Disco Duro - Bricomania

:: Pues queria saber si alguien ha tratado de crear su propio HD para la blanquita. Hace unas semanas pude leer en un foro ingles que existia la posiblidad con ciertos HD-Sata de Western Digitals.
Existe una aplicación que lo transforma como si uno de M$ fuese.
Unicamente puedo decir que entendí que dicho SW corre en el verdadero MS-Dos y que necesita una key de un disco original.

Pero no se exactamente como hacen para conectarlo a la blanca.

¿Existe la posibilidad de no tener que instalar el antiguo MS-Dos?
Ya que tendria que reorganizar totalmente el HD pq dicho SO unicamente puede ser instalado en la primera partición del HD del PC.

Gracias x la ayuda

Les dejo parte del Leeme del hddhacker

This tool will allow you to use HDD's that are not 'certified' by Microsoft.
This specific tool is written for use with the Western Digital BEVS series
only !

How it works:

x360 HDD's contain information on sector 16 about the HDD: the HDD serial
number, the model, the firmware version and the size in sectors is stored
here. The x360 asks the HDD to identify itself, by sending an 'IDENTIFY DEVICE'
ATA to the HDD. It will compare the returned information to the info that is
stored on sector 16. This information on sector 16 is signed and thus can not
be changed. This tool will mod the FW from the WD HDD to comply with the
information on sector 16, so that the 'identify' information will match the
information on sector 16 and your x360 will accept the HDD as valid.

How to use:

Get yourself a Western Digital SATA BEVS HDD. Copy sectors 16 - 22 (7
sectors) from a valid x360 HDD to the Western Digital. Then, boot to dos
(not a dos box from windows) and run this application. Make sure that you
have ONLY this Western Digital drive connected to your sata controller, have
the other devices disconnected. Then follow the instructions on screen. Keep
in mind that you have to start the utility from a writable path if you want
to create an 'undo' file (it will save it to the path you've started the
tool from). Make sure that you have FIRST copied the sectors 16-22 onto
the drive, BEFORE using this tool ! The tool will need that info on sector 16,
otherwise it doesn't know how to mod your FW.

After the tool has flashed your drive, turn off your computer, wait a few seconds,
restart your computer and re-run the tool. The tool will tell you then whether the
whole thing was succesful.

:: Solo se pueden usar 20GB ::

:: ¿Esta practica es la técnica famosa de los baneos del live? ::
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