Que mas quisiera!
las invitaciones han llegado, por lo que he leido, a los webmasters de páginas como bemaniso y bemanistyle.
Lo de la patente para juegos de batería en territorio USA... pues pagado a la MTV será. al fin y al cabo se han forrado con el Guitar Hero. Me parece una apuesta segura.
El texto de la invitación:
""Congratulations from Harmonix (makers of Guitar Hero, Karaoke
Revolution, and Amplitude). You (and your red shoes) have been selected
to join us here at Harmonix HQ for a playtest. We are located near the
Central Square T stop in Cambridge, MA.
We currently have the following days and times open. Please select 3 or
so in order of preference that best fits your schedule. Slots are
filling up fast, so please sign up quickly. Sessions run about 1 hour.
Tuesday April 10: 5-6 or 6:30-7:30
Wednesday April 11: 5-6 or 6:30-7:30
Thursday April 12: 5-6 or 6:30-7:30
Thank you! We couldn't make games without you!
- Matt Boch
- Harmonix Music Systems""
PD: no era en Nueva York