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In an interview with Bit-Tech.Net, Richard Harris of ATI has revealed the very first details on how backward compatibility will work on the Xbox 360. Explaining the role ATI hardware will play in the process, Harris states:
“They have implemented compatibility purely through emulation (at the CPU level). It looks like emulation profiles for each game are going to be stored on the hard drive, and I imagine that a certain number will ship with the system. They already have the infrastructure to distribute more profiles via Live, and more and more can be made available online periodically.”
The Director of European Developer Relations at ATI and former nVIDIA employee explained that the most difficult part of making backward compatibility possible will be with the graphics:
“Emulating the CPU isn’t really a difficult task. They have three 3GHz cores, so emulating one 733MHz chip is pretty easy. The real bottlenecks in the emulation are GPU calls – calls made specifically by games to the nVIDIA hardware in a certain way. General GPU instructions are easy to convert – an instruction to draw a triangle in a certain way will be pretty generic. However, it’s the odd cases, the proprietary routines that will cause hassle.”
Harris also explained that contrary to what most people think, the RSX (featured in the PlayStation 3) is not more powerful than the Xbox 360 graphics chip ATI has developed for Microsoft. So, although the RSX has a higher clock speed, the different nature in both consoles’ shader architecture makes a direct comparison absurd.
“That mere 10% clock speed that RSX has on Xenos is easily countered by the unified shader architecture that we’ve implemented,” explains Harris. “Rather than separate pixel and vertex pipelines, we’ve created a single unified pipeline that can do both. Providing developers throw instructions at our architecture in the right way, Xenos can run at 100% efficiency all the time, rather than having some pipeline instructions waiting for others. For comparison, most high-end PC chips run at 50-60% typical efficiency. The super cool point is that ‘in the right way’ just means ‘give us plenty of work to do’. The hardware manages itself.”
Harris also discussed other interesting topics and gave his own word on the much discussed superiority of the PlayStation 3 over the Xbox 360. To read the complete interview, click
In the first of a new series of interviews with industry luminaries, we’re talking to ATI evangelist, Richard Huddy.
Richard is responsible for talking to Developers about ATI’s technology, and helping them to create technology that runs great on ATI hardware. Richard has previously lent his incredible graphics expertise to 3Dlabs and to NVIDIA. Most recently, he has been involved with the development and promotion of the graphics sub-system in the Xbox 360, designed for Microsoft by ATI.
The Xbox 360 architecture
I began by asking Richard for his opinion on the Xbox 360 archtecture. “I’m really impressed,” he commented, “It’s way better than I would have expected at this point in the history of 3D graphics. The unified shader architecture alone is capable of giving a performance increase of a factor of nearly two over the hardware that we have in PCs today. That’s because we see many cases, and this is particularly true on consoles, where games are limited by one of the two groups of engines in the graphics chip, either the vertex engines or the pixel engines. With a unified pipeline we can now devote 100% of the hardware to which ever task is the bottleneck.”
How does he think the sharing of memory between the graphics and the main memory will affect performance? Well, Richard explains that the shared memory is “Very different” from the technology implemented on the original Xbox, or even on today’s PC implementations.
“The intelligent memory gives pretty awesome speed – the bandwidth is up to 2 Terabits per second. That kind of power is almost unimaginable. The old terminology of ‘SMA (Shared Memory Architecture)’ simply doesn’t do justice to the flexibility and power of the Xbox 360. SMA is a term we have inherited from the PC and it usually has some negative connotations, but the Xbox 360 is really nothing like that.”
ATI’s Xenos Xbox chip
By now, you’d have to have been hidden under a rock to have avoided learning the details of the ATI graphics that power the 360, dubbed Xenos. 10MB of Embedded DRAM provide enough of a buffer to enable all 360 games to have Anti-Aliasing switched on, effectively for no performance hit. The question on everyone’s lips is: is this something that’s going to turn up on the PC any time soon?
