He leido : Q) Will there be an adapter kit available for the V4 PS2 consoles?
A) We have already designed and tested V4 BIOS clips. They are available in two variants - V4 44 pin No Gap and V4 44 pin Gap, they will be available through your retailer shortly after release. The Eject PCB V5-V8 and the DSP clip, are in fact, already actually compatible, so you will only need a V4 version of the BIOS clip to be able to use the E.Z.I. products on your V4.
pero no me acabo de enterar bien bien, que quiere decir? que proximamente estaran...o que quiere decir? es que entiendo mas o menos ingles, pero si ya en vocabulario tecnico...
PD: Ya lo he comprendido, ahi pone "they will be available through your retailer shortly after release".
Quiere decir que proximamente estaran?
Según pone ahí, solo me hace falta ese clip para poder usar el chip que quiero, no?