YOUR SYSTEM, IT'S NOT MY FAULT.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_5">NO WARRANTY EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_6">This Agreement is a joke. This Agreement applies to leet jailbreaks.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_7">1. LICENSE GRANT</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_8">(Insert legal mumbo jumbo and lawyer joke here)</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_9">2. RESTRICTIONS</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_10">This removes them.</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_11">3. PIRACY</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_12">Is boring. Basically it's doing what the system can already do. Fortunately this jailbreak doesn't allow piracy</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_13">3. PUPPIES</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_14">Not to be confused with PUPs</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_15">4. PATCHING LV2</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_16">omg omg omg omg no</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_17">5. CROSS GAME CHAT</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_18">You can write it now</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"
  <str id="msg_update_eula_19">c2011 geohot. All rights reserved</str>
- <!-- dtype="E"

basicamente es esto...
y chaval nunca puso la fuente pa mi que el lo creo y dijo haber si caen y y tienen bricks jajajajajaja (no te ofendas) pero no corras antes de querer caminar
no creo que el mismo lo hubiera creado... gente desesperadaa como muchos lo estamoss!!
22 respuestas