“I’d be very surprised if these hardware features were implemented on the PC any time soon,” we’re told. “Microsoft has a very specific revision of DirectX (or Windows Graphics Foundation) for Xbox 360, just as they did with Xbox 1. DirectX for the PC includes no hardware specific instructions, because DirectX has to be 10 times more generic to work on a PC platform and the myriad of hardware configurations. I don’t think it will happen. Plus the architecture of the Xbox 360 is closed box – that means we can do special things there which have no comparison in the PC space.
"We practically have AA for free on the PC anyway right now. If the difference between 1280x1024 with no AA and 1280x1024 with 2x AA is 90 FPS and 70FPS, who wouldn’t turn the AA on? The performance hit isn’t going to be noticeable to most gamers – and with an X800 or X850 those kind of frame rates are common place.”
caren103 escribió:No sé por qué, pero me da que M$ ha elegido el camino más costoso y con peores resultados, en lugar del más simple y mejor..... para variar.
RubénGM escribió:¿El más simple sería tener un hardware 100% compatible rechazando todo cambio posible? Por mí que le den por detrás a la retrocompatibilidad xD
Molonator69 escribió:Se nota que no teneis muchos juegos originales.
Entonces que pasa con los que tenemos 40 o mas juegos originales???
si se nos jode la Xbox pos a mamarla no????.
Lo que tienen que hacer a la hora de diseñar una nueva consola es tener encuenta la compatibilidad.
Molonator69 escribió:Se nota que no teneis muchos juegos originales.
Entonces que pasa con los que tenemos 40 o mas juegos originales???
si se nos jode la Xbox pos a mamarla no????.
Molonator69 escribió:Lo que tienen que hacer a la hora de diseñar una nueva consola es tener encuenta la compatibilidad.
Molonator69 escribió:Se nota que no teneis muchos juegos originales.
Entonces que pasa con los que tenemos 40 o mas juegos originales???
si se nos jode la Xbox pos a mamarla no????.
Lo que tienen que hacer a la hora de diseñar una nueva consola es tener encuenta la compatibilidad.
GXY, unos pocos dólares? A saber cuanto pediría NVIDIA por ceder sus patentes para X360 ...
GXY escribió:añadir retrocompatibilidad por hardware solo hubiera supuesto unos pocos $$ mas en el resultado final.
yo los hubiera pagado, y muchos por aqui, tambien.
saludos cordiales.
GXY escribió:añadir retrocompatibilidad por hardware solo hubiera supuesto unos pocos $$ mas en el resultado final.
yo los hubiera pagado, y muchos por aqui, tambien.
saludos cordiales.
Chenchuken escribió:Para conseguir emular la xbox por hardware:
1) El micro de xbox360 es powerpc. Si quieres x86 tienes que meter el micro original de la xbox.
2) La arquitectura de la tarjeta gráfica tampoco es parecida a la de xbox. Como antes, si quieres emular por hardware xbox, has de meter el chip gráfico de nvidia.
Chenchuken escribió:Seguro que si ms hubiera pensado desde el principio del diseño de xbox360 la retrocompatibilidad, algún apaño podrían haber hecho. Lo que si me parece muy mal por parte de ms es implementar la retrocompatibilidad por software a toda prisa viendo que el resto de rivales la implementarán. Si crees que no es interesante, no la hagas. Pero no cambies de opinión según lo que hagan los demás.
Maxtorete escribió:Eso, y si ves que vas a sacar un producto de segundo orden, ten cojones y al menos arruínate con orgullo.
Maxtorete escribió:Sony y Nintendo ya dijeron que sus próximas máquinas serían compatibles, Ms ha esperado a tener el diseño final del hardware de la consola para incluirla. Yo mientras pueda jugar a los juegos que verdaderamente podré tener ganas de jugar dentro de un par de años, me doy por satisfecho, a mí sólo me va el retro arcade, no saco mi PS1 desde que la metí en el armario hace 3 años.
