Discjuggler por favor ayuda

mirar tengo un problema y es k tengo varios juegos autobooteables de la dream y joder he oido k la unica manera de pasarlos al hd es el diskjuggler y joder lo he intentado pero justo al final me da fallo (al hacer la imagen) y he probao kn varios juegos
Lo pudes pasar con cualquier version superior al NERO 5.5 (incluido) y con el cloneCD , entre otros.
mierda no se pk da fallo siempre en el mismo sector cn todos los programas!!!!!mierda y no se pk pk ni sikiera lo intenta leer, da fallo directamente
Si el CD-rom es malillo, metelos con la grabadora, aunq no te recomiendo q le des mucho tute.
no ia he probao kn varipos lectores y la grabata
A mi me pasaba lo mismo, la solucion fue encontrar una version superior del programa (y es necesario que este registrada)
Tambien te recomiendo que en las opciones deactives el raw de tugrabadora.

Ya nos diras algo
CDIfix 0.2 (C) 2000 by DeXT


** Warning! Please make a backup copy of your CDI image before using this! **

** This is beta software and can still have bugs!!


- completely rewritten steal-logic routine
0.1 beta3
- internal release
0.1 beta2
- major bugfix (LBAs weren't changed)
0.1 beta
- didn't work properly (sorry)

This program is intended for people that has trouble when trying to record
certain CDI images with some recorders such as Mitsumi (and perhaps others)
and DiscJuggler keeps saying "Illegal field in command descriptor block"
error. Also, if your recorder is not supported by DiscJuggler but you still
can't write it correctly with CDIrip, I would recommend you to scan/fix it
with CDIfix then try to burn with CDIrip again.

Please be aware that this error can be due to old or incompatible ASPI drivers
so update them and try again before using this.

After some research I've found that some recorders can't write tracks with
less than 302 sectors, and there are some CD images that has 300-sectors sized
tracks. These burners won't be able to burn those images, althought their
recorders are supposed to be supported by DiscJuggler. Recorders affected
are: Mitsumi, Ricoh, Iomega, Waitec, some Philips and HP 7100/7200/8200/8250,
Sony CRX-120... etc.

This little utility does a very simple thing which will allow those recorders
to burn these images with no problems: it will enlarge those short tracks up
to 302 sectors by stealing sectors from a contiguous track. This way total
image size won't change.

Anyways, this is a very early version that has many limitations:

- Only 300-sectors sized tracks are supported now (all I've seen, though)

- 2 contiguous short-tracks are supported now (with limitations, read below)

- Only Audio tracks are supported

- Single audio track CDs are not supported (and probably won't) so only
images with two or more audio tracks can be fixed

And about this contiguous-tracks thing, you should be aware that in current
version sectors can be stolen from immediately contiguous tracks only. So
provided there are 4 audio tracks:

"4000, 300, 300, 4000" will work, but
"300, 300, 4000, 4000" or
"4000, 4000, 300, 300" won't

The usage is very simple, just write the name of the image to be tested and
fixed next to the program's name in the command line, just like CDIrip:

cdifix image.cdi

It will then start scanning image. If a short track is found, it will try to
fix it by changing its size and stealing sectors from a contiguous track.

Please be aware that this program will alter your CDI image! Please make a
backup copy for security reasons.

If any error is found the program will stop. If not, after examining all
tracks it will end with a "Image is now fixed!" message and hopefully now you
can burn your CDI image with no problems!

Hope you like it.

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