DGen Genesis Emulator for XBox v1

PuMa está baneado por "se acabó lo que se daba"
A parte de esde de sega genesis que salio ayer tambien han ido saliendo de neogeo pocket, de NES nuevo.. y alguno más

DGen Genesis Emulator for XBox v1

Put roms in \SGENROMS

Same features as all the others (sound, cheat, savegames), except no save states.
It might be a while before you see save states for this one,
so don't hold your breath.

Should have the same compatibility as DGen.

Certain games are flaky and can really screw up the emulator to the point
where it won't run any games correctly anymore. Instead of rebooting,
I've added an option to reload the emulator XBE file. To do this,
press the Left-Thumb and Right-Thumb analog joysticks as if they were buttons.
I've verified this to work off the HD. It should work off a CD, but I
have not tried it.

Also - if you load up a game and it does nothing but give you a black screen,
you should reload the emulator XBE. If you don't you'll probably soon have to
do a hard reboot of the XBox because the XBE will lock up tight. Again, this
is due to some flakiness in the emulator.

You can make a file called "DGEN.INI" and put it in the same directory as the XBE file.
The contents of the DGEN.INI file should look like the following:

20 12

20 is the number of pixels you want all menu text to be shifted to the right
12 is the height in pixels of the font you wish to use.

If you want to use a different font for the game listing, just overwrite the
Font12.xpr file with the font of your choice. Then, set the pixel height of
the font in the DGEN.INI file.

Thanks to "Dave" for this great emulator and for making it open source!

Stella, Gnuboy, SMSPlus, FCEUltra, HUGO, NeoPop, DGen....what's next?


9419e5c07ae3d0f94032acf7a4e7864a *default.xbe
c40f7851b82008792ed9f7f3e15a3e95 *hugonew.bak
Yo kiero uno de N64 ya¡¡, y k el de gba me grabe las partidas de Golden sun :(((

Salu2.- ¬_¬
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