fuente: vnunet
la compañia que hace panda, dice que han encontrado un virus y que se aprovecha de lo del buffer overflow.
como ya todos saben esto no es cierto, pero es una curiosidad.
casi han hecho un copypaste de cuando se detecta un trojan o virus en windows, "existe un agujero por el cual se puede meter codigo malicioso, el cual podria causar la perdida de datos o daño en el sistema."
Sony's PlayStation Portable handheld console could be infected by malicious code using a buffer overflow vulnerability, according to a warning from an antivirus company.
Panda Software said that proof-of-concept code already exists that exploits this flaw and works on all versions of PSP firmware that can view TIFF files.
"The vulnerability is particularly dangerous as it could be exploited through malicious code programmed for this purpose or even directly by hackers," said Luis Corrons, director of PandaLabs.
Last year, PandaLabs detected the Format.A and Tahen Trojans that were designed to target the PSP and could delete files and even render the console unusable.
"It is highly recommended not to install software on consoles that does not come from reliable sources, and before doing so it is advisable to scan it first with an updated antivirus solution," said Corrons.