Chenchuken escribió:Es que en este caso es distinto. Pero aun así no es recomendable. Sólo hay que ver lo que le pasó a sega con saturn.
Chenchuken escribió:Yo pienso que la retrocompatibilidad, en el mundo de las consolas, siempre será un extra. EMO nunca se puede exigir como requisito imprescindible para su compra . ¿Es deseable? Sí. ¿Impresdincible? No.
Basar la compra de una consola a que lleve o no retrocompatibilidad no le veo sentido. Te compras la consola para jugar a los juegos que vengan para ella. Si además puedes jugar a los antiguos pues mejor.
GXY escribió:bueno bueno bueno...
asi que por software y con un wrapper eh
bueno, creo que podemos dar por sentado quee...
que no os deshagais de la xbox queridos...pq por lo visto, va a ser mejor no ejecutar con la X360 nada de xbox...total, para tener un ultrahle cutre subido de vueltas...
saludos cordiales.
shadow land escribió:
el camino de sony será aún más cutre, así q no os corrais de gusto tan rapido.
RubénGM escribió:Cuenta, cuenta... mi lado cotilla pide más detalles xD
Kutaragui "loco" san escribió:sel muy calo ps2 incluir en
shadow land escribió:
lo he dicho ya en otro hilo,pero Sony lo tiene más chungo a mi parecer q sony, ya que también van por la via soft, aunque to dios da por supuesto q van pro la via hard, cuando no es así, según el propio kutaragui "loco" san, y dicho tal cual en una entrevista de las ultimas que ha hecho (creo q la 3ª parte en pc-watch):
israel escribió:La retrocompatibilidad es prioridad numero 1 para Sony.
israel escribió:
La retrocompatibilidad es prioridad numero 1 para Sony.
shadow land escribió:
menos mal, por que todavía no han dicho al gran publico que será mediante emulación y no via hard, con lo que habra MUCHOS problemas de compatbilidad, estabilidad y velocidad con muchos titulos (debidos por ejemplo, a la ausencia total de edram)
takeda escribió:
¿Solo muchos? carallo, si al final la PS3 de $ony va a ser mejor verla de lejos.......al final ni el Final Fantasy VII va a mover la pobre...![]()
takeda escribió:De acuerdo Crujidor...estoy deacuerdo contigo en que es mas dificil...pero las cosas dificiles tambien se pueden hacer bien ¿no? y no existir esos problemas de 'compatbilidad, estabilidad y velocidad con muchos titulos' que das como seguros si $ony hace su trabajo e implementa una buena emulación...
oslando escribió:kutaragi ha dicho que la emulacion de ps2 esta basada tanto por hard como por soft, asi que lo mas seguro es que tengas razon.
un saludo.
Interview with Kutaragui "crazy" san on PC-Watch. Part 3 escribió:
- As for maintenance of compatibility with combination of hardware and software
As for the compatibility of past PlayStation actualizing with the hardware?
Kutaragi: You take with the combination of the hardware and the software. You try if probably to do (with just the software) how it becomes, but just which drives to perfectly close compatibility, it is important.
As for the person who develops the software unexpected, the fact that you cannot imagine is done. For example, however it is not logical as a program, you said that it moved accidentally. It is moving however, with, that is moving with, is a kind of case which is said in completely another reason. Passing through also our tests, "as for this cord/code which is what! "There are times when the cord/code which we would like to see passes.
We do not take either the compatibility for the cord/code such as that and the て is not good. ) Just a little it is painful but, because there is no logic, (to take compatibility with just the software. There are also times when hard becomes necessary. If so, this time (PS3) there is a power of extent, as for a certain place the correspondence such as with the software can do the place where it is hard.
When the cord/code of CPU side is emulated with the software, as for the endian of CPU.
Kutaragi: Therefore as for Cell bi- endian, how it becomes.
Maxtorete escribió:Parece que se confirma el acuerdo con NVIDIA para licenciar la teconología usada en Xbox y ayudar a la retrocompatibilidad.