Bueno chavos la verdad este juego es un poco picante por que eso de tocar a las niñas es lo mejor y mas cuando lo mejor lo dejaron al ultimo.
por que digo eso por que la puedes tocar a la enfermera y a la hermana de la emfermera en total de monos para ayudarte son 8 personajes a quien puedes tocar bueno nueve contando a la hermana de la emfermera pero a ella no la puedes escojer de ayudante por que es el jefe fonal y valla que que jefe final.
Bueno les ubiera puesto en mi firma la ultima imagenes que dice fin pero como pasa la hada muy rapidamente no lo puedo poner a parte es un fondo negro con letras manoscritas y dice fin pero mejor no les cuento el final.
y si necesitan ayuda n o duden en pedirla bueno al menos si se las puedo dar por que la verdad creo que me lo acabe de puto churro
![más risas [+risas]](/images/smilies/nuevos/risa_ani3.gif)
pero eso de pasar a las monitas cuando las tocas o algo asi que se atoren les puedo ayudar ok.
Informacion del Juego en ingles
Akuji /
LuLu /
Maho /
Gyaku Panda /
Maria /
Renge /
Ayame /
Yuuma /
Merry /
Akuji Nishimura (Player)
Hero(?) of this game. Chosen by arch-angel, accompanied by angel LuLu.
He is junior high student work hard on searching for witches.
He is proud to be a bad boy and forced to cooperate by the threat of change him into a good boy.
Angel LuLu
Angel probationer, who is overconfident to call herself [Mistress LuLu].
She is the outrageous navigator, that groundlessly deal with the things and her actions are totally relies on intuition. However, she is astonishingly weak against influential person and never defies the angels of the higher class.
"He-he-he. Now, my servant!
For me, Mistress Lulu, just quickly find out the witches."
[honbun]-Witch suspect introduction[/honbun]
Maho Akai
14 years old
Belong to cheerleading club
An exceedingly tender-hearted girl, who will cheer anyone in trouble in spite of herself.
Inside the school-yard she is one of the most conspicuous people. But out of school-yard, nobody ever sees Maho.
There might have some secretc
"Maho will cheer you! Work hard to find out the witches!"
Witch Probability=50% (LuLu's opinion)
Gyaku Panda
? years old, who knowsc
He (?) is the panda (?) whose coloring is perfectly opposite of normal panda.
He is reticent and is ubiquitous. Sometimes do some shopping in a convenience store, and sometimes is lost in thought at the rooftop of the school.
It seems he have a good relation with Maho.
Maria Abe
14 years old
Belong to occult club
She is the chairperson of the class and in favor of occult. Also she is the childhood friend of Akuji since primary school.
She is doing well at school and always keeps her presence of mind. But only when she involved in the topic about occults, like UFO, she is totally out of her mind. Subscriber of the monthly "Nuu"
"I say Nishimura, witch really do exist! I can show you the evidence!"
Witch Probability=80% (LuLu's opinion)
Renge Oda
13 years old
Not belong to any school club
Peculiar girl as she is the big fan of the old games. She carries the portable game device (Neo-Geo Pocket) about with her all the time.
Normally, she is very quiet girl who rarely speaks out only except the topics about the games.
Her treasure is the NES Cassette of [ATHENA] with a cassette tape.
"Humm, witch? Other than the old games, I know nothing about it."
Witch Probability=30% (LuLu's opinion)
Ayame Midoh
15 years old
Not belong to any school club
Only daughter of Shinto shrine and is the classmate of Akuji. She is the student in the school and the maiden in the shrine, which should make her really busy. However, there are witnesses often see her in the townc
She is a girl of few words. With a certain air as maiden, she doesn't get along with others that much.
"cWitch? RidiculouscYou are speaking nonsense."
Witch Probability=45% (LuLu's opinion)
Yuuma Mochizuki
13 years old
Not belong to any school club
He is the lower classman to Akuji. He is an obedient boy and takes everything too serious. Get injured all the time and go to the hospital regularly.
A pair of pajamas wearing under the school uniform is the vestige of the repeated hospitalized.
"Hmm!? Witch!? That cannot be mecyou see, I am a boy."
Witch Probability=40% (LuLu's opinion)
Merry Watabiki
12 years old
Belong to Costume Club
She is a strange girl who always wears the fluffy costume.
Normally she is tranquil, but when she gets angrycsomething fearful occurs.
Really hard to deal with her, others handled her gingerly.
"Merry don't know anything about witchc
I said I don't know you damncOopscIt's nothing."
Witch Probability=70% (LuLu's opinion)
Eve Seiya
23 years old
A school physician
A talented woman not only works as a school physician, but also able to substitute for a teacher.
She is having adult's sex appeal; however she herself didn't realize it.
She yet is a new teacher, but others already have trust in her, and popular among the students.
"What's the matter with you? Since a short while ago, you just stared at my breast.
I wondercAm I the witch suspect as well??"
Witch Probability=99% (LuLu's opinion)