Siento traer este hilo del inframundo pero es que este tema me interesa.
(de x-bit labs)
Mr. Huddy said that Xbox 360 game console, which sports developed by ATI Xenos graphics core with unified shader architecture and 48 shader processors, loses 20% to 25% performance in pixel-shader limited games, when its graphics chip is configured as non-unified, e.g.,16 processors work strictly on vertex shaders, whereas 32 are assigned for pixel shaders.
Microsoft Corp. pushes unified shader language for pixel, vertex and geometry shaders in its Windows Vista graphics application programming interface (API) – DirectX 10. As a result of that, graphics hardware designers should deliver their chips with unified shader engines at some point in future in order to more efficiently support the new API. Unified shader processors allow graphics chip to configure itself flexibly for every frame, which provides additional horsepower to the most demanding part of the workload.
Traditional GPUs have dedicated pixel shader and vertex shader processors. In cases, where a frame being rendered contains a lot of geometry and just a few pixel shaders to determine colour, the performance is limited by vertex shaders, while pixel processors are standing idle. GPUs with unified shader processors will have special scheduler inside them, which will determine the load from pixel, vertex and geometry shaders and then assign appropriate number of processors for every kind of work. This will allow to utilize all the computing power of the GPU, believes ATI.
Por tanto, Xenos fue creado con la intencion de soportar algo similar a pixel shader 4.0, y como dice el señor Huddy aqui, teoricamente el xenos podria aumentar su capacidad grafica entre un 20 y un 25% si se empieza a usar la grafica con esta tecnologia.
Nadie habla de Directx 10 (ya que este solo existira para vista), pero si de algo que permita usar esta tecnologia (unified shader architecture) en las 360, aumentando por tanto su capacidad grafica.
Crysis, come to us!