Shipping 4 million by the end of the year (in Japan!)
Pokemon Battle Revolution will be out a few months after Pearl/Diamond and will link with the DS game.
New games (not just the emulated stuff) on Virtual Console could also be 500-1000 yen.
Main DS-Wii connectivity will be:
- touch-screen controller
- Wii = DS station, like the shop kiosks
- DS games can be expanded via Wii
Stats (for Japan):
32% of DS owners bought Animal Crossing
23% Mario Kart
14% Tetris
20% New Super Mario Bros
10 titles have shipped a million now, quite a feat.
Opera will be delayed a month... coming out in July now.
The Oneseg TV tuner will go on sale in Autumn and will cost "approximately half the price of the DS hardware" = ~8400 yen.
Nintendo aims to continue the Touch Generations series, with the balance between "non-games" and games being very important to them. Seems they want to get more non-gamers into games gradually - the above stats seem to indicate such a motion.
Pokemon will have wi-fi worldwide voicechat.
Bueno,de DS no mucha cosa...
En Julio me veo a todo el mundo importando el Opera.Esperemos que sea multilenguaje y funcione totalmente en territorio español.
Habeis visto los graficos del Pokemon Wii???Q pinta,